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Old 07-01-2024, 10:26 AM   #1911
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Oh, the "Yes I'm blatantly lying what are you going to do about it?" tactic. That's always fun to deal with.

The group is anxious to get away from the area. They have some coins, which Leon says will get them food and help them upgrade their wardrobe to fit in better.

Rajat asks Peter for a rundown of his magic. Will Peter hold back anything specific from his list?

Leon asks where he is from, in a "Which state and city and what its like?" sort of context rather than "What world". Will Peter hold back any of that basic information.

Ann wants a list of all the worlds he's visited, and tries to connect them with worlds she know about. The miracle worker worlds you have the same names for. Most of the others she has never heard of (do you hold any of the worlds back?)
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Old 07-01-2024, 01:56 PM   #1912
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Oh, the "Yes I'm blatantly lying what are you going to do about it?" tactic. That's always fun to deal with.
He was more answering the "do we need to keep looking" part. I don't feel like it's really lying when the answer is obvious and you've hung a lantern on that you don't want to discuss it with the wink and a disarming smile.

Rajat asks Peter for a rundown of his magic. Will Peter hold back anything specific from his list?

Leon asks where he is from, in a "Which state and city and what its like?" sort of context rather than "What world". Will Peter hold back any of that basic information.

Ann wants a list of all the worlds he's visited, and tries to connect them with worlds she know about. The miracle worker worlds you have the same names for. Most of the others she has never heard of (do you hold any of the worlds back?)
Peter is open and answers their questions, and is happy to hear about related worlds as they try and piece together ones they're familiar with or not. He's pretty much an open book.
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Old 07-02-2024, 06:59 AM   #1913
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Rajat is happy at how much Peter can do: he frequently asks him to use Karana to scout (lighters make making smoke so much easier), and makes sure everyone has the local language. He also makes sure Peter has a knife ("sorry, we should get you a sword, but those are expensive... we'll see. extra cutting power is useful")

When Peter mentions the command, Leon gets a little nervous. "You have mind control? like, you could tell me to reveal secrets and I'd do it?"

Ann: "They have much better mind control on this world than that. we need to be careful."

Talking about Massachusetts is lighthearted. Ann is trying to remember if there is an "echo" at that time or not.

"Its too bad we don't have you back in the lab. We could at least figure out your home timeline. And its too bad you don't bring objects with you."


After scouting a village, they go in and buy clothing and food. Headed out, Rajat is quite happy "We speak like locals, we dress like locals --- we should be fine."

two miles later, you run into three large flightless birds with enormous beaks. Something in the back of Peter's mind says "Terror Bird". They start heading towards the group.

Ann and Leon look at Rajat.

Rajat mutters. "I left the gun behind like you told me Ann. Why didn't you mention hostile wildlife?"

Rajat looks at Peter and the dog. "Can you handle this?"

Ann: "The file didn't say anything about hostile wildlife!"
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Old 07-03-2024, 02:24 PM   #1914
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"I can give it a try... can we spare some of the food?"

Peter will approach gently, offering some food try and befriend the birds.
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Old 07-06-2024, 09:17 PM   #1915
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Rajat: "Ahh, yes, some of the food. Yeah, that's expendable."

The Birds have no fear of him. He ends up throwing the food so they don't snap at his hand. And snap they do! they're hungry and insistent. Coming closer and asking for more.

(Good roll -- a 10. At least now they're not starving).

Peter has memories of lessons about not feeding animals return in his head... Mostly about not teaching wildlife to beg from humans. these animals will want lots of food from him. But they're not going to attack now. At least not anything other than the food bag.
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Old 07-07-2024, 01:34 AM   #1916
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

As they are beasts and susceptible to Peter's Call of the Wild and Animal Empathy, he will encourage them to move along and leave the group alone, and are hopefully satisfied by a snack and not a full feeding.

Peter is pleased the others trusted him to deal with the obstacle, and that he was able to do so without resorting to force or magic.
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Old 07-08-2024, 09:58 AM   #1917
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Rolling diplomacy... a 13. so success by 2 before modifiers...but they roll an 11.

Peter convinces the birds that he's given them all the food he has (It seems they can't smell the rest of it), and the birds move on.

Your traveling companions are somewhat impressed:

Leon: "So was that magic or something else? I didn't hear you give any commands like you described."

Rajat: "We'll need to buy more food... but that was probably worth it."

Ann: "Beautiful creatures. Once they're gone. There is a lot about this world that'd be attractive if you didn't get stuck and hunted by the locals."

Rajat: "Lets hope they don't come back."

They hike all day. Peter keeps up just fine: Ann seems to struggle the most "I'm not supposed to be in the field. I wasn't trained for this. Give me a moment to rest."

The terrain is a mix of cultivated land and wilderness.

As the sun dips in the sky, Leon mutters that they won't make their destination of a trading town, and they'll have to either sleep outdoors or convince a village to trust them enough to accept money for a roof--- without invoking their status as Banestorm victims.
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Old 07-08-2024, 12:29 PM   #1918
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Your traveling companions are somewhat impressed:

Leon: "So was that magic or something else? I didn't hear you give any commands like you described."

Rajat: "We'll need to buy more food... but that was probably worth it."
""Magic? No, I trained Goliath and I've worked with horses... I'm just good with animals. I could give an order to one, or make the machete sharper, but I don't have much magic that's really 'fight-y'... Karana make great distractions and are good for scouting around corners and over treetops."
Ann: "Beautiful creatures. Once they're gone. There is a lot about this world that'd be attractive if you didn't get stuck and hunted by the locals."

Rajat: "Lets hope they don't come back."
"Hunted? Are you sure? Are the people on the beach and the aliens going to be okay? WHen I met the locals and they said more would come for the people, I assumed it would be to help them."
They hike all day. Peter keeps up just fine: Ann seems to struggle the most "I'm not supposed to be in the field. I wasn't trained for this. Give me a moment to rest."

The terrain is a mix of cultivated land and wilderness.

As the sun dips in the sky, Leon mutters that they won't make their destination of a trading town, and they'll have to either sleep outdoors or convince a village to trust them enough to accept money for a roof--- without invoking their status as Banestorm victims.
Peter finds Ann a nice fallen tree limb of a good size and diameter and neatens it up with his machete to provide her a walking stick for their travels

If the weather isn't extreme, Peter has no objection to sleeping rough.

As they travel and camp, Peter enjoys examining the local flora and fauna for differences from home, and examines the leaves and the bugs scurrying along them... He tries to distract himself from his worry that he should not have left the other refugees on the beach to fend for themselves.
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Old 07-09-2024, 01:47 PM   #1919
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
""Magic? No, I trained Goliath and I've worked with horses... I'm just good with animals. I could give an order to one, or make the machete sharper, but I don't have much magic that's really 'fight-y'... Karana make great distractions and are good for scouting around corners and over treetops."
Rajat: "You described Yaka. That sounds fantastic on the battlefield."

"Hunted? Are you sure? Are the people on the beach and the aliens going to be okay? WHen I met the locals and they said more would come for the people, I assumed it would be to help them."
Ann: "And that's what best for the people who washed up on the beach. The locals will find jobs for them, teach them their new laws, and find a life for them. And take away all their high-tech stuff. We don't want to be settled. We would like to make it to Tedroy and then get back to homeline. Especially since my profession is engineer and Rajat here is a soldier."

Peter finds Ann a nice fallen tree limb of a good size and diameter and neatens it up with his machete to provide her a walking stick for their travels
She appreciates the gift.

If the weather isn't extreme, Peter has no objection to sleeping rough.
There are dark clouds off to the south, where the storm came from. No one is sure if it will rain tonight.

Rajat would like to find something: "Its just low-tech villagers. No one serious." Ann and Leon agree they'd like to try and get a place in a village. "Do you think we should sleep outdoors, or are you just being accommodating?"

As they travel and camp, Peter enjoys examining the local flora and fauna for differences from home, and examines the leaves and the bugs scurrying along them...
The Flora and Fauna are are quite distinct. He's never seen it before. Some areas must be more distinct than others. much of it is unplaced, some of it is from central America... but its much drier than the jungles he hiked around there in.

He tries to distract himself from his worry that he should not have left the other refugees on the beach to fend for themselves.
That is an interesting decision. What was his reasoning?
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Old 07-09-2024, 02:52 PM   #1920
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Rajat: "You described Yaka. That sounds fantastic on the battlefield."
"I guess if you're prepared... but against birds? I can't do armor without the funky jacket, shield is only good against projectiles, blade makes your knife nastier, but doesn't make you any better at the actual stabbing, which I'm not great at or inclined to do. I thought about using the Voice to make the leader 'Flee' or 'Submit' and see how that worked, but only being able to affect one at a time...

Just feeding the birds is a much better option.

I think the voice is cool, but I really learned Yaka for emergency healing.
If I was a great knife fighter who had metal armor "

Ann: "And that's what best for the people who washed up on the beach. The locals will find jobs for them, teach them their new laws, and find a life for them. And take away all their high-tech stuff. We don't want to be settled. We would like to make it to Tedroy and then get back to homeline. Especially since my profession is engineer and Rajat here is a soldier."
"Okay, that's not so bad... when you said hunted, I got worried about them being prey!"
Rajat would like to find something: "Its just low-tech villagers. No one serious." Ann and Leon agree they'd like to try and get a place in a village. "Do you think we should sleep outdoors, or are you just being accommodating?"
"Accommodating really... But I spend a lot of time sleeping rough, so I'm pretty easy."

That is an interesting decision. What was his reasoning?
None of the groups seemed in overt danger, none seemed particularly interested in his attempts to bring them all together and the talk from the locals and Homeliners made Peter question whether he can leave here under his own power.

And as these are the first corporeal NON-humans (cute kitty-girls not withstanding) Peter has encountered... I feel anyone who was not a xenophile would be kinda uncomfortable. The gods are weird, sure, but these guys are ALIEN.
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