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Old 10-04-2023, 01:58 PM   #1611
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Helmut: "You're mistaken about where your magic comes from. But you don't seem to know. And I'm in no position to criticize. I will vouch for you, if you will keep my secret."
Peter goes along with this, and tried not to broadcast that he really doesn't know this guys 'secret' unless it's just that he's got magic... But with the way they look at things here, maybe that's enough. He enjoys the opportunity to plagiarize a bit.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Helmut, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"I don't know of a way to break the spell. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. But no one on this mountain is going to know. Which means we need to kill or drive it off."

"But perhaps you know something. How could you tell what I am? You seem quite comfortable in your power."
"Could your brother know about these curses or how to break them? And does he know your deal? ... I mean your situation."

"Okay, as long as we are keeping each other's secrets, that's my second weird gift. I can kind of sense sources of magic. your brother is over there, and the creature is that way."
Peter points as he indicates the directions.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Helmut is no longer hostile, but his guard's not completely down. It seems he's being honest, but very careful. Peter terrifies him.
Peter will flash another disarming smile and continue to try and calm the man's fears. He is not exactly pleased by it, but the irony of this sword-wielding warrior being unnerved by a boy is not lost on him.
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Old 10-05-2023, 08:58 AM   #1612
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Helmut: "Theoretically, Gerwin might. In practice? He's the priest of a backwater village on an obscure mountain. We can ask him, but don't get your hopes up."

"No tracking, no traces, you just know where we are? So if I round up the militia we can go take care of this right now?"
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Old 10-05-2023, 10:57 AM   #1613
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"So, Does Gerwin know about your situation? Is he going to be cool with me and what I can do?"

Peter would like to talk to Gerwin before forming a posse. He's interested in seeing if he knows anything about curse-breaking and how the local magic works so maybe they can figure out a way to save the afflicted person rather than just kill them.

Peter would also like to "prove" he's not evil, possibly by seeing if he can do any of the tricks bestowed by "the light" or figure out a way to circumvent it so he can bass the church barrier.

Peter will lead them to the creature if that is determined to be the best course once it is discussed with the brothers. Otherwise he will lend his skills to the village and try to be generally helpful in general and assist with any carpentry or join a hunting party if it comes up.
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Old 10-06-2023, 09:48 AM   #1614
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"So, Does Gerwin know about your situation? Is he going to be cool with me and what I can do?"
Helmut: "Gerwin has no idea what I am. He thinks I'm just a soldier. He just might tolerate you. be on your best behavior"

Peter would like to talk to Gerwin before forming a posse. He's interested in seeing if he knows anything about curse-breaking and how the local magic works so maybe they can figure out a way to save the afflicted person rather than just kill them.
Helmut: "If you insist. it might be better to hunt during the day as well"

Peter would also like to "prove" he's not evil, possibly by seeing if he can do any of the tricks bestowed by "the light" or figure out a way to circumvent it so he can bass the church barrier.
Is he going to discuss that with Helmut, or is he just trying to come up with ideas?

Healing seems to generally be "of the light", and he's demonstrated that on Goliath... on someone else might also be useful. As for getting past the church barrier ("ward")... is there anything he would like to try?

Peter will lead them to the creature if that is determined to be the best course once it is discussed with the brothers. Otherwise he will lend his skills to the village and try to be generally helpful in general and assist with any carpentry or join a hunting party if it comes up.
I think we need to to the scene with Gerwin first.

Helmut leads Peter to the church, and calls for Gerwin: "Come out! He's not a threat. At least no more than any other unknown wanderer."

The priest comes out, still burning incense. "Why can't he cross the ward? He's touch by magic."

Helmut: "In the army, they use people cursed by magic as weapons. Some are out of control. Some maintain control. This boy is one of the latter."

Gerwin: "Then send him back to the army where they can properly watch him."

Helmut: "The army is a long ways off. Let him stay a day or two. Besides, he can track down that beast for us."

Gerwin seems to search for words, but comes up with nothing. Finally, he says: "Let the army can deal with the army's failure. He can stay and help us deal with this monster. And then long enough to send him to the army."

Peter interjects to ask if there is a way to cure the man rather than slaying his beastly form.

Gerwin: "If the beast can be subdued and brought here, I will make an attempt. I do not like my chances against foul sorcery though."
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Old 10-09-2023, 12:04 AM   #1615
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Healing seems to generally be "of the light", and he's demonstrated that on Goliath... on someone else might also be useful. As for getting past the church barrier ("ward")... is there anything he would like to try?
If Helmut will assist in facilitating introductions, Peter will heal any who have injuries and let him try and help.

As for the Barrier, he periodically tries to focus his "magic-sense" on each of the sources, both to keep track of any movements, but also in the hopes of further analysis.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Gerwin: "If the beast can be subdued and brought here, I will make an attempt. I do not like my chances against foul sorcery though."
"I will do my best to help to bring them to you then. Thank you for trying. I understand it can be necessary to end life, but hopefully it can be avoided. Can you tell me about the light?"

Peter will try and learn what he can about the priests magic and see if he can get anything demonstrated, or perhaps have a discussion about the ritual to cure the afflicted.

Once preparations can be made, Peter will lead those will accompany him and Helmut on the creature's trail in the light of day.
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Old 10-09-2023, 09:19 AM   #1616
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
If Helmut will assist in facilitating introductions, Peter will heal any who have injuries and let him try and help.
Peter will try and learn what he can about the priests magic and see if he can get anything demonstrated, or perhaps have a discussion about the ritual to cure the afflicted.
The Victim has just been brought to the church. She is bandaged, but quite injured. Peter offers to heal her, but she looks terrified at the suggestion and insists on Gerwin doing it, even after Peter asks Helmut to vouch for him.

Gerwin's healing feels very similar to Thuroma's method, but he's drawing on the strength of the magic around church as well as his own. He's using incense, but Peter is pretty sure its not actually necessary to the method Gerwin is using. It seems to pull on something from... beyond, though Peter is pretty sure that the original Thuroman Healing method did that too. Peter can't see exactly what's being done: the healing is inside the walls.

As for the Barrier, he periodically tries to focus his "magic-sense" on each of the sources, both to keep track of any movements, but also in the hopes of further analysis.
Note: analysis works best on things he's already seen similar things to. Thus the wealth of information on Gerwin's healing but the mystery about the ward.

"I will do my best to help to bring them to you then. Thank you for trying. I understand it can be necessary to end life, but hopefully it can be avoided. Can you tell me about the light?"
Gerwin looks at his brother: "I thought you said he was alright."

Helmut: "He's very confused, but he has control. And should maintain control for at least a week. maybe more. I'm keeping an eye on him."

Gerwin: "The Light is our guardian and protector. It is the power of Truth, Mercy, and Creation. I have been charged by the light with the care of this village."

Once preparations can be made, Peter will lead those will accompany him and Helmut on the creature's trail in the light of day.
It seems the entire village intends to spend the night on the church grounds. Helmut insists on going around checking the borders of the village obsessively.... Peter notices he never tries to cross the ward. The head of the militia also insists on his people checking the perimeter rather than just taking Peter's word that he can detect the beast... they also seem to keep an eye on Peter.

How will he spend the night?
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Old 10-09-2023, 11:28 PM   #1617
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will ask for Helmut's advice on where he and Goliath might sleep.

It sounds like there will be many empty houses tonight, but Peter prefers not to trespass in someone's home... is there any other kind of public building besides the church they might use?
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Old 10-10-2023, 10:56 AM   #1618
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Helmut: "Yes, we need you well rested for the hunt tomorrow. You can't go into the church... perhaps in the mill?" He points out a waterwheel. "Be careful though, the beast can reach you there."

Peter falls asleep in the mill, and doesn't dream.

In the morning, Helmut and the Militia come to the mill to get Peter. Luitwin, who seems to be in charge of the miltia, has rounded up six men, including himself and Helmut. They have two archers, three spearmen, and whatever Helmut is.

Peter can detect Gerwin, the Church, and Helmut just fine. The Beast is a little harder, its a few miles (Peter can't tell just how far) down the mountain slope.
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Old 10-10-2023, 11:42 AM   #1619
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will see if he can find something for Goliath and himself for breakfast before leading the men on the hunt.

Peter sings a bit on the trail while they are still to far for the creature to hear...
"Whoah here she comes, watch out boy, she'll chew you uuup..."

He will quiet down and warn the party when they get within a half mile or so.

He periodically uses mundane tracking to try and pick up trail signs, and is not advertising that he can sense the creatures' direction to the group.
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Old 10-11-2023, 08:06 AM   #1620
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Luitwin: "Right, you haven't eaten yet. Helmut, go get him a bowl. Right, and a bowl for the animal too, I guess. Make sure he washes it well."

Helmut yells the order to someone in the church yard, who gets Peter a wooden bowl of some sort of thick porridge. Its got a strong put not unpleasant grainy taste. Goliath doesn't seem to mind.

Goliath seems to do a better job of looking like he's trying to track than Peter does. Helmut covers for him, assuring them Peter knows what he's doing.

Luitwin: "What sort of strange army song is that? Is it about a fell beast?"

Peter gets them to within 30 yards of the creature, but its a patch of dense forest, and he can't see the beast yet.
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