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Old 07-28-2023, 02:50 PM   #1531
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"And what's my name?"
"I have just been kinda' thinking of you as 'Kitty', but it is a little on the nose. I think you should give it a little thought and pick one you like yourself..."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He's leading her back behind the container when three workers show up: one of them looks like security and is holding some sort of gun with a big barrel. They look stunned. Then one of them yells: "Hold up! lets sort this out!"
He swings the camera view to capture the security guard and workers as well.

"Do not come any closer! I will surrender to the police, I have them on the line right now, say hi! I'm at container 8762 about 50 feet from gate 6."
(or wherever he actually is...)
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Police action pending resolution of this scene.
These are port-authorities and not employees of the cloning Corp, is that correct?

If they seem content to respect their space while everyone waits for the police then that's what they do.

If they point the weapon at them or otherwise behave more aggressively, Peter mentally summons the remaining Karana bugs and the compy back for chaos and distraction as they make a break for the exit.
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Old 07-31-2023, 09:53 AM   #1532
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I have just been kinda' thinking of you as 'Kitty', but it is a little on the nose. I think you should give it a little thought and pick one you like yourself..."
"You gave me my purpose. It is your privilege to name me."

He swings the camera view to capture the security guard and workers as well.

"Do not come any closer! I will surrender to the police, I have them on the line right now, say hi! I'm at container 8762 about 50 feet from gate 6."
(or wherever he actually is...)
Peter has to get the phone to actually call the police (you said he'd do it after they left the compound)... but that's surprisingly easy.

Officer Powell picks up almost immediately: "I told you to stop--"
"Found her! Toldja!"
Officer Powell freezes for about two seconds. Then the small man says sharply: "I'm coming. Keep me on your phone. I'll be there as soon as I can."

These are port-authorities and not employees of the cloning Corp, is that correct?
It appears so...

If they seem content to respect their space while everyone waits for the police then that's what they do.
The security officer shouts directly at Peter's phone. "Is that really the police?"
Ronan Powell: "Officer Ronan Powell, Patrol 32, Supervisor Milton Jayawag. Go ahead and verify me, and please keep all witnesses at the scene."

Cat Girl: "Who is the man on the phone? Is he police? Shouldn't we run?" Her ears go flat against he head in fear.
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Old 07-31-2023, 11:41 AM   #1533
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"You gave me my purpose. It is your privilege to name me."
Peter freaks out a little... Why did he say that? He should have just kept his mouth shut. Now he bears a responsibility for this creature's whole life. Maybe they can change a purpose?

He doesn't want her to feel like some kind of a joke, so kitty is OUT.

"I'm gonna call you Rebecca, 'cause I think it's pretty, like you." he whispers to her.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The security officer shouts directly at Peter's phone. "Is that really the police?"
"You betcha!"

Peter puts the phone on speaker so all can hear.

(Perhaps it was the security camera thing that broke sequence.. I meant for him to wave and pull out his phone as he was exiting the container and moving into the view of the security cameras in the walkway, not outside the facility.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Ronan Powell: "Officer Ronan Powell, Patrol 32, Supervisor Milton Jayawag. Go ahead and verify me, and please keep all witnesses at the scene."
"You heard the man! Everyone please stay right here until the fuzz is on the scene."
Peter complies
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Cat Girl: "Who is the man on the phone? Is he police? Shouldn't we run?" Her ears go flat against he head in fear.
"No need to run, they are gonna help us."
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Old 08-02-2023, 03:11 PM   #1534
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"Rebecca." She tries out the name on her tongue. "I am Rebecca!"

The security guy seems to accept that for an answer. The others look really shaken. There is a bit of regretful cursing about getting involved in this.

Someone says "Hey, where is the dinosaur!"

"No need to run, they are gonna help us."
"That's not what what learned in the first life. Police don't help. Not people like me."
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Old 08-02-2023, 03:49 PM   #1535
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Rebecca." She tries out the name on her tongue. "I am Rebecca!"

The security guy seems to accept that for an answer. The others look really shaken. There is a bit of regretful cursing about getting involved in this.

Someone says "Hey, where is the dinosaur!"

"That's not what what learned in the first life. Police don't help. Not people like me."
Peter keeps his mouth shut on the dinosaur...

"Well, it was against the law for them to make you, but that shouldn't hold that against YOU. It makes sense they would want you to THINK that they wouldn't be on your side since if they knew about you they would be in trouble."
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Old 08-03-2023, 09:10 AM   #1536
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

What will the dinosaur do? hide and vanish into smoke when it runs out?

Rebecca: "I am confused. But I will obey."

Officer Powell: "I'm here to help, like the boy says. What's your name? Rebbecca? Thank You. Where did you come from?"

Rebbecca: "The first life"

Powell: "Tell me about what that's like."

Rebbecca: "Its a place where we are trained to fullfill our purposes. We learn to walk, talk, and obey there."

Powell: "Where is it?"

Rebbecca: "Its another world, a place completely different from this one."

Powell: "How did you get from there to here?"

Rebbecca: "Through the second world."

Powell: "And what world is this?"

Rebbecca: "The third. The world of purpose."

He keeps asking questions. Rebbecca is clearly uncomfortable, but compliant, and views what happened to her in a way that makes it hard to pin down details that would be useful to identifying her real place of origin.
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Old 08-04-2023, 07:33 AM   #1537
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will do his best to keep her as calm and comfortable as he can.

The police already have his statements so they can fill in the blanks, but he is there to fill them in if they need reminders or have follow up questions.

He will point out the security guard and slick given the chance, or will work with a sketch artist or otherwise be as helpful if he can.

As for the Karana creatures, they are sent to hide until they fizzle. If pressed he plays dumb.

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 08-06-2023 at 12:37 PM.
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Old 08-07-2023, 04:44 PM   #1538
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

The Cop makes it there, as do four of his compatriots. Officer Powell invites Peter down the the police station, along with everyone present.

He is asked about the dinosaurs, but not pressed about them. They get a sketch artist and Peter describes Slick. (which security guard?)

Rebbecca is taken "somewhere safe, she's in a lot of danger" Her requests to stay near Peter are denied: "We need to establish both of your stories first. Also, if she's been mentally conditioned like we think she might have, it might be healthy for her not be around you too much"

After the sketch artist, Peter is sitting in a waiting room of the station (they say the chief wants to say something to him) Officer Powell comes and sits down next to him. The man is quite short, just a few inches taller than Peter.

"So how'd ya know? That she was in there? I just can't figure it out."
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Old 08-07-2023, 06:09 PM   #1539
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The Cop makes it there, as do four of his compatriots. Officer Powell invites Peter down the the police station, along with everyone present.

He is asked about the dinosaurs, but not pressed about them. They get a sketch artist and Peter describes Slick. (which security guard?)
The one who was in the original group of thigs and came looking for Peter and his first loaner phone:

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Rebbecca is taken "somewhere safe, she's in a lot of danger" Her requests to stay near Peter are denied: "We need to establish both of your stories first. Also, if she's been mentally conditioned like we think she might have, it might be healthy for her not be around you too much"
Peter recognizes the logic behind this...

Peter apologizes if it was the wrong thing to do, but explains that he gave her her purpose and reports what he said exactly, in case it is useful in 'deprogramming' her.
"Your purpose is to get your freedom! To get out of here, figure out what kind of life will make you happy, and build it! now take my hand and let's go!"
He explains that he was afraid they would be separated and she would be defenseless and he realized just a little too late that it may have been a bad idea.

And now that I am thinking about what other conditioning, learning and programming she may have that might conflict or have unpredictable effects when combined with this particular purpose...

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
After the sketch artist, Peter is sitting in a waiting room of the station (they say the chief wants to say something to him) Officer Powell comes and sits down next to him. The man is quite short, just a few inches taller than Peter.

"So how'd ya know? That she was in there? I just can't figure it out."
"Believe it or not, I'm magic."

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 08-08-2023 at 08:24 AM.
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Old 08-08-2023, 01:00 PM   #1540
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
The one who was in the original group of thugs and came looking for Peter and his first loaner phone:
Thanks. The drawings are completed. They ask Peter if they know either of the two people's named. They also give him a bunch of photos of people who might look like slick and ask if any of these are him.

Peter recognizes the logic behind this...

Peter apologizes if it was the wrong thing to do, but explains that he gave her her purpose and reports what he said exactly, in case it is useful in 'deprogramming' her.

He explains that he was afraid they would be separated and she would be defenseless and he realized just a little too late that it may have been a bad idea.
They thank him for his interference and bite their tongue about saying something else. "Its pretty good. You're still an amateur at this, but you showed courage and you saved her life. You didn't do anything we can't fix. Next time though, consider that if you give her a purpose they might kill her if they catch her again. Though if you had needed to run with her, that might have been a good one. You're just a dedicated bystander. Don't sweat it. You did good."

And now that I am thinking about what other conditioning, learning and programming she may have that might conflict or have unpredictable effects when combined with this particular purpose...
Yeah, it isn't side effect free.

"Believe it or not, I'm magic."
Powell: "I'm being serious here. "
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