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Old 03-22-2023, 01:46 PM   #1381
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Its a muzzle or a crate. Which do you want? Sorry, we have to be careful."
Peter relents...

"Sorry Boy..."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Cauldwell: "And of course the first thing that happens is you get swept up and put in this place! or did you intentionally seek incarceration out so you could locate us?"

"We haven't gotten too much done yet, what with the walls a secrecy."

Patterson: "Nothing direct, but its a good place to set some of this up. We've got people from all over the states, and they all know about the secret. We'll need a bunch of civilians, and this is most of our recruiting pool."

Cauldwell: "But you'd rather be out actually setting things up."

Patterson: "Well yes, of course."
Peter enjoys the visit and getting caught up and seeing what they may have come up with and just how many recruits they have...

While he is here, he will follow up on or restart his request for schoolbooks to be sent to Thuroma for him, and if he is welcome to return and assist them, a copy for here.
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Old 03-27-2023, 11:02 AM   #1382
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter is able to find some text-books pretty quickly, and they are mostly the same as the ones he's using at home. He's quite a bit behind, of course. Sending them to Thuroma is tricky, given that no one knows how to get there and if they did the army would just patrol that spot and detain anyone trying to go in or out.

The Four old men have all been working on different things. Dr. Cauldwell is focused on medicine, aid, and so forth: He's got around four people who are willing to help, and a couple of donors considering funding the project. He says he has a bunch of people who are too scared, but if their fears could be worked around, he has hopes for them.

Dr. Goslin hasn't really done anything on that front: he's skeptical that any of this is anything more than giving money away to the enemy.

Mayor Patterson and Mr. Cardin have been looking into setting up the trade route to Thuroma. They say they are having trouble finding leadership all over the US, but they think they've got the seed of a network, with 30 of the 48 lower states having someone they might be able to work with. The bigger issue is getting cooperation with the military to let them through the portals. They're actually hoping for more than that: without the military passing on information, they don't think they can find the portals.
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Old 03-27-2023, 11:43 AM   #1383
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

In the end, Peter hopes they will allow him to return with the books through a portal.

Peter congratulates the men on their efforts and wishes them well.

He will try and talk to Sarge and his superiors about supporting all of these ongoing efforts towards peaceful solutions. He will also ask them about the possibility of aid, embassies and potentially refugees. The worlds are breaking down, but it seems things are better on this side, at least the sky hasn't broken open.
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Old 03-28-2023, 10:56 AM   #1384
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
He will try and talk to Sarge and his superiors about supporting all of these ongoing efforts towards peaceful solutions. He will also ask them about the possibility of aid, embassies and potentially refugees. The worlds are breaking down, but it seems things are better on this side, at least the sky hasn't broken open.
Sarge isn't there anymore. He has the ability to send email to Sarge and the superiors, but nothing more.

Does Peter have a skill to make this argument with?
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Old 03-28-2023, 01:15 PM   #1385
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

I would like to use Diplomacy (14) to form the arguments.

Since it has to be delivered by email, Peter will polish this up with his burgeoning writing skills. (Complimentary skill?)

I had been meaning to do so, so I will take this opportunity to add a point to Peter's Writing skill, increasing his skill to Writing (12) [2].

Peter will compose his arguments and send off the email, and then try and spend some time with the school books and try and make his parents proud and get caught up a bit, and maybe not get left back a year!
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Old 03-29-2023, 12:50 PM   #1386
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
I would like to use Diplomacy (14) to form the arguments.

Since it has to be delivered by email, Peter will polish this up with his burgeoning writing skills. (Complimentary skill?)
Perhaps even a required complimentary skill that will cause lots of issues if failed.

I had been meaning to do so, so I will take this opportunity to add a point to Peter's Writing skill, increasing his skill to Writing (12) [2].
Great! please update the current sheet.

Those are some pretty mean skill levels for a 14 year-old kid! Might even convince them of the title "Emissary".

The emails get a very brief message: "Thank you for explaining this, I'll show it to my superiors".

Peter will compose his arguments and send off the email, and then try and spend some time with the school books and try and make his parents proud and get caught up a bit, and maybe not get left back a year!
Peter works diligently on his schoolwork, and gets fed American food for Dinner. He's assigned a bed in a very small room: just enough for a bed and a desk. He has room 80145.

If nothing else happens, when he goes to sleep, he will wake up very much in room 80145 on a secret compound in Missouri.
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Old 03-29-2023, 03:05 PM   #1387
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Those are some pretty mean skill levels for a 14 year-old kid! Might even convince them of the title "Emissary".
Ambassador would work too...

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Peter works diligently on his schoolwork, and gets fed American food for Dinner. He's assigned a bed in a very small room: just enough for a bed and a desk. He has room 80145.

If nothing else happens, when he goes to sleep, he will wake up very much in room 80145 on a secret compound in Missouri.
Does he sense any magic or portals about?

While he is here, he will enjoy the familiar food, focus on some schoolwork.

If Peter is questioned more about their magic, he will try and demonstrate some of the language / skill lending magic (Has he been able to take skills, or just impart them?), and he will warn them he's not done it, but he is willing to try their healing magic on a minor booboo.

He does not demonstrate any Karana... only Clockwork world magic.
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Old 03-30-2023, 09:06 AM   #1388
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Does he sense any magic or portals about?
He senses four portals. They're probably about five miles apart each.

If Peter is questioned more about their magic, he will try and demonstrate some of the language / skill lending magic (Has he been able to take skills, or just impart them?), and he will warn them he's not done it, but he is willing to try their healing magic on a minor booboo.

The topic does come up, and some people are eager to see an "American" do it (most of them are not aware that he's not exactly a local citizen). He doesn't have the right spices in his bedroom. The people asking are other detainees.

The language ritual works both ways, giving OR taking, but as far as he knows it only works for language.

Peter technically only knows English, which is crazy, considering how long he's been jumping worlds!
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Old 03-30-2023, 01:49 PM   #1389
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He senses four portals. They're probably about five miles apart each.
He shares this information. He would like schoolbooks sent through them in case they can be brought back to Thuroma.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The topic does come up, and some people are eager to see an "American" do it (most of them are not aware that he's not exactly a local citizen). He doesn't have the right spices in his bedroom. The people asking are other detainees.
He will let them know what he thinks he needs to do these demonstrations... If the "Americans" want to see the magic, they can fetch him spell components. Peter smiles at the thought.

'I wonder what level Wizard I am?'
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Peter technically only knows English, which is crazy, considering how long he's been jumping worlds!
He has been fortunate enough to meet mostly english speakers anywhere he has been long enough for it to matter.


At this point, as Peter's routine he will continue to cooperate and request that he be allowed to return to Thuroma and granted some kind of ambassadorial/emissary status to grant free passage. He will share non-damaging information with all sides and to promote peaceful trade and ways to mitigate the situation as best as he can come up with. And he will
Devote time to catch up on his school work and arrange to be able to do so from Thuroma.

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 03-30-2023 at 01:53 PM.
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Old 04-05-2023, 04:20 PM   #1390
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

He will let them know what he thinks he needs to do these demonstrations... If the "Americans" want to see the magic, they can fetch him spell components. Peter smiles at the thought.

'I wonder what level Wizard I am?'
Random Woman with pristine Makeup: "Is it wizardry? They say their missing gods are responsible for it."
Random Woman with floral blouse: "you didn't make any religious oaths, did you?"

The spices are acquired, and Peter has the chance to do the magic... you still haven't spent points on the skill.

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
He shares this information. He would like schoolbooks sent through them in case they can be brought back to Thuroma.
He sends the emails, and within thirty minutes, Two trucks full of soldiers are brought, and he's asked to show them where the portals are: "We take reports of portal locations very seriously."

He has been fortunate enough to meet mostly english speakers anywhere he has been long enough for it to matter.
Or people with language magic. Its just interesting that this is the case.
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