03-06-2010, 12:45 AM | #31 |
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Olympia, WA
Re: The ABC's of Weird War II
Halgarita Charms- Mantras in the works of Karl Maria Willigut intended to enhance ancestral memory and facilitate the re-emergence of the Irminish faith K- Kirchoff, Gunther- An Ariosophist philosopher who developed the Power Points Theory of esoteric geo-politics T- Teut- Irminist analog to Thoth/Hermes Totenkopfring- The SS Death's Head ring
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell |
03-07-2010, 12:03 AM | #32 |
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Olympia, WA
Re: The ABC's of Weird War II
Harrer, Heinrich- German mountaineer with ties to Dali Lama. At least nominally an SS member. Part of first team to successfully climb the North Face of Eiger.
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell |
03-07-2010, 12:16 AM | #33 |
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Olympia, WA
Re: The ABC's of Weird War II
Here is the up to date list. Hopefully, I'll find time to add some additional links and commentary:
A: Abif, Hiram Aesir Agadi Agartha Ahnenerbe SS Ahriman Aleutian Islands Alpha-Aldebarrans Aktion Hess Amonis Albioni Lodge (GURPS: Cabal) Anarchists Andean Labyrinth Anfortas (see also Charles the Bald) Antarctic Base (Secret)/Antarctic Refuge Godda Apacheta Ardennes Forest Ariosophy Armanism · Armanic Rune Magic · Armanic Yoga Ark of the Covenant Aryans Assassins, Order of Atlanteans B: Baal The Babylonian Connection Baldur Wieborg of Thule Bank of England Baphomet Battlesuits Bektashi Dervishes, Order of Belisane Bell, The (Die Glocke) Bermuda Triangle Bierce, Ambrose Black Chamber, The Black Dragon Society Black Order Black Stone, Lords of the Black Sun (i.e. Schwarze Sonne) Blavatsky, Helena Petrovitch Bloodflag, The Blue Island Borobudur Brainwashing Breton, Andre British-Israelism British Union of Fascists Bruders Schweizen (The Silent Brotherhood) Bruno, Giordano Butler, Smedley Byrd, Richard E. C: Caltabelotta Camazotz Cameron, William J. Camp X Casey, William Knights of Malta and Castle of Wonders Caves, Occult significance of Church of Mary Magdalene (Rennes-le-Chateau) Churchill, Capt. "Mad" Jack Cliveden Set Combat Walkers Copper Scroll Council on Foreign Relations (see also Royal Institute of International Affairs) Crowley, Aleister Crown of Life, Luciferian Chevaliers de la Crane (Knights of the Skull) (GURPS: Cabal) Crowleyan Fascism Cundrie (Ricilda the Bad) D: Dab-yang, Ngon-kyi Padma Dagger Magic Dagobert II Dee, Dr. John Demiurge · Yahwe as Deschend, Gabriele Devi, Savitiri (Maximiana Portas) Devil's Triangle Djinn Dolan, Brooke Dolphin Square Donovan, Gen. "Wild" Bill Double-Cross System Drake’s Drum Druids Dulles, Allen Dulles, John Foster Dunnotar Castle Durandel Dzyan, Stanzas of E: Eckart, Dietrich Edda Society, The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trimigestus, The Escamonde Eschenbach, Wolfram von Esoteric Hitlerism Evola, Giulo Eyken, SS Major Karl F: Fae, The Fang, The Insidious Dr. (GURPS: Cabal) Feder, Gottfried Federal Reserve Bank (USA) Feldherrnhalle Feurball Fleming, Ian Fleming, Peter Four Seasons, Men at the Ford, Henry Fraternitas Sancti Leone (Roman Lodges) (GURPS: Cabal / GURPS: Voodoo) Fraternitas Saturnii Freemasonry Fuller, F. Buckminster Fuller, General J.F.C. G: Gadal, Antonin Garravin (GURPS: Cabal) Georg Gurdjieff German American Bund Germanenorden Ghosts GKMR (GURPS: Cabal) Gliders, Upper Atmosphere Gnosticism Golden Dawn, Hermetic Order of Golden Sun, The Golem Gorillas, Quasi-Uplifted (Nazi or Soviet) Grail, The Great Pirates, The Green Dragon Society Green Gloves, The Man With Guenon, Rene Gurdjieff, G.I. Gutberlet, Dr. Willhelm Gutmann, Heinrich (fic) H: Halgarita Charms Hamilton, Duke of Hanhussen, Erik Jan Harrer, Heinrich Harrer, Karl Haushofer, Karl Hecate Heinrich the Fowler, King Helicopters Helijager Hellfeldt, Hans (fic) Hess, Rudolf Hoerbiger, Hans Holy Vehm, Brothers of Horn of Roland Horsekiller, Oleupta (GURPS: Cabal) Horus l Ra-Hoor-Khuit l Hoor-Par-Krat Howe, Ellic Human Solstice, The Hyperboreans I: Iceland 1941 Invasion of Otto Rahn Expedition to Illuminati Subversion of Continental Masonic Lodges Informationale, The/The Network Inquiry, The Insiders, The International Opium Syndicate Invisible College (Enlightened Lodges) (GURPS: Voodoo) Iron Crown of the Lombards Islamic Brotherhoods J: Jesuits Jetpacks Jung K: Kali Yuga Kami Karo Nichi Kavanagh, _ (GURPS: Cabal) Kent, Tyler Gatewood Kirchoff, Gunther Klein, Georg Klingsor (Landulf II of Capua) Kraft, Karl Ernst Knight, Maxwell Krall, Jurgen (fic) Kugelblitz Kuroikaze L: Lankreuzer P.1000 Ratte Lansky, Meyer Last Battalion Laszlo, Victor Lebensborn Ley, Willy Liebenfels, Jorg Lanz von Lilith Link, The List, Guido von Lohengrin Longinus, Cassius Lord of the World Luciano, “Lucky” Lucifer Luciferic v. Satanic SS Luitward of Vercelli (Parzival) Luminous Lodge M: MacKrea, Col. David (fic) Mafia Makhno, Nestor Malta, Knights of (Hospitalers) Mars Martians Maskelyne, Jasper Mathers, MacGregor Meinberg, Wilhelm Memex, The Men in Time, Men Above Time, Men Against Time (Theory of) MI-5 B5 (b), ‘Maxwell Section’ (GURPS: Weird War II) Midnight Mountain, The Midwinter Aton, Lodge of (GURPS: Cabal) Mills, Alexander Ruds Mime’s Smithy Molay, Jaque de Montsegur Mosley, Sir Oswald Mount Meru Mu Mukherji, Asin Krishna Mund, Rudolph Murat, The Countess Pujols de N: Naval Intelligence, Office of (ONI) Nephilim Neitzschean Satanism Neushwabenland New Forest Coven New Templars, Order of (ONT) Nordhausen Nostradamus Nuremburg Rallies O: ODDESSA Office of Strategic Services (Anomolous Observation Section) (GURPS: Weird War II) Olympics (1936) ONI (see Naval Intelligence, Office of) Opener of the Way “Operation Highjump” Opus Dei Oracle of Delphi Order of the Solar Temple, The Ordo Templi Orientalis Orsic, Maria Ostara P: Panzer VIII Maus Parzival Peasants War, The Pendragon, King Arthur Philadelphia Experiment, The Picts Point 103 Point 211 Polaires, The Priure de Zion Project Monarch Project Paperclip Protocols of the Elders of Zion Psychotronics, Soviet Pyke, Sir Geoffrey Q: Quator Coronati Lodge (GURPS: Weird War II) R: Rahn, Otto Ramsay, Capt. Rastafarians Ratlines Ratthofer, Dietrich Raushning, Hermann Ravensdale, Baroness Mary Reality Quakes Recke, Hans (Berserker)(fic) Redbeard, Ragnar Red Dragon Society Red Mercury Reimer, Johannes (Bard)(fic) Reitsch, Hannah Reptoids Rhodes, Cecil Richard Rollins Right Club, The Rocket Planes Rosenberg, Alfred Rosicrucian Order Rothschild, House of Roundtable Conspiracy Royal Institute of International Affairs Royal Lodges (GURPS: Voodoo) RSHA Amt. VII B Rudel, Hans-Ulrich S: Saint Loup, A de Sanger Bomber Sarrazin, Athene (GURPS: Cabal) Sarrazin, Leonard du (GURPS: Cabal) Sauniere, Berengar Schreiver, Rudolph Sebottendorf, Baron Rudolph von Secret Masters, The Seidler, Lisbeth Shamanism · Mongolian · Native American · Siberian Shaver Mysteries, The Sidhe Silver Legion of America Sirri, The Skorzeny, Otto Skull & Bones Smith, Gerald L.K. Sommnambulism Sonderkommando H Spear of Destiny Spider, Robotic Nazi Spider, The (Der Spinne) Spitsbergen SS Sun Wheel Stein, Walter Johannes Stella Matunati Lodge Superguns T: Taranis Templar, Knights (Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem) Tesla, Nikolai Teut Teutonic Knights, Order of Thaumarchy Thelema, Abbey of Thermopylae Thuata Culture Thule, Ultima Thule Gessellschaft (The Thule Society) Thurn und Taxis, Prince _ von Totenkopfring Tudun, Gusda Menen Tunneling Machine Turing, Alan Tunneling Vehicles U: U-530 U-977 Ubermensch Underground Factories Unit 731 V: V-2 Rockets V-7 Flying Disc Vaimanka Shastra Vampires Vedic-Norse Paganism Vehm, Holy Vienna Circle Vimana Volkgeist Vril Society W: Wagner Walvater Weltgeist Wewelsburg Castle Werewolves Werfenstein Castle Westarp, Countess Heila von Widukind Wheatley, Dennis White Eagle Lodge, The Willigut, Karl Maria (Weisthor) Wirth, Herman Wohl, Louis de Wolf, Karl World Ice Theory Wulf, William Wunderwaffen X: X Factor Y: Z: Zeppelins Zero Point Zionists Zombies Zuse Z3 Computer
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell |
03-15-2010, 02:10 AM | #34 |
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Olympia, WA
Re: The ABC's of Weird War II
Wanted to tack this one on, so I don't forget to add it.
Externsteine- Pagan site sometimes tied into Wewelsburg.
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell |
03-18-2010, 12:03 AM | #35 |
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Olympia, WA
Re: The ABC's of Weird War II
Here's an example of what I had originally intended to do with these entries:
Agartha on Homeline This treatment of Agartha draws on a variety of lunacy including Theosophy, the musings of various German occultists with ties to National Socialism, and of post-war neo-Nazi writers like Wilhelm Landig. The background section is representative of real world perceptions of Agartha. Ossendowski and Guenon were real, as was Himmler’s interest in Agartha. The material on Karl Haushofer is almost certainly apocryphal although many occultists take it as the gospel truth. This article draws heavily on Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke’s Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity and on wikipedia’s entry for Agartha. Glanzman and Jurgens are my own inventions. Background Agartha is a legendary underground city, often said to be located within the Hollow Earth. Over the course of history it has been known to many arcane traditions. The ancient Hindus called it Aryavarsha (The Land of the Aryans or The Land of the Noble Ones). Han Chinese mystics knew it as the Western Paradise of Hsi Wang Mu, the Royal Mother of the West. Amongst the Russian Old Believers it was called Belovodye, while the Kirghiz nomads of Central Asia named it Janaidar. In Theosophical teachings, as well as in some sects of Vajrayana Buddhism and Tibetan Kalachakra, Agartha is described as a university for adepts into the greater mysteries, presided over by a Mahatma known as “The Lord of the World.” It is believed to be a place of peace and meditation, characterized by non-participation in the affairs of the world. Many accounts indicate it to be the center of the White Order, dedicated to the “Right Hand Path.” Some accounts place it in opposition to Shamballah another mystical center whose forces seek to use violence, power, and manipulation to bring humanity to a “turning point of time.” Believers hold that Agartha is a physical place, often said to be located in Central Asia to the north of Tibet. While it is believed to exist in the physical world, only initiates who have reached a state of illumination also know as Agartha are said to be able to reach it. Agartha in 20th Century Occultism Polish adventurer Ferdynand Ossendowski encountered legends of Agartha during his travels through Siberia and Mongolia following the Russian Revolution. He also reported that the Lord of the World had appeared at Narabanchi monastery in Tibet in 1898 and prophesized that the world was entering a period of hunger, disease, war, and dreadful crime that would culminate in a battle against evil after which life on Earth might be purified by the death of nations. French fascist and esotericist Rene Guenon drew on Ossendowski for his own book Le roi du monde (1927), which placed Agartha as the spiritual center of the world. Within the occult underground it is believed that the German general Karl Haushofer helped found the Thule Society with the goal of seeking out Shamballah and forging an alliance with its ruler, The King of Fear. After the rise of the Nazi party, Heinrich Himmler took an interest in Agartha, based on its alleged status as the original Aryan homeland. This led him to dispatch expeditions to Tibet and other locations under the auspices of the Ahnenerbe SS. Avner Glanzman, a London based Jewish émigré, Zionist financier, and kabalistic thaumaturge has suggested that Agartha may in fact be a gateway or series of gateways to a parallel world or pocket universe inhabited by human adepts. Fritz Jurgens, an adept from the Fraternitas Saturnii proposes an alternative theory in which Agartha and Shamballah are allegorical for secret orders of adepts and initiates of the Right and Left Hand Paths, whose battles have shaped human history.
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell |
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