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Old 12-31-2022, 07:01 AM   #1
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Default #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

Sean McCoy has proposed a fun challenge for 2023. Basically, just create a new dungeon room every day for the year. Ideally, you’ll have 365 rooms by this time next year. There are many variations out there: multiple dungeons, wilderness encounters, designing a city, etc.

If anyone in the GURPS community tries this for DF or DFRPG, share your results here. No pressure around writing quality or actually managing this every day. It’s a brainstorming exercise.
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Old 01-01-2023, 08:00 AM   #2
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

I am on it. See the link to my blog in my signature.
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Old 01-01-2023, 08:17 AM   #3
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

A short corridor dead-ends here in a fireman's pole: a thick metal pole passing through the middle of a shaft leading downwards. It's too dark to see how deep it goes but at least 20 feet down.

GM notes: pole is made of pure copper. Each 1' of its length is 20 lb. and worth $1000 if extracted from the dungeon. The shaft is 50' deep, ending in the lair of an unintelligent monster two dungeon levels down, such as a pudding or giant crocodile. The pole is only 40' long.
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Old 01-01-2023, 10:06 PM   #4
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

Started today. Freehand dungeon, foyer, (do dungeons have a foyer?) with a 'porch', entryway, two areas caused by long-term water damage, think limestone caves and a great big door with two valves.

Four monsters, two from 'Monsters' and two homemade creatures. Just with the beginning I am seeing a direction, but I am not quite ready to pull the trigger yet.

My tentative thought is a horrific Elder Races, mutant creatures and hideous creations of magic and Elder super-science and the maddened cultists that love them. As well as the foolish dungeon delvers that will risk madness and death to come back with some gold and glory.
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Old 01-01-2023, 10:55 PM   #5
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

For starters I'm just going to create rooms and see what happens. Maybe they link up in a mega-dungeon or a group of dungeons or something else. My first-draft thought was that they might all be areas around the Caverntown setting. I had more free time for this one, so I wrote it up in more detail. Some rooms may end up with a few words at best.

Room 1/1 — Dripping Shaft

Description: This cave forms a rough vertical cylinder, about 9-yards across and 25-yards up, with ancient carved steps spiraling around the edge from bottom to top (1-yard wide, no railing). Water drips from the stalactite-festooned ceiling and trickles down the worn steps, making for slippery footing (+2 movement points per hex, -3 to attack rolls, -2 to defenses). The floor of the chamber is littered with bits of stone debris covered by a shallow pool that slowly drains through a narrow crevice (bad footing + shallow water = +2 movement points per hex). Hidden within the debris are numerous bones and bits of gear.

Vision: -8 (patches of glowing slime); note that lanterns and torches will be extinguished if they are dropped in the water
Hearing: -3 (dripping water)
Exits: Two rough tunnels at the bottom and top of the stairs.

Slippery Stairs: Climbing or descending the stairs slowly is safe enough. Moving more rapidly, or engaging in sudden motion (as during combat) requires a DX-3 roll. Failure indicates a fall on the steps; roll DX at -2 to stand up. Failure by 3 or more (or a critical failure) means a fall from the steps at whatever height the character was at. The shallow water counts as a soft surface, halving crushing damage from the fall.

Dökkkápa: A cluster of four dökkkápa (Norđlondr Óvinabókin, p. 60) are concealed amongst the stalactites on the ceiling. They typically wait until prey climbs 10–20 yards up the steps before plummeting to attack.

Treasure: Submerged amongst the debris at the base of the chamber are the remains of former victims. Gear is largely corroded to worthlessness, but a careful search may reveal some of the following:
  • various coins [$3d×10, 0.02 lb. per coin]
  • a rusty but serviceable long knife (cheap) [$20, 1 lb]
  • bronze bracelet inlaid with turquoise [$185, 0.15 lbs]
  • greased pouch of 13 small polished agate discs (playing pieces?) [$325, neg.]
  • 1 siege stone, probably only discoverable with magic as it looks no different from a natural rock [$550, neg.]

Last edited by Dalin; 01-02-2023 at 10:34 AM.
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Old 01-02-2023, 09:03 PM   #6
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

1/2 — Chasm Arcade

Description: The sound of the wind picks up as the rough, natural passage opens into a worked arcade along the edge of a chasm. The breeze helps clear the air, though it brings occasional wafts of foul underworld odors: brimstone, mold, and the sourness of sewage. The floor of the passage is 6 yards wide with a series of arcades (columns with arches between them) along both sides. The passage extends 120 yards ahead. It is roughly straight, though it is clearly following the contours of a natural cavern on the right side (see below).
On the right side, there is a low stone balustrade between the columns. Beyond this is the darkness of a massive crevice in the earth. It extends in every direction further than most light sources can pierce, though occasional glints and reflections can be seen directly across from the arches (about 30 yards away). About 80 yards along the passage, the chasm narrows slightly and there is an opening for a broad arching bridge that once extended 20 yards to the far side. The center of the bridge has long-since collapsed, leaving a 12-yard gap.
On the left side most of the pillars form a blind arcade with solid rock between the pillars. Occasionally, however, there are openings carved between the pillars. Some of these open into single small rooms. Others open into a series of linked chambers. One of these, located across from the bridge, has a secret trapdoor in a rear room with a staircase leading down to another area of the dungeon.
When this portion of the caves was more active, this was a shopping arcade with booths and a few permanent shops lining the passage. Little evidence remains of that bustling, mercantile past.

Vision: -10 (total darkness)
Hearing: -2 (wind)
Exits: Large passages at either end of the arcade. Secret staircase descending from a room across from the bridge. Partially collapsed bridge across the chasm. Characters able to fly, walk on air, or climb walls can easily climb through the right-side arches to explore the chasm itself.

The chasm can be as dangerous as the GM desires. It could be 100 or more yards deep, likely killing even the doughtiest delvers. Or, it could be shallower with a soft landing (standing water, fungus, mounds of guano…).
Foul Bats: A colony of a dozen Foul Bats (Monsters, p. 28) lives in a series of cramped caves higher up the chasm. If delvers are quiet and keep light to a minimum, the bats will notice them on a 7 or less on 3d every five minutes (rolling at least once while traversing the arcade). Louder noise, bright light, and/or investigating the bridge or chasm increases the odds to 10 on 3d per minute.

The arcade and shops have been picked over many times. There may be some treasure at the bottom of the chasm or in the lair of the Foul Bats.

Last edited by Dalin; 01-03-2023 at 04:26 PM.
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Old 03-04-2023, 09:23 AM   #7
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

Yeah, started on the March floor days ago, right on schedule.

See the first post of March;

Includes the floor's random encounter table and the MAR 1 area.

The third floor of the mega-dungeon is less traditionally “dungeon-like”, it more resembles an underground forest and a freshwater lake with islands in a giant cavern. The GM may treat this floor more like a small wilderness, allowing the adventurers to step off the dirt paths between areas. The “ceiling” of the floor is 13 yards high from the ground. The floor’s lake is 35 yards at its deepest. The March floor is 250 yards end-to-end, from one rock wall denoting the edge of the floor to another.

Going off the dirt paths and into the tree-line will slow down movement. Call it -1 to Move, after encumbrance.

Areas on this floor are less “rooms” and more open due to the wild nature of the floor, although there are a few discrete buildings. Any doors in such buildings are average ironbound, DR 10 and HP 34, assume Lockpicking +0 modifier if locked. Walls of building on the floor are six inches thick, DR 78 and HP 75. Any metalwork on the floor are average; DR 9 and HP 18 for bars, weighing 500 lbs., and ST 18 to lift 2-handed without assistance or extra effort.

Lighting varies in buildings, but overall the wilderness areas of the floor are lit by nearby glowing plants, for a -5 Darkness penalty.

Mana on the floor is Normal. Sanctity is Normal, too. Nature’s Strength is +0, due to the odd wilderness of the floor.

The chance of a random encounter on this floor is 9 or less on 3d.
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Old 03-06-2023, 12:34 PM   #8
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

Mar 6 etr

Description: A beach along Mar3, 6 yards long and 3 yards wide. It has a glowing blue portal built into the wall, and mostly likely the boat. The sand of the beach counts as bad footing.

Scrawled on the wall are the words "Bring a goat for bait"

Exits: The glowing blue portal connects to Feb16: the effect taking Paut and power items only applies to coming from Feb16, not going there. Mar 3 is of course plainly visible: this is the "Northern Beach".

The Boat: There is a 50% chance of an enchanted boat being in this location. When on the Mar 3 lake, the boat moves by itself. It has 36 HP, DR 2, can hold up to eight people, and weighs 1,200 lbs. If it can be moved from the lake, its worth $3,000. The boat responds to calls for assistance anywhere on the lake, but only moves between the three northern-most beaches and the island.

Vision: -3 (from glowing portal).
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Last edited by ericthered; 04-06-2023 at 02:17 PM.
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Old 03-07-2023, 11:21 AM   #9
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

Mar 7 etr

Description: an eight yard by 15 yard oval, filled with glowing peach trees. The ground is littered with peach pits, the bones of animals, and decaying leaves. The trees go through the full cycle of the year every hour. Giant rats loudly squabble with each other.

Monsters: 5d6 giant rats. Reduce the number of rats by 1d6 each time adventurers slay them here or as a wandering monster, and increase by 1d6 (to a maximum of 5d6) for each week that passes, even if there are supposedly "no rats left". The rats are aggressive and territorial, but will run once about half their numbers are gone.

The Red Tree: One tree is very different from the others, with deep red leaves and White fruit similar to a pomegranate. Eating that fruit heals 2d6 damage, 1d6 FP, and gives +2 to HT rolls for 1 hour... as long as the eater stays in the strange glowing underground garden. If they leave before the hour is up, they loose twice the HP and HP they gained, and have -2 to HT rolls for the rest of the hour. Returning to the underground garden doesn't help.

Exits: two natural choke points, one connecting to Feb 24.
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Old 03-08-2023, 11:26 AM   #10
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Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

Mar 8 etr

Description: A 7 yard by 5 yard natural chamber filled with a mild glow and giant mushrooms that will regrow in 10 minutes if picked. If eaten the mushrooms will cause retching and vomitting in 10 seconds, as well as 2d6 toxic damage (HT-2 halves damage). Naturalist can identify the mushrooms are not good to each. 4 inch grubs crawl all around the dirt on the floor of the cave.

Monster: An enormous and aggressive Armadillo lives here, and will be here 50% of the time unless defeated as a wandering monster. Use the stats for a cave bear with the following adjustments:
  • DR is 8, unless chinks are targeted (at -5).
  • Bite has a venomous follow up of Severe Pain and 1d6 toxic. A HT-2 roll can reduce this to moderate pain and 1 toxic.
  • Class is Hybrid, rather than dire or giant animal, due to the nature of the magic here
Mana: Very High
Vision: +0 (the glow)

Treasure: A silver amulet worth $100 is lying on the ground, with the emblem of a rat. four matching Bronze amulets, each worth $20, are also here. A per-based naturalist or Alchemy will identify a nest of five grubs that each act as an invisibility potion. They live on poo, and will starve if not fed daily, and transform into giant ugly worthless bugs after 1 month. The have a nominal value of $700 each... transporting these things is usually more trouble than it is worth.

Exits: A natural passage connecting to Feb 24.

NOTE: an edit to Feb 23 has been made, with respect to the amulets found in this room. they will teleport back to this room if passing through the red portal.
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Last edited by ericthered; 03-08-2023 at 11:32 AM.
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#dungeon23, challenge, megadungeon

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