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Old 02-21-2024, 05:52 PM   #19
Join Date: Oct 2020
Location: São Paulo
Default Re: Powers/Imbuement: Gambit's Power

Hello, fellow GURPS enthusiasts!

I've been exploring how to adapt Gambit's iconic kinetic charging ability into GURPS mechanics and wanted to share my proposition. Drawing inspiration from what I know from his capabilities and your insights, I aimed to design an ability that captures both the versatility and limitations of his powers.

Ability Design:
Innate Attack 16 (Crushing; Accessibility, damage dice are capped by item's Size +10, -10%; Accessibility, requires inanimate matter, -5%; Explosive, Damage / 2xYards, +100%; Delay: Variable, 10 seconds or less, +10%; Follow-Up, any object or part of it, +70%; Nuisance Effect: object also suffers damage, -5%; Variable, +5%) [212]

Crushing Attack 16 with several modifiers:
  • Accessibility (-10%): Two accessibility limitations were applied. The first caps damage dice based on the item's Size plus 10 (for 3d with cards), reflecting the realistic limit of how much kinetic energy an object can hold before releasing it explosively. The second requires inanimate matter (a whole object or a part of it), staying true to Gambit's ability to only charge non-living matter. It is difficult to give a precise value to this limitation — but I started from the idea that Size +5 would limit the power in ~50%.
  • Explosive (+100%): This modifier simulates the area effect of the explosions, crucial for representing the widespread impact of Gambit's charged objects.
  • Delay: Variable (+10%): Allows Gambit to set a timer for the explosion, adding tactical depth to the ability's use in-game.
  • Follow-Up (+70%): Ensures that the kinetic charge is delivered through the object to the target, embodying the "throw and explode" tactic Gambit often employs. Since +50% would be a cosmic-like enhancement for all weapons (as per PU1), a plus of +20% (for a +60% total) seems fair enough to me in order to include also other objects (+10%) or parts of them (+10%)… This, however, could be kept at +50% because Cosmic is cosmic, after all; in this case, the value of “any weapon” would be the same as “any part of any object” (+50%).
  • Nuisance Effect (-5%): The object suffering damage from the charge itself adds a layer of strategic consideration, as it might destroy valuable items or tools.
  • Variable (+5%): Offers flexibility in how much power is applied.

At 200+ points, this design represents a significant investment, making it a defining feature of a character akin to Gambit. It balances power with limitations, encouraging strategic play and creativity, in my opinion. This approach aims to reflect the nuanced nature of Gambit's abilities within the GURPS framework, offering a playable yet faithful adaptation. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and any adjustments you might suggest!

Last edited by Werethunder; 02-26-2024 at 04:47 AM.
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