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Old 04-09-2023, 08:37 AM   #451
Phantasm's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: On the road again...
Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

For whose who are wondering which characters Aesir23 has already done, here's a list and the post number in this thread they appear in (sorry, no links):

Batman = 7
Nightwing = 21
Alfred Pennyworth = 22
Bat-Family = 24
Robin (Tim Drake) = 29
Oracle = 42
Commissioner Gordon = 43
Batgirl (Cassandra) = 59
Catwoman = 74
Batwoman = 82
Villains of Gotham City = 83
Joker = 84
Harley Quinn = 85
Two-Face = 88
Poison Ivy = 90
Gotham City Sirens = 91
Penguin = 103
Bane = 112
Killer Croc = 120
Scarecrow = 127
Mr. Freeze = 128
Ra's al-Ghul = 135
Lazarus Pits = 136
League of Assassins = 137
Talia al-Ghul = 144
Lady Shiva = 145
Birds of Prey = 146
Black Canary = 147
Huntress = 148
Lady Blackhawk - 149
Question (Montoya) = 162
Spoiler = 185
Man-Bat = 201
Deathstroke = 202
Justice Society of America = 223
Flash (Garrick) = 235
Wildcat (Grant) = 251
Starman (Jack Knight) = 255
Sentinel/Green Lantern Alan Scott = 270
Vandal Savage = 277
Dr. Mid-Nite = 287
Power Girl = 334
Superman = 335
Lois Lane = 342
Jimmy Olsen = 371
Kryptonians - 374
Kryptonite = 379
Lex Luthor = 380
Parasite = 383
John Constantine = 394
Steel (John Henry Irons) = 409
Supergirl = 412
Metallo = 417
Brainiac = 426
Toyman = 435
Intergang = 436
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
Ranoc, a Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy Setting
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batman, dc comics, phantasm, superman, supers, vonkatzen

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