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Old 01-06-2025, 12:38 PM   #641
Hero of Democracy
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)


And so it was that the Village found peace with the Fortress of Holidor. A proper border expanded the area that the Haunden could hunt in, and they began to plant ever larger garden plots on the poor land they lived on. This was not a permanent state of affairs: little is, and a peace between two peoples with such different loyalties and moral codes is especially fragile, but it lasted for some years.

Cassandra and Anoras were hailed as heroes, catapulted into fame and public life. While lacking formal power, Anoras's counsel was always welcome. Her dream of recovering the land back from the conquerors would require going to war again, but as long as she and Cassandra lived, Holidor was wary of pushing their neighbors too far. They were occasionally invited to feast at the castle. Anoras noticed this was normally when Holidor was trying to intimidate a neighbor.

Cassandra lived the simple life of a great warrior, hunting in the forest and given respect wherever she went.

Fenian' family buried their father outside of the village cemetery, in a family plot.

The warriors Anoras vouched for remained convinced they were slaves for several weeks, before slowly assuming their freedom. One was happy to live a simple life as a gardener, and only reluctant took up weapons again. Another was happy to be accepted as a warrior in the village, learned Haunden, and became the caregiver of a family who lost their father and husband in the raid, eventually marrying. The third Haunden was never truly trusted, and Anoras caught him breaking oaths, making threats, striking others (she had to pay money over that) and stealing. He had to be dealt with, one way or another*. The other two eventually asked to leave and try and return to their own people.

*You've got an unrepentant thug here, a bully, thief, and liar. What do you want to do with him?

Sorcerers continued to exist of course, but they let the village alone. Perhaps it was Fenian's father that had brought the sorcerer's to the village in the first place, and perhaps Shadowmask was too busy fighting with other Venasir.

And so the village had peace.
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Old 01-06-2025, 02:15 PM   #642
Alden Loveshade
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Epilogue: The third Haunden was never truly trusted, and Anoras caught him breaking oaths, making threats, striking others (she had to pay money over that) and stealing. He had to be dealt with, one way or another*. The other two eventually asked to leave and try and return to their own people.

*You've got an unrepentant thug here, a bully, thief, and liar. What do you want to do with him?
I figure she warned him before he struck somebody the first time (Miserliness kicking in--don't lose me money). "Commit any violent acts against any Haunden, or anyone else that would get a fine, and this is what will happen. I'll get what you owe me by sending you to Holidor. Then they will do with you as they will."

When it happens, the "thug" will be taken to Holidor. (Stubbornness)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
[B][SIZE=4]Sorcerers continued to exist of course, but they let the village alone. Perhaps it was Fenian's father that had brought the sorcerer's to the village in the first place, and perhaps Shadowmask was too busy fighting with other Venasir.
Based on that, Anoras suspects in her mind it was Fenian's father. But won't say that to Fenian's family. Only to people she can trust to be quiet about it.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
And so the village had peace.
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Old 01-07-2025, 02:42 PM   #643
Hero of Democracy
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
I figure she warned him before he struck somebody the first time (Miserliness kicking in--don't lose me money). "Commit any violent acts against any Haunden, or anyone else that would get a fine, and this is what will happen. I'll get what you owe me by sending you to Holidor. Then they will do with you as they will."

When it happens, the "thug" will be taken to Holidor. (Stubbornness)
And lives a much worse life than the others.

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