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Old 04-12-2024, 08:43 AM   #221
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
Thanks! I wanted to be certain I was thinking right. Anoras will prepare for her entrance.... (As will I--adjusting my plans to fit the circumstances.)
I think it is time to execute your plan. One PC is waiting and watching, and the other is unconscious.
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Old 04-12-2024, 09:43 PM   #222
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
I think it is time to execute your plan. One PC is waiting and watching, and the other is unconscious.

OOC: In the last couple days, I've been dealing with some significant issues IRL. But I realize the adventure is now waiting on me. I'll work to come up with a post in the next 12 hours.

EDIT: Had it up and posted in less than 2 hours.
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Last edited by Alden Loveshade; 04-13-2024 at 01:00 PM. Reason: Added posting time
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Old 04-12-2024, 11:05 PM   #223
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Here it is:

A reminder of this post from January 24, 2024 (it's been months for us, but a short time for Anoras, Cassandra, and Thad):

(Anoras speaking to Thad and Cassandra):

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
...."As you both may know I am quite flexible, so can easily make it appear my hands were tied. And remember I can easily pass for a Venasir; I know the culture and language as well as a native. Stars forbid we are attacked or captured. But if we are captured, and even if we aren't, I have two possible stories I can tell if needed.

"One, I can claim my hands were tied and you both took me prisoner. And I can claim you both know secrets important to the Venasir, and I can get that information from you. That could keep us all alive.

"Or two, I might claim you were with Haunden but decided to join the Venasir and you both rescued me. That could also keep us all alive.

"Be ready for me to tell one of those two stories if we are captured."
(Considering the current circumstances, I think the first story.)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
....Tenafor, Indilin, Rensor, and Unilor....
Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
Thanks! Which two have sorcerers?
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Holidor and Rensor.
Anoras will keep in mind the names of those nearby castles (I'm posting them here so I can find them easier.)

Anoras will put her broadsword, fishing pole, etc., in a spot. Somewhere she can find (the tree with the horizontal branch, or the tree that splits at the base, or the dead tree, whatever is available). But not the first aid kit.

She will be dressed Venasir-appropriate--and with a piece of Haunden fabric as a gag around the back of her head and over her mouth. And her "hands will be tied." (She has Escape and Flexibility and the fishing line.)

She will wait a bit, then come out from behind the Venasir group. She will make noise--kick a tree, do a muffled and angry-sounding scream, etc.
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Last edited by Alden Loveshade; 04-16-2024 at 11:09 AM. Reason: Added quotes so I remember which castles have sorcerors
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Old 04-16-2024, 11:45 AM   #224
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Several of the warriors turn around to look at her, as does the fire-ball masked sorcerer.

One of the warriors, one with a square face,narrow nose, and bushy hair handing loose strides forward to her and asks (not her it seems) "Did the Haunden we attacked have any prisoners?"

Without turning around, the bird-marked sorcerer said "I didn't spot them until they attacked us. They don't have any now. That archer is still watching us though."

The warrior with the bushy hair and square face pulls the gag out of her mouth "who are you? how did you get here?"

Fireball inspects her closely, mostly her face, then says, "She's won't work for mine. I still have to get the full quota."

The Bushy-haired warrior: "Is she useful as a skeleton? we lost quite a bit in this attack, and we can't have her warning her people we're coming."

Fireball: "Warriors are better... but no one else has to know that."

almost everyone has weapons out, but no one has them ready. Busy-hair has sheathed his sword.
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Old 04-16-2024, 12:04 PM   #225
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

(Anoras speaking in Venasir to the Venasir, looking at the warrior with the bushy hair and square face): "How do you think I got here? Didn't you just pull a gag out of my mouth? Can't you see my hands are tied? Set me free now!"

(Anoras looking around) "Did you capture those lousy Haunden kidnappers? (Still looking) Where are your prisoners? I only know the basics of the Haunden's evil plan. The kidnappers know more. Where are they?

"No, first we have wounded to deal with. They didn't take my first aid kit. Untie me so I can treat the wounded."
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Old 04-17-2024, 09:01 AM   #226
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

OCC: I take it you're deliberately ignoring the discussion of whether to turn you into a skeleton or not?

"How do you think I got here? Didn't you just pull a gag out of my mouth? Can't you see my hands are tied? Set me free now!"
Bushy haired warrior: "They're over there. You're over here." That does seem to settle his question though.

He makes no move to untie her.

(Anoras looking around) "Did you capture those lousy Haunden kidnappers? (Still looking) Where are your prisoners? I only know the basics of the Haunden's evil plan. The kidnappers know more. Where are they?
That sounds like a fast-talk attempt to get more information... please roll!

"No, first we have wounded to deal with. They didn't take my first aid kit. Untie me so I can treat the wounded."

Another warrior with a sword, this one with a nasty wound, says "We could sure use some medicine. We've got three bad causalities."

Fireball: "Surprise is more important than healing."

Bushy Hair: "With respect, Mystic, three of my soldiers are useless, and they're all front-line troops. We'd be relying on skeletons to win and archers to grab."

Fireball: "Then you'll use the archers!"

Bushy Hair: "We can get both. Tie her legs and put a sword to her back."
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Old 04-17-2024, 10:33 AM   #227
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
OCC: I take it you're deliberately ignoring the discussion of whether to turn you into a skeleton or not?....
Yes, quite deliberately. She's talking as if such an idea is too stupid to even consider. (She hoped something like this thought might occur to the Venasir. "Let's see, we turn a quite possibly innocent sister Venasir into a skeleton, getting one inferior warrior at the possible cost of our own executions for murder. Or we can have a healer who can save our lives. Hmm....")

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
That sounds like a fast-talk attempt to get more information... please roll!
Agreed. Before I roll, this is for talking them into telling Anoras where their current enemies are. Their enemies including those Haunden captured and those they just fought/are fighting--i.e. Thad and Cassandra. Yes, Anoras knows where T and C are, so that won't get her any new information, so might seem useless. But she wants the Venasir to tell her where they are so she can justify knowing that.

EDIT: If I don't get a roll bonus for a convincing story, made roll by 9. If I get a bonus, critical success. Either way....
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Last edited by Alden Loveshade; 04-17-2024 at 10:41 AM. Reason: after roll
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Old 04-17-2024, 11:45 AM   #228
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

EDIT: Apparently this post didn't happen so can be ignored.

OOC: Please forgive me for posting the below ahead of time. If my doing this is a problem and the below has to be ignored, please let me know. But as the other two players are now waiting on me, I'm hoping to decrease their wait. So the below is assuming the Venasir do untie Anoras' hands so she can do her healing work.

OOC: While I realize the Venasir don't know Anoras, in every society I can think of, in a medical emergency the healer usually has top priority. I do understand that, until they see her do healing stuff, they may well be skeptical. Although the fact she's carrying a first aid kit should give them a clue she's really a healer.

OOC: When she stops to grab hold of a tree, it will be a slowing down stop. A sudden stop with a sword pointed at your back....

(After they tie Anoras' legs, put a sword at her back, and untie her hands)

"Are you so afraid of an unarmed healer that you insist her legs be tied and she have a sword at her back?" (Anoras makes a dismissive Venasir gesture--modern American equivalent would be shaking her head in dismissal.)

She'll head toward the nearest badly-injured warrior. Before she gets there, she'll stop and grab hold of a tree. She'll breath deep for a few seconds, then speak.

(Facing no one) "How do you expect me to concentrate on healing the wounded like this?"

(Facing Fireball): "Mystic, you are obviously highly skilled in the ways of marvelous magical miracles. Would you choose to do your work with your legs tied and a deadly sword pointing at your back?"

(Facing the Bushy-haired warrior): "Would you?"

(Facing no one) "Do you all want the wounded to die? Or do you want to untie my legs and take that sword away from my back so I can do my work?"
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Last edited by Alden Loveshade; 04-22-2024 at 05:59 PM. Reason: Post didn't happen
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Old 04-18-2024, 11:10 AM   #229
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Fast talk succeeds!

Wounded swordsman: "The giant is bleeding to death on the ground out there. The archer has run away and is hiding, but the mystic apprentice has eyes on her. We beat 'em good. When she moves away, we'll make the giant into a skeleton."

Have you noticed they are talking about attacking the local Venasir? You have successfully convinced them you're a local Venasir. That seems to indicate you are an enemy.

Sorry if I'm triple checking, but I feel like I'm not communicating well. This is the last check. You're willing to let the people who think you're an enemy even in your disguise untie your bad hand tie and tie a real leg tie so that you can heal them?
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Old 04-18-2024, 01:58 PM   #230
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Default Re: Warriors of Haunden (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Have you noticed they are talking about attacking the local Venasir?
Actually, no. In case I missed it, I just did two searches, one for the word "Holidor", and one for the word "Venasir". I searched through every post in this thread, Warriors of Haunden (IC), from the beginning of March to now. I didn't see anything about their attacking Venasir/Holidor. What I read was this:

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
One of the warriors, one with a square face,narrow nose, and bushy hair handing loose strides forward to her and asks (not her it seems) "Did the Haunden we attacked have any prisoners?"....
If I'm missing something, please let me know.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Fast talk succeeds!....

Sorry if I'm triple checking, but I feel like I'm not communicating well. This is the last check. You're willing to let the people who think you're an enemy even in your disguise untie your bad hand tie and tie a real leg tie so that you can heal them?
Thanks for asking.

As for the "bad hand tie," Anoras had mentioned different possible plans based on circumstances. The "bad" hand tie was part of one of the possible plans, but not one she used. As is common with escape artists, her hands are really tied--but in a way she could escape from if needed.

A lot of this confusion I think has to do with me not seeing anything about the Venasir talking about attacking Venasir. I figured as Anoras spoke fluent Venasir, and they saw her hands were tied, and that her mouth was covered with a Haunden fabric gag, they would think she was a captured Venasir and thus a likely ally.

So apparently I'm not understanding what's going on. If you could point out the post(s) where the people who have Anoras were talking about attacking the local Venasir, maybe I can understand where we're at.

OOC: I'm not as good at Escape as Anoras is. But just to make sure I could still do it, I just tied my hands behind my back with several knots--and got out by myself. And I have tied myself to the point the person trying to untie me wanted to give up and use a knife to cut the rope. As the person behind Anoras is holding a sword....
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