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Old 11-08-2017, 08:07 AM   #41
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

The exact order they trigger in is actually still unknown, and could possibly be a plot point. Though linking them and counting the 1 hour as the same for both is probably most correct.
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Old 02-26-2018, 09:24 AM   #42
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Originally Posted by Friendpmcii View Post
OOC:I noticed that the starting package changed, does this mean I don't have the intuition Advantage anymore?
I haven't changed the starting package: did you change the version of it you are referencing? I can't find a version that ever had it.

I don't remember ever sticking intuition in the package. I think we did talk about giving it to him with normal points, but I can't find that conversation, even in PM's.
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Old 02-27-2018, 05:45 AM   #43
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Hu, I thought I had it (as I've used it once or twice in game). Guess I will need to be careful on not using it, sorry.

If we did it would have been on my character refered in the first page of the post. Unless that never got changed (because it was an old charicter at first.) But I thought it did sense it has combat skills.
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Old 02-27-2018, 06:27 AM   #44
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

If you want to use add intuition with a 1 minute immediate preparation required on it and requiring not talking to others, that's fine.
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Old 08-12-2018, 01:33 AM   #45
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

I'd like to play but am not good at designing backgrounds, is this okay?

Jane Doe

Advantages (185)
(1) Appearance Perk: Honest Face
(1) Appearance Perk: Passing Complexion (unspecific ethnicity)
(35) Clairsentience (Requires Immediate Preparation 1 Hour -75%, skill roll is dreaming, only when sleeping -20%, Unconscious only -20%, uncontrollable -10%, cosmic +50%, Increased Range x2 Million +200%) [35]
(28) Detect (supernatural phenomenon, Reflexive +40%) [28]
(40) Jumper (world, New worlds +50%, Naked -30%, Uncontrollable -10%, Unconscious only -20%, skill roll is dreaming, only when sleeping -20%, requires Immediate Preparation 1 hour -75%, cosmic +50%, Drift -15%) [40]
(15) Luck [15],
(15) Serendipidy [15]
(50) Usual Background (Can use any Magic) [50]

Disadvantages (-100)
(-25) Amnesia: Total Amnesia [-25]
(-15) Dead Broke (Only after jumps -40%) [-15]
(-15) Dwarfism (must be under 4'4", choosing 4'3")
(-10) Hunchback (-6" to height, so 3'9" while hunched)
(-5) Skinny (instead of 40-80 pounds, -15% from Dwarfism makes this somewhere between 34 and 68, exact weight not known due to amnesia)
(-5) Social Stigma (Valuable Property, sometimes -50%) [-5]
(-2) Social Stigma (2nd-Class Citizen, sometimes -50%) [-2]
(-8) Ugly
(-15) Weirdness Magnet [-15]

Unknown Traits: since Total Amnesia specifies "The only traits you can specify during character creation are those you could see in a mirror" after adding 2 perks (honest/passing) and 4 disadvantages (dwarfish/ugly/skinny/hunched) 185 minus 100 is 85, so being a 100-point character means at least 15 points of unknown advantages TBD by GM, possibly more depending on whether or not there are additional unknown disadvantages, lowered attributes or secondary characteristics.

The exception I made here is defining the package, since those would be revealed. I'd like to just learn skills along the way unless you want to reveal some surprise ones.
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Old 08-13-2018, 08:49 AM   #46
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)


First off, I think a traditionally built character would be the best for this situation. Lost in Dreams works best when the PC has underlying motivations: the plots tend to require you to get involved in them, rather than forcing themselves upon you.

If you want help coming up with and fleshing out a character concept, I can very much help you with that. Or we can go to the gurps forum and ask for assistance there.

You seem to want to play a women. That's fine. common choice for this game. Gender: check!

What age is the character? a young adult just starting out her life? Middle aged? An older women, with experience and wisdom, but creaky joints?

What is her career path? This is the widest choice. She could be a doctor, a policewoman, a waitress, a bureaucrat, an archeologist, an engineer, a world traveler, a writer, a student, a journalist, a party planner, a lawyer, independently wealthy, a homemaker, an activist or any other of a number of things. If you're not sure what to be, choose one from the above list randomly.

What does she do for fun? Does she avidly read or watch a particular type of ficiton or non-fiction (mysteries, nature documentaries, science fiction, action films, dramas), go into the great outdoors, socialize with family and friends, play a sport or martial art, garden, travel the world, or listen to or play music?

What sort of background does she have? Is she from a big family or a small one? was her home broken or whole? Did they have money? Did they live in a city, a suburb, or the country? Did she grow up in the US or some other nation?

If you very much still want a character with amnesia, at the very least I'd like you to specify ST, DX, and HT. Those will be immediately apparent. IQ, per, and will would also be nice.

you've racked up -3 in reaction modifiers. This is... ill advised.

I would note that the 153 point package is applied AFTER the 100 point character is built. So the characters are actually 253 points. So perhaps you took all of the disadvantages because you felt stressed for points.
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Old 08-13-2018, 11:27 PM   #47
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Spent 150 on attributes to increase overall value from 85 to 235

IQ 15 (100)
Will 14 (-5)
ST 5 (-25)
DX 12 (40)
HT 14 (40)
Basic Speed: 6.5→7 (10)
Basic Move: 7→5 (-10)

Charisma 2 (Cosmic +50%) would bump total to 250 and also help with reaction rolls. Pitiable would bring it up to 255.

5 physical quirks (from Quirks supplement) that seemed to make sense with being hunchbacked/thin/small bring back down to 250:

Clumsy Runner
Cold Intolerance
Thin Skull
Tiny Hands

There are 3 physical perks (from Perks supplement) I'd like to add:

Compact Frame
Deep Sleeper
Standard Operating Procedure: Back to the Wall

Which would bring it up to 253. I think I'd probably like to try skills at default, then spend points to learn some as Dabbler, then move up from there. I guess for simplicity my native language would be English since that (and literacy) are free.
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Old 08-14-2018, 12:48 PM   #48
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Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Ok. hmmph. Spending ALL the points was not what I was expecting.

Lets drop HT down to 12, and speed down to 6. Cosmic is denied on charisma, but I don't cosmic applying very often on charisma anyway. Raise ST to 6 please. Lets drop one level of IQ as well.

I'd like an age.

That gives me 50 points worth of traits to build a believable backstory.

Which I have.

So I have:

ST 6 [-20]

DX 12 [40]

IQ 14 [80]

HT 12 [20]

HP 6

Will 13 [-5]
Per 14

FP 12

speed 6 [0]

move 4 [5]

charisma 2 [10]
Pitiable [5]

Amnesia: Total Amnesia [-25]
Dwarfism (must be under 4'4", choosing 4'3")
Hunchback (-6" to height, so 3'9" while hunched)
Skinny (instead of 40-80 pounds, -15% from Dwarfism makes this somewhere between 34 and 68, exact weight not known due to amnesia)
Social Stigma (Valuable Property, sometimes -50%) [-5]
Social Stigma (2nd-Class Citizen, sometimes -50%) [-2]
Ugly [-8]

5 perks+5 quirks [0]
Clumsy Runner
Cold Intolerance
Thin Skull
Tiny Hands

Compact Frame
Deep Sleeper
Standard Operating Procedure: Back to the Wall
Honest Face
Passing Complexion (unspecific ethnicity)

40 points in skills, talents, advantages, and former life. unknown

10 background points, unknown.
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Old 08-18-2018, 05:03 PM   #49
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Had some other ideas while totaling things up which have been incorporated, would this be okay?
*forgot to take the Bad Back disad (Mild is -15) recommended for realistic Hunchbacks
*Perfect Balance due to low/wide stance (+15)
*swapped in Bowlegged for Pain-Insensitive (0)
*Full-on Low Pain Threshold sounded better for someone with 6 HP (-10)
*Zeroed (+10) sounded appropriate for the mysterious past / hard to discover stuff
*Ambidexterity (+5)
*added Shy, Mild (-5) which seems like it would make sense. I figure if it's okay to define a vague mental advantage like Charisma it'd also be okay to define a vague mental disadvantage too.

Name: Unknown (Jane Doe? Brainesiac?)
Age: 20
Height: 4'3" crouched at 3'9" due to hunched back
Weight: somewhere between 34 and 68 pounds

[120] Basic
ST 6 [-20]
DX 12 [40]
IQ 14 [80]
HT 12 [20]

[-10] Secondary
HP 6 [0]
Will 13 [-5]
Per 14 [0]
FP 12 [0]
AP 12 [0]
Basic Speed 6 [0]
Basic Move 4 [-10]
Water Move 1 [+5]

[50] Unknown Traits
Background Points [10]
Secret Advantage(s) [40+??]
Secret Disadvantage(s) [-??]

[40] Advantages
Ambidexterity [5]
Charisma 1 [5] (w/ -1 bowlegs, -1 hunchback, -2 ugly still -3)
Pitiable [5] (offsets the above total to neutral against non-Callous)
Perfect Balance [15] (+4 v knockdown, +1 acro/climb/pilot)
Zeroed [10]

[-100] Disadvantages
Amnesia: Total Amnesia [-25]
Bad Back: Mild (HT checks on ST rolls, -3 DX on fail, -5 DX on crit, -2 reset) [-15]
Dwarfism (must be under 4'4", choosing 4'3") (-1 move/reach, -3 disgu/shad) [-15]
Hunchback (-6" to height, so 3'9" while hunched) (-1 react, -3 disguise/shadow) [-10]
Low Pain Threshold (double shock, -4 v knockdown/stun/torture, Will fail cry out) [-10]
Mild Shyness (-1/15 skills) [-5]
Skinny (dwarf-15% 40-80>34-68lbs, -2dis/shad/KB) [-5]
Social Stigma (Valuable Property, sometimes -50%) [-5]
Social Stigma (2nd-Class Citizen, sometimes -50%) [-2]
Ugly (-2 reaction from those attracted to humans) [-8]

[5] Perks
Compact Frame
Deep Sleeper
Honest Face
Passing Complexion (unspecific ethnicity)
Standard Operating Procedure: Back to the Wall

[-5] Quirks
Bowlegged (-1 to Jumping, -1 react)
Clumsy Runner (-1 to DX moving faster than 1/2 basic move)
Cold Intolerance (“comfort zone” is between 45°F and 90°F)
Thin Skull (skull has 1 DR not 2)
Tiny Hands (-1 to ST w/ weapons)

Last edited by Plane; 08-18-2018 at 05:17 PM.
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Old 08-20-2018, 11:47 PM   #50
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default Re: Lost in Dreams II (OCC)

Just noticed responding now. I'll put down a series of steps I will take assuming nothing but if anything unexpected happens in response to one, can ignore the latter ones as she might react.
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