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Old 02-20-2015, 11:31 AM   #41
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

A Lesser Evil
The heroes are all monsters of myth: vampires, lamia, lycanthropes, witches, wicked faeries, ogres, and vengeful ghosts. They are a plague upon humanity, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
They are also, however, the only thing that can stop the Things Man Was Not Meant--beings of nearly unlimited power who are constantly trying to break into our reality and turn it into a swirling chaos like their own.

----"The truth is, I like this world. You've got... dog racing, Manchester United, and you've got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs. It's all right here." Spike

Heroes of Ragnarok
Something's changed in the world--people have begun to report strange events and while the first few dragon and giant sightings were ignored by just about everyone, until a Kraken sunk a nimitz class aircraft carrier in the north atlantic.
Now were in the depths of an unexplained global winter and people are starting to panic. The death toll started to add up.
The PCs, after dreaming of an old man with one eye, wake up to the knowledge that they are Einherjaren--brave warriors who died in battle, spent centuries fighting and feasting in Valhalla, and have now been reborn in participate in a war against destiny on behalf of the gods of Asgard.

Escape from Faerie
Some of you were kidnapped as children, some of you were carried off by the wild hunt, some of you tasted the fruit in the goblyn market. However ended up as a servant in the hall of the Elf-King, you've had enough of being slave and plaything of the incomprehensible magical beings that surround you.
You want to escape, and return to world of men. But how?
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Old 02-20-2015, 01:36 PM   #42
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by David Johnston2 View Post
Near Death: The characters are people who have experienced near-death experiences and discover that they now have the power to see, hear and interact with normally invisible and intangible spirit entities, and to astrally project and use powers in the astral realm inspired by how they died. And so does anyone else who has ever had a near-death experience, including a secret society who have made bargains with the darkest kinds of spirits and are eliminating anyone who doesn't join their society.
Not even enough for a campaign framework, but it's something I thought of recently that could be interesting for fictional exploration:
When someone is brought back from the brink of death, they often have a life-changing epiphany. What if that's because they come back with a soul, not necessarily the one they left with? Since most people (living and dead) are neither saints nor fiends, this usually causes minor changes in outlook easily brushed off as being scared straight, realizing one has but one life to live, etc. If the soul is mostly subconscious, and the conscious (biophysical) mind is free to act upon or fight the urges and nature of the soul, this could be terrifying, especially to the poor fellow who has suddenly wound up with the soul of a mass murderer.
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.
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Old 03-03-2015, 10:21 PM   #43
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Of orcs and men: A campaign set in a high fantasy style world, but from the perspectives of orcs and goblins, in a world where dwarves, elves and men aren't as naturally good as they claim to be and where there is no such thing as natural evil.
Jordan Smith, Dimension hoping hobo:

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Old 03-12-2015, 05:03 PM   #44
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

The Inquisition: Takes place in a fantasy world that broke it's medieval stasus and is now living in the 1930's. Essentially D&D meets black and white 1930's noir films.
Jordan Smith, Dimension hoping hobo:

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Old 03-12-2015, 05:59 PM   #45
David Johnston2
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by crretin View Post
The Inquisition: Takes place in a fantasy world that broke it's medieval stasus and is now living in the 1930's. Essentially D&D meets black and white 1930's noir films.
I know that game:
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Old 03-12-2015, 10:47 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by David Johnston2 View Post
wait... it exists already? crap... I thought I was being creative....
Jordan Smith, Dimension hoping hobo:

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Old 03-13-2015, 07:57 PM   #47
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Monpunk: A post apocalyptic setting that takes place 1,000 years after the fall of a future society based heavily on bio engenreering, all the tools that where once controlled by humans have now gone feral and to survive the remaining humans must work together with these creatures to survive. Essentially Pokémon meets mad max.
Jordan Smith, Dimension hoping hobo:

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Old 03-13-2015, 11:08 PM   #48
David Johnston2
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by crretin View Post
wait... it exists already? crap... I thought I was being creative....
Don't think of it like that. Think of it as great minds thinking alike. You independently came up with an idea that when developed produced a pretty good game.

Super-Spies Like Us: Relive the history of the Cold War...sort of...through a James Bond lens, fighting Communist powers, third world dictators, and evil tycoons as well as the forces of the Third Way, starting with trying to get a defecting physicist out in the middle of the Berlin Airlift and ending with a climactic attempt by the now elderly super spies to stop the Third Way from taking over a collapsing Soviet Union...if the campaign lasts that long. Along the way you'll visit all of the high and low points of Cold War history...all of them distorted away from what really happened.

No Man's Land: A century ago in a great war between the kingdoms of Gaulle and Alleman the borders were blasted by the combined curse casting of the sorcerers of both sides, creating a No Man's Land between both nations, a zone filled with traps and undead or mutated monsters and out of that devastation a peace created just by the impossibility of moving significant numbers of troops across such hostile terrain. The characters live in a dangerous frontier town inhabited by those who patrol the frontier for stray monsters, or know the few safe paths to the other side for a bit of smuggling or espionage. But something is up on the other side of the Land...

Solum: In this generational game set in a somewhat magical alternate Earth, the first generation are those Romans who have been entrusted with the books of prophecy recorded from the predictions of the last and greatest Sybil of Rome, ordered destroyed by the Emperor because of its prediction of the fall of Rome and many catastrophes to follow. Their mission is to travel to the farthest reaches of the Empire, and there found the seed of a Second (and greater) Empire which will incorporate all of the lands of the old empire within a thousand years and go on to unite the planet in peace and order by 20th century. Unless of course it all goes off the rails.

As you can see I'm in a "let's rewrite history" mood.
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Old 03-13-2015, 11:29 PM   #49
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by David Johnston2 View Post
No Man's Land: A century ago in a great war between the kingdoms of Gaulle and Alleman the borders were blasted by the combined curse casting of the sorcerers of both sides, creating a No Man's Land between both nations, a zone filled with traps and undead or mutated monsters and out of that devastation a peace created just by the impossibility of moving significant numbers of troops across such hostile terrain. The characters live in a dangerous frontier town inhabited by those who patrol the frontier for stray monsters, or know the few safe paths to the other side for a bit of smuggling or espionage. But something is up on the other side of the Land.
Vaguely similar to Gurps: Myth based on the computer game I know nothing about.
Beware, poor communication skills. No offense intended. If offended, it just means that I failed my writing skill check.
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Old 03-14-2015, 12:57 AM   #50
David Johnston2
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by Flyndaran View Post
Vaguely similar to Gurps: Myth based on the computer game I know nothing about.
Well, both would be fantasy wargames I guess. But even though the Gallians are plotting to invade Alleman with new weapons (magical giant robots and airships) they aren't the Dark and the Allemanians aren't the Light. They're just a nation acting on an historical grudge like they do.
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