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Old 04-14-2015, 01:59 PM   #91
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Forest Grove, Beaverton, Oregon
Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

A setting where oceans and many areas below sea level are covered with a permanent dense fog. Any living thing that dips below the edge will get torn to pieces by something. There are no land areas larger than a largish sized American state.
TL is just hitting 5 where experimental dirigibles have just been invented by the peoples of the largest island. Now is the time for exploration.
Beware, poor communication skills. No offense intended. If offended, it just means that I failed my writing skill check.
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Old 04-16-2015, 05:07 PM   #92
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

New west: An alternate history version of the wild west where an alien spacecraft containing a colony of alien refuges crash lands on earh. In return for a new place to live the aliens help improve technology. Essentially a western with laser pistols and robots
Jordan Smith, Dimension hoping hobo:

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Old 04-17-2015, 02:36 AM   #93
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Blood moon: An apocalyptic future where the moon had turned blood red and various people have turned into permanent were wolves. The players play wolf hunters devoted to hunting down these beasts.
Jordan Smith, Dimension hoping hobo:

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Old 04-18-2015, 06:26 AM   #94
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The Anty Government Conspiracy

Worldwide sugar consumption has tripled in the past 50 years, and obesity rates are hitting 30% in some countries. What is it that's driving this change?

Ant People, of course. The executives and owners of the agro-industrial complex are a majority either of Ant People or their pawns. The whole food industry- fast food, snack food and beverage producers, advertisers, media outlets- are all working for the Ant People conspiracy, some wittingly, but most unwittingly.

And what is their goal? They're only a few years away from economic markets being dominated by the flow of sugar- white gold- and then they'll be able to hold the sweet-addicted human population to ransom. They're also building up a stockpile of sugar so that they can feed their brethren when it's time for them to conquer the world.

And who can stop this global epidemic? It's up to a ragtag bunch of pest exterminators, food scientists, dietitians and weight-loss reality show hosts to sock it to them where it hurts- right in the mandibles. But who's going to believe them? And how can they fight against a country living on a permanent sugar-high?
Collaborative Settings:
Cyberpunk: Duopoly Nation
Space Opera: Behind the King's Eclipse
And heaps of forum collabs, 30+ and counting!
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Old 04-20-2015, 05:58 PM   #95
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by Daigoro View Post
The Anty Government Conspiracy

Worldwide sugar consumption has tripled in the past 50 years, and obesity rates are hitting 30% in some countries. What is it that's driving this change?

Ant People, of course. The executives and owners of the agro-industrial complex are a majority either of Ant People or their pawns. The whole food industry- fast food, snack food and beverage producers, advertisers, media outlets- are all working for the Ant People conspiracy, some wittingly, but most unwittingly.

And what is their goal? They're only a few years away from economic markets being dominated by the flow of sugar- white gold- and then they'll be able to hold the sweet-addicted human population to ransom. They're also building up a stockpile of sugar so that they can feed their brethren when it's time for them to conquer the world.

And who can stop this global epidemic? It's up to a ragtag bunch of pest exterminators, food scientists, dietitians and weight-loss reality show hosts to sock it to them where it hurts- right in the mandibles. But who's going to believe them? And how can they fight against a country living on a permanent sugar-high?
This is a variation on a theme explored to good effect in Season 7 of the television show, Supernatural.

Of course, the bad guys, there, had a rather more direct use for fattened humans. :)
MXLP:9 [JD=1, DK=1, DM-M=1, M(FAW)=1, SS=2, Nym=1 (nose coffee), sj=1 (nose cocoa), Maz=1]
"Some days, I just don't know what to think." -Daryl Dixon.
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Old 04-21-2015, 08:27 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by tshiggins View Post
This is a variation on a theme explored to good effect in Season 7 of the television show, Supernatural.

Of course, the bad guys, there, had a rather more direct use for fattened humans. :)
Did they have to make an uneasy alliance with the Ant People's natural enemies, the Talking Cockroaches?
Collaborative Settings:
Cyberpunk: Duopoly Nation
Space Opera: Behind the King's Eclipse
And heaps of forum collabs, 30+ and counting!
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Old 05-07-2015, 12:37 AM   #97
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Kingdom Come: in the year 2050 scientists have found a way to put a man on mars, what that man found however changed human history forever. He found an ancient Martian city, one that was medieval I nature but a city none the less, and inside where tomes upon tomes of martian lore. Over years of study scientists have learned the martians secret, they had magic, and over time man had learned to use this magic. The year is now 3012 and society has met with a variety of aliens all in the shape of one fantasy race or the other. Basicly a new take on science fantasy and space opera.
Jordan Smith, Dimension hoping hobo:

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Old 05-07-2015, 06:42 PM   #98
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Here there be dragons: In the year 2020 dragons have come back from their long rest to take over and rule the orld once more, and with them magic and creatures from eastern lore. That was 980 years ago. Basicly a wushu style fantasy in a post apocalyptic future with some near future tech thrown in the mix.
Jordan Smith, Dimension hoping hobo:

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Old 05-07-2015, 08:42 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by crretin View Post
Kingdom Come: in the year 2050 scientists have found a way to put a man on mars, what that man found however changed human history forever. He found an ancient Martian city, one that was medieval I nature but a city none the less, and inside where tomes upon tomes of martian lore.
May show my love of the bizarre, but I think it would be more interesting for the first astronauts to land on Mars to discover human remains. Perhaps with shoddy, garage-kit space suits. Or, for extreme weirdness, period accurate Roman legion gear.

Not sure what I'd do with that, though.

Originally Posted by crretin View Post
Here there be dragons: In the year 2020 dragons have come back from their long rest to take over and rule the orld once more, and with them magic and creatures from eastern lore. That was 980 years ago. Basicly a wushu style fantasy in a post apocalyptic future with some near future tech thrown in the mix.
I'd do that one differently, too. I wouldn't make it post-apocalyptic. I'd take a page from Salvation War and have the humans put up a (very effective) fight. Last time the dragons were here, they were fighting (and sometimes losing) to late iron age cavalry. I might have the humans find that when fighting dragons sword<gun<holy sword<holy gun, and give military chaplains some teeth (Praise the lord, and pass the ammunition).
- Actually one normal sized guy in three tiny trenchcoats.

Last edited by RyanW; 05-07-2015 at 08:57 PM.
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Old 05-07-2015, 11:09 PM   #100
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Default Re: Ideas Are Easy

Originally Posted by RyanW View Post
May show my love of the bizarre, but I think it would be more interesting for the first astronauts to land on Mars to discover human remains. Perhaps with shoddy, garage-kit space suits. Or, for extreme weirdness, period accurate Roman legion gear.

Not sure what I'd do with that, though.

I'd do that one differently, too. I wouldn't make it post-apocalyptic. I'd take a page from Salvation War and have the humans put up a (very effective) fight. Last time the dragons were here, they were fighting (and sometimes losing) to late iron age cavalry. I might have the humans find that when fighting dragons sword<gun<holy sword<holy gun, and give military chaplains some teeth (Praise the lord, and pass the ammunition).
Well while you are free to post your own settings with those guidelines, neither of those suggestions are what I'm trying to do with these settings. For the first it's supposed to be star trek meets lord of the rings not a couple of confused astronauts who just stumble upon some corpses, and for the second one first it's not supposed to be based on European fantasy but rather Japanese fantasy and second I wanted to do something different than the whole dragons come and humans fight them off sort of deal, and I wanted to do a wushu style fantasy in the ruins of modern day society.
Jordan Smith, Dimension hoping hobo:

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