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Old 02-19-2024, 07:32 PM   #1751
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter does not want an animal harmed for his training.

"I never harm an animal unless I absolutely have to or I'm gonna eat it, and then I do it as quick and painless as possible. Can a Yaka heal themselves? I'd rather you put a little cut on me than a defenseless critter."

His existing first aid knowledge is hopefully useful with healing, and he will describe what he does know about muscles and tendons. If it is argued that injuring the creature is what is required to learn properly and save lives Peter can ultimately be convinced. He will ask if they can drug the beast for comfort at least.

"How far can the door go? Can you do one alone? I heard it takes a bunch of people."

"What's with the spindly swords? Why not use ones you can still use without Yaka?"

Peter is highly focused on the task at hand and does his best to make the most of Master West's time.

Peter is very curious how the rest of this Earth/Mars history fits together and how people got to Mars in the first place... He will keep trying to piece it together, but he's wary of anyone catching on that he's otherworldly and think he's a spy or something. He's not afraid of being taken captive, he's concerned with not getting to finish his Yaka lessons.

Once Peter has successfully healed something and feels he has a handle on all the basics, his probing will likely get deeper and might raise flags...

"So the Torril have been here longer, and there are much more recent colonies... when did they come here?"
"You mentioned a coast... So Earth is like 2/3 water... Do you how much of the surface of Mars is water?"
"So is space travel by portal?"
"Umn... what 'Other Inhabitants of Mars' are there?"
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Old 02-20-2024, 10:45 AM   #1752
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter does not want an animal harmed for his training.

"I never harm an animal unless I absolutely have to or I'm gonna eat it, and then I do it as quick and painless as possible. Can a Yaka heal themselves? I'd rather you put a little cut on me than a defenseless critter."

His existing first aid knowledge is hopefully useful with healing, and he will describe what he does know about muscles and tendons. If it is argued that injuring the creature is what is required to learn properly and save lives Peter can ultimately be convinced. He will ask if they can drug the beast for comfort at least.
Yaka can indeed target themselves... though that's a little more difficult. Master West doesn't insist on animal training, instead giving Peter focus exercises. Peter's first aid helps him know a little of "what" he's detecting with the tingling, but the actual muscles, veins, bones, and tendons are kind of new to him. Some anatomy is provided, but done by a sort of touch rather than by sight.

"How far can the door go? Can you do one alone? I heard it takes a bunch of people."
"No one has managed to do a door alone. I don't know if its geometrically possible. Usually four are required. I've heard of two masters doing it, but that was pushing the boundary of the art. The door's limit... so far we can only visit the planets around the sun, and most of those aren't worth visiting. Just Mars and Venus."

"What's with the spindly swords? Why not use ones you can still use without Yaka?"
Master West: "For its reach. An officer's saber is only about three feet long. A Yaka sword is almost twice its length. It can strike first, and strike farther. A skilled Yaka doesn't have to worry about it breaking."


Peter is very curious how the rest of this Earth/Mars history fits together and how people got to Mars in the first place... He will keep trying to piece it together, but he's wary of anyone catching on that he's otherworldly and think he's a spy or something. He's not afraid of being taken captive, he's concerned with not getting to finish his Yaka lessons.

Once Peter has successfully healed something and feels he has a handle on all the basics, his probing will likely get deeper and might raise flags...

"So the Torril have been here longer, and there are much more recent colonies... when did they come here?"
"You mentioned a coast... So Earth is like 2/3 water... Do you how much of the surface of Mars is water?"
"So is space travel by portal?"
"Umn... what 'Other Inhabitants of Mars' are there?"
Its not known when the Torril came: people have lots of theories, most of them biblical, or claim they are alexander's lost greek army or an offshoot of atlantis... the most credible ones just say they must have been here for at least 1,000 years, and probably more.

I've got a map of watery mars I've been using. Its probably 40% to 30%.

Yes, they get back and forth from planets using the Yaka Portals

The planet is or was littered with small tribes, most able to understand the language of the Torril on some level, and most dealing with the fallout of their collapse. They have lots of varied names, none of which mean much to Peter, other than that the local tribe is called the "Rellisan", who have a sort of amish-hippie-luddite hatred of nice stuff like houses, wheels, and mass-produced clothing, and they are currently allied with the royalists, not the republicans.
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Old 02-20-2024, 10:58 AM   #1753
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will study hard and absorb all he can. Once he hears about Venus being habitable, he will ask about what that's like as well.

Edit: I had said, "If he dreams... Peter will likely head home tonight." but scratch that...

Let's Montage our way through all the Yaka instruction Peter can get before he tries to head home for Christmas (I think we got to this camp on what is Dec 19 back home, but there was a night arrival and a different length day, so things are a little fuzzy)

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 02-20-2024 at 07:52 PM.
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Old 02-21-2024, 10:29 AM   #1754
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter will study hard and absorb all he can. Once he hears about Venus being habitable, he will ask about what that's like as well.
Venus is a cloudy, stormy world with lots and lots of islands. It is also full of people, mostly fishers and hunters, plus the new arrivals from earth... though mars has been more favored for immigration.


Edit: I had said, "If he dreams... Peter will likely head home tonight." but scratch that...

Let's Montage our way through all the Yaka instruction Peter can get before he tries to head home for Christmas (I think we got to this camp on what is Dec 19 back home, but there was a night arrival and a different length day, so things are a little fuzzy)
And you're on a 25 hour day, not a 24 hour one... But Peter probably doesn't know about the difference between a martian second and a terran one: they just use a 24 hour day that's 4% longer.

Peter works hard on all of the Yaka. Master West has less time to spend with him after the first day, but he doesn't need quite as much. Master West arrives to correct, encourage, and tell new exercises.

On what he figures is Dec 22 back home, The camp gets ready to move: They're going to be lifting the Seige of Fort Roberts.

Colonel Witmore comes to Peter and expresses surprise that he is still there, but says he's welcome to follow behind the army, but warns him that a they're headed into battle.
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Old 02-21-2024, 08:28 PM   #1755
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Venus is a cloudy, stormy world with lots and lots of islands. It is also full of people, mostly fishers and hunters, plus the new arrivals from earth... though mars has been more favored for immigration.
A colonized solar system, without terraforming or spacecraft...
What's the most advanced tech Peter's seen here? Any indication of how the lights work?
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
And you're on a 25 hour day, not a 24 hour one... But Peter probably doesn't know about the difference between a martian second and a terran one: they just use a 24 hour day that's 4% longer.
As long as he's not here for weeks, it's pretty negligible on the calendar.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Peter works hard on all of the Yaka. Master West has less time to spend with him after the first day, but he doesn't need quite as much. Master West arrives to correct, encourage, and tell new exercises.
Peter has set his mind to it. Once that boy gits his mind set...

The first day being the day they arrived at camp on the 19th, is that correct?
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
On what he figures is Dec 22 back home, The camp gets ready to move: They're going to be lifting the Seige of Fort Roberts.
It occurs to me that the 21st would be two weeks since he left Thuroma and Kyridas and the council may be freaking out, so he should make a stop there before going home.

If Peter had Yaka training for the 19th and 20th he will focus on waking up in Thoroma on the 21st if possible. Peter would not stay until the 22nd unless he was unable to leave or he really needed the extra day for his Montage.

If Peter is unable to leave...

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Colonel Witmore comes to Peter and expresses surprise that he is still there, but says he's welcome to follow behind the army, but warns him that a they're headed into battle.
"Yeah, I'm a little surprised myself. I'm still figuring out the healing thing and the 'Powers-That-Be' have been quiet, so here I am. I need to make another stop before I go home too."

If he were to "follow behind the army" I presume he will not be able to do lessons with Master West. Does there seem to be another viable option for a place for Peter to go? Is this camp near a settlement?
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Old 02-22-2024, 09:50 AM   #1756
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
A colonized solar system, without terraforming or spacecraft...
What's the most advanced tech Peter's seen here? Any indication of how the lights work?
The most advance tech he's seen would be telescopes, repeating riffles, and watches. They've talked about trains (Peter hasn't seen one yet), and balloons, and they obviously have a somewhat robust manufacturing base, given the clothing and material items.

As long as he's not here for weeks, it's pretty negligible on the calendar.

The first day being the day they arrived at camp on the 19th, is that correct?
Lets say that it is!

It occurs to me that the 21st would be two weeks since he left Thuroma and Kyridas and the council may be freaking out, so he should make a stop there before going home.

If Peter had Yaka training for the 19th and 20th he will focus on waking up in Thoroma on the 21st if possible. Peter would not stay until the 22nd unless he was unable to leave or he really needed the extra day for his Montage.
Peter tries to dream that night.... And he's not sure if he's been called, if he's been lucky, or if he truly is starting to get the hang of this.

He's targeting Thuroma itself, right?

He wakes up in 'his' bed, right on time, in the priests quarters. Kyridos is happy to see him "What have you found out?"

He seems to think that Peter has been off looking for Ink-Thur or something.
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Old 02-22-2024, 10:43 AM   #1757
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Default -- Emissary --


Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He wakes up in 'his' bed, right on time, in the priests quarters. Kyridos is happy to see him "What have you found out?"
Peter briefs Kyridos on his conversations with the freed American prisoners across the portal and the discussions of trade and normalizing relations, and wants to know if they have any updates or have been in communication.

He explains there have been other matters that needed his attention and he will be returning to the gods realm to get an update soon, but he has some other business back home first. Peter is here for a status update, and to make sure they are behaving. If Kyridos and the council doesn't like it, he will remind him that he very specifically told him he needed a loose schedule in these trips, and if they have someone else in mind for the job, they should feel free to replace him, because he's got plenty of other worlds that need fixing.

((OOC : OMG, I love Peter having these guys by the proverbial short hairs))

Also while on Thuroma, Peter tests his Yaka training to see if it feels different or even works.

--- We don't need to go into depth in Thuroma. Peter wants to make sure all the gears he set in motion are turning here, and that his absence hasn't set them back to raiding Earth, etc. Peter lets them know he wants to hear about plans for Thuroman robot operated manufacturing plants and whatever else they and the Americans can come up with to strengthen potential trade using each group's strengths. He will head right off for home if he is able to when his head next hits the pillow.


Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 02-22-2024 at 11:06 AM.
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Old 02-26-2024, 09:38 PM   #1758
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Dream Vision Recap/Notes

So the current plan is to:
  1. Verify everyone is behaving and the teams are working if possible.
  2. Wake up at home on the 22nd (If Luck is needed for Unreliable, please apply it)
  3. Show off the new magic to the parents (if it works)
  4. Do a bit of schoolwork & work on the book
  5. Have a nice Christmas at home.
  6. Dec 26th, Go to the Pristine Realm and do Emissary stuff
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Old 02-27-2024, 11:03 AM   #1759
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Points for Mars:

Peter gets three points in Yaka training, assign them how you wish.

Peter has the bumped IQ, Selfless, and Skinny we talked about.

Peter gets five points for saving Armstrong, Williamson, and Fort Roberts.

Do you want to put that point in administration before you do the stuff in Thuroma? That sounds like an administration roll.

There have been no additional raids, but no word from the United States either. Kyridos is impatient for news from the divine realm, and has an enormous stack of messages for Peter to memorize. He's very happy to get the messages from the divine realm back... even if they're not for him.

(I'm not sure what 'teams' you are referring to, could you explain)

luck is required to be home for Christmas, but its enough. His parents are delighted to have him for christmas. His mother wants to know when he can control when he travels. His father checks how he is doing on his school work... its been months now. They tell him they won't be reporting that he came back until they're sure he can stay, and to try and to keep a low profile.

His father has him go through the new magic (Its just Yaka at this point, right?) He expresses concern at how violent it is "Are you getting shot at? Promise me you won't rely on this to run through bullets."

His parents aren't sure what to get him for Christmas, but they've added books to his room: Atlas's, history books, survival guides.

The evening of the 23rd, he dreams... he dreams of an office, and a sheet of paper lying out. The Paper has his name on it. And a picture of him. and his parents address.
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Old 02-27-2024, 05:10 PM   #1760
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter says the messages will have to wait unless he wants to reduce it to a much more manageable list, he is going home for a few days on holiday. He would rather they focus on the other initiatives... and Peter has come a long way since the first round of discussions if Kyridias is in need of convincing.


luck is required to be home for Christmas, but its enough. His parents are delighted to have him for christmas. His mother wants to know when he can control when he travels. His father checks how he is doing on his school work... its been months now. They tell him they won't be reporting that he came back until they're sure he can stay, and to try and to keep a low profile.
Peter agrees laying low is best.

"I'm getting better at controlling it all the time. I know I was a day off for Turkey day, but I'm home for Christmas!"

"I haven't had access to a lot of school books, but when I do I study as much as I can, and my memory is pretty good, so I work on stuff in my head sometimes when I'm walking or doing other stuff."

"I come and go with my dog, so I think it's safe to say I'm just a runaway at this point... it's what I honestly am unless you say I can go. I can control it well enough that when I do vanish I can probably get back within a few days, but the places I go always seem to have people who need my help."

His father has him go through the new magic (Its just Yaka at this point, right?) He expresses concern at how violent it is "Are you getting shot at? Promise me you won't rely on this to run through bullets."
"I'm not running through any gunfire if I can help it, thank you very much, but it can't hurt to use it while I run away!"

Peter is open with them and tells them of the tales of what he's been through in the last few weeks (Peter was last home last on Nov 29, so not quite a month).

He provides the full details, but in the end, the abridged version is that in that time he gotten the rest of the Broken World Prisoners released, Emancipated a Cat-girl, Helped a cursed beast be a man again and saved a few lives in the process, and rescued wounded and bedraggled soldiers to the salvation of thousands of men in their homeland besieged in a fort.

"How can I stay home and play video games and do my homework when I can see these things happen when I go to bed and close my eyes. When I know I can help. AND I CAN Dad. I can. I help!"

Up until this moment, Peter has been very mature. Very mater-of-fact and stoic as he 'gave his report' and 'debriefed his family. But his demeanor flipped. There was a crack in the boy's armor and the weight of what the universe was asking of him shook him. The emotions flowed out like a seal had burst and tears start streaming down Peter's face. Here in front of his family, Peter suddenly felt the weight of all the isolation and loneliness he felt while he was away. He wanted to be home. he wanted to stay. But what would the Thuromans do? What would happen to the people in Peter's next vision of hardship?

Peter isn't sure if he is explaining himself or making a plea.
"I HAVE to help, don't I? If I can help them and I don't what kind of person am I? What should I do dad? What would you do?"

Peter will have a good cry with his parents.

His parents aren't sure what to get him for Christmas, but they've added books to his room: Atlas's, history books, survival guides.
"I love you guys, this is amazing.I can't go shopping or take presents with me when I go again. Let's just bake cookies, drink egg nog and sing songs."
Peter will enjoy his parents as much as possible while he is home, and find some time to review some school work.

He will get on his computer and dump all his book thoughts in, updating the stuff he's written and kept in memory and cataloging his adventures... interspaces with anecdotal sidebars and survival tips.

In book 1, "Riders", Peter tries to get the complexities of the political intrigue he experienced on the page, but much like he had to, the reader would have to use their imagination for the full scope. But the ideas of trust, cooperation, non-violent resolution and using the system to get justice are there, and the tips on survival tried and true and laced with Peter's humor.

Can Dad help him get a publisher? He will need a pseudonym...

He lifts some weights and plays with the guitar as well.
The evening of the 23rd, he dreams... he dreams of an office, and a sheet of paper lying out. The Paper has his name on it. And a picture of him. and his parents address.
Peter EXPLORES this vision for more clues! Who's office might this be? he looks for other stationary, envelopes, placards, a phone with a visible number or display... anything with another name or address. Are there windows?

(What's the skill for Vision forensics? Search?)
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