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Old 01-30-2018, 08:30 AM   #11
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Default Re: Grenade Launcher Acc and Granularity

Originally Posted by Tomsdad View Post
TBH unless we increases Acc on grenade launchers full stop that going to be pretty hard. An open bin at 150 yards is going to be what -11 for range with another -1 for target? so -12. You are going to need those non combat bonuses with Acc 1!
Depending on the size of the garbage cans, they are pretty clearly smaller than an entire hex (+4 to hit), but might be easier than a human to hit at that range, on account of being fatter, so a +1 or +2 might be justified, for the large kind that is outside of houses.

This is training, not combat, so a combination of the relative lack of stress and distractions, knowing the exact range, familiarity and suchlike ought to get up to +4 or +5 TDM fairly easily.

I'd be fine with a skill level of 16-18 being required, as this is mentioned to be the result of experience and extensive training among DEVGRU operators who carry the M79. And, indeed, looks like skill 16 would be able to do it often, if not usually, and skill 18 would be able to do it routinely and even sometimes achieve this accuracy under combat conditions (especially if we allow Acc 2).

Originally Posted by Tomsdad View Post
Anyway I think your point about the M79 Sharing Acc with the Mk19 MOD 3 is fine, because as you say the latter will suffer less from the time to target rules.

So the latter will still perform better than the former at longer ranges despite sharing an Acc score.
Yes, I think it's fine. Acc 2 is still no better than many muscle powered weapons and it's the same as early muskets, or, indeed, a black powder blunderbuss of the same barrel length would get, so it's hardly unrealistic to allow a comparatively modern weapon this Acc.

Originally Posted by Tomsdad View Post
A couple of thoughts occurs regarding the M203, you could decide that it counts a unsighted shooting and not allow AoA determined (although I would allow aim maneuvers tso as not to completer neft the thing) or if you use "On target" maybe penalise aim rolls to take into account the issue with sights?
It has sights. They are just poorly regarded because they were inconveniently located and had to be zeroed every time the grenade launcher was mounted.

In any case, I don't think they need more penalties than having Acc 1, as that would make them less useful against point targets at range than snubnose .38s. Even with targeting hexes, not people, I think that further penalties to hit would make it useless at any range above minimum range for ordinary soldiers, which is not the intended effect.

And we don't want to make grenade launchers even less accurate than launching bombs with slings, which the heroic stats for muscle-powered weapons pretty much already do.
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