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Old 10-07-2008, 02:11 PM   #241
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by Þorkell
Just how many wikis have you created?
You need to check his "How Many Wikis Have I Created" wiki for that.

On topic, I think I used this one much earlier in this thread, but it is still on of my favorites:
"How is being dead a physical limitation?"
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Old 10-08-2008, 03:49 AM   #242
Jürgen Hubert
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Originally Posted by Þorkell
Just how many wikis have you created?
I've lost count - probably somewhere between a dozen and twenty. Seven are up at Wikidot.Com alone...
GURPS Repository Sunken Castles, Evil Poodles - translating German folk tales into English!
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Old 10-08-2008, 02:20 PM   #243
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

From our amnesia game on Sunday:

Darque: "I'm getting a really bad feeling."
Gummi: "What, do you have ESP or something?"
Darque: "No, the GM is clearing the center of the table."

Me: "Oh, that's bad. Roll three-dice . . . and roll low."
Gummi: "Sixteen."
Me: "What part of 'low' was hard to understand?"
Gummi: "Well, that's low for damage."
Me: "Not on three dice it isn't!"

This isn't so much a quote as a memorable moment from the above game:

Gummi asked me if he could play a person who hallucinated other people (basically a form of schizophrenia). After some thinking I agreed. While he was getting his picture ready, I approached the rest of the party and asked if they would be okay with their characters, for the beginning, being figments of Gummi’s imagination. There was a little thinking (and assurances that they would get “real” characters in the future) before they all agreed.

Now, Gummi has no idea what’s going on. He doesn’t understand why I haven’t used his mental illness much, but everyone else does. And they understand that, as the game goes along, they will be called upon to play both characters, perhaps at the same time. But they all like the idea . . . especially when they can mess with Gummi.
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Old 10-10-2008, 07:02 AM   #244
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Player 1: I will tear the stolen food from the very belly of that blasted thief!
Player 2: Sounds tasty.
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Old 10-10-2008, 07:12 AM   #245
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Just remembered one;

Bieng adressed by an Angel, who spends several minutes trying different languages before resorts to a magical enchantment;

Angel: Greetings Mort-
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Old 10-16-2008, 02:37 PM   #246
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

During the 20 seconds before a door breach by the enemy forces when they were trying to capture us alive for the death penalty ina time travel RP (The machine could only go forward or back about 2 hours due to low power at this point)
PC1:Right! I have a plan.
PC2,3,4&5: What?
PC1: No time to explain, I need to borrow the time machine and a pickle.
PC2: Alright...wait...why a pickle?
*PC 3 hands him a pickle*
PC1: Right, I jump into the time machine and go back in time to ten minutes before this encounter then go hide.
GM: do you need a pickle for that?
PC1: hey...I was hungry and I need something to eat while I watch them get beaten up.
Rest of PCs:You ****
PC1: OOOC: Eh...I'll save you later. *Eats the pickle*
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Old 10-17-2008, 12:37 PM   #247
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Throught a series of Strange and unrelated events two (Male heterosexual) PCs ended up accidentally kissing, PC 1 had kissed someone in character before, technically. He had been giving CPR to a succubus (Now a NPC) and she's turned it into a kiss. PC2 is known for being determind to be the best at EVERYTHING and he will try until he is.

PC 1 & 2: *Pull out the kiss quickly* ...(Realize who they are kissing) ...AARGHHHHH!!! *Both run to the bathroom to wash their mouths*
(1 minute of washing later)
PC1: What the hell were you doing!!!
PC2: What was I doing?! What were you doing...?
*General arguing*
PC2: (Out of no where)...So...was I good.
PC1:*Sprays water everywhere* Er...what
PC2: simple question, am I a good kisser? don't want to discuss this...
PC2: Come on, a simple yes or no, was I, or was I not, the best kiss you have ever had? really...
PC2: *Outrages* What!...Who?!
PC1: (Sucbbus)...
PC2: What!...She's not better than me!
PC1: Er...yes...yes she is...look can we stop talki...
*PC2 cuts him off with a kiss*
(a minute later)
PC2: That better?
PC2: was that better than Malthi?
PC1: NO!
*PC2 goes to kiss him again and he dodges*
PC1: Look! there's nothing wrong with your kissess it's just she's in a different leauge to you..
*PC2 becomes enraged and chases him around the ship eventually cornering him in the hallway*
*Kisses him again*
PC1:...still no...
PC2: ARRGH! What's she got that I havn't got?!
PC1:...she's not a man..., she's beautiful and physically attractive, you are not...and a four foot tounge...
PC2: ...Oh...good point...
PC1:...Thank you, now...put. me. down.
???: *Click*'re so sweet for saying that (PC1)
*Both look and see Malthi standing there with a camera and tape recorder* much did you hear?
Malthi: all of it...*Walks over and gives PC1 a peck on the cheek then walks out*
PC2:..........Hey...wait...she had a recorder...and a CAMERA!!!
*Both run out*
Eventually results them catching her just before she puts the picture and sound clip on the internet.
PC1: Right (PC2)...shall we just cover this entire incident in our memories...everything we said, everything that happened...EVERYTHING...with Barry Whites greatest hits?
PC2: Deal *Handshake*
Malthi: (Tied up in the corner)...isn't Barry White considered romanti...
Both: Shut up...Just...just shut up...

(The best thing was that next time we were in town, PC2 bought a item that allowed him to manipulate human flesh, he turned some of his muscle into a Five foot tounge...)

Last edited by BLloyd607502; 10-18-2008 at 03:29 AM.
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Old 10-17-2008, 03:53 PM   #248
Join Date: Jun 2007
Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

(this happened due to a player have played portal about 30 mins before everyone else showed up to play; his pc was capture by the BBEG)

PC: "Remember that time I tired to kill you and you were like oh no you don't and we laughed and laughed."

BBEG: "No,I don't remember that at all."

"This bit has taught me no give addiction cake as a disadvantage to the bbeg

pc: If you let me go I promise you cake.
BBEG "Really?"
PC: Yes
BBEG unties the pc

PC: The cake is a lie.
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Old 10-18-2008, 01:09 PM   #249
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

During a rest between Quests session the group inevitably ended up in a tavern, except this one had kareoke.
After a Heavy drinking contest the only people remaining were Malthi, PC1 (From the kissing incident), PC3 and PC4. After a failed will power roll, PC 1 managed to get up on stage and sings.
PC 4: Should we stop him?
PC3: Nah
Malthi: It'll be funny to see what he sings about...
*Pc 1 walks over to the Bard and talks to him for a moment. the Bard nods and then he walks off stage*
PC4: ...what's he doing?
*About 30 minutes of game play later he comes back in with what appears to be a guitar, a mage and leater armour on (In the form of a leather Jacket)
PC 3: (Looks up as Pc 1 takes out a pair of enchanted reflective glassess)...Oh dear Gods...
PC 1 walks up again, the wizard does something with the bar's bard and PC1 (Skill transferr spell) and he then turns to the group.
PC 1: Well I guess it would be nice...If I could touch your body...
Malthi: Oh dear gods...
(One round of George Micheals Faith later)
PC3: ...Is...Is Malthri Blushing (Whispering to PC 4)
Malthri: He is so dead...
Crowd: *General sounds of approval*
*PC 1 throws the horns, throws his masterwork guitar to the bard, who catches it and starts playing*
PC 1: When you kiss me like this...I think you mean it like that...
PC 4: Wow...he is sooooo dead.
PC 3: I don't know...I mean...he might survive but be horribly maimed.
Malthri: ...
PC 1: Now...Since I do not expect to survive the last song...
...*Sways slightly, goes over to the bard and takes a HUGE gulp of his vodka then walks back* This one, along with all the others, are dedicated to Malthri, she's beautiful, smart and incredible in every way... *Laughs* and she's going to disembowl me for this last one...HAHAHA!!! *HE then gives a beautiful (Rolls a 37) renindition of 'When your in love with a beautiful woman*
PC 1: And thats all...goodbye *Breaks into a run, drops through a trap door and disappears* (Mage used teleport on him)
PC 3, 4 and Malthi: ... *Malthi wanders off*
PC 3 :Wanna go save him?
*PC 2 gets up*
PC 2:...Hey Kareoki...*Wanders up on stage and does a strip tease to bad touch*
PC 4: want this for my you tube account...
PC 3: good luck (PC 1)...*Whips out the camera*
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Old 10-20-2008, 06:10 PM   #250
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Omaha NE
Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Fantasy Hero game. The party has just been ambushed by zombies.

"Don't fire till you see the sockets of their eyes!"

One of the PCs has an enchanted dwarven-made scythe that does over 3d6 Killing damage, but was getting lousy damage rolls -- I think his highest roll was 7 points. At one point during the fight, that player wants to run over to a new zombie on the battlemat. The GM reminds him (again) that we're fighting in heavy fog, so his character will have to make a Perception roll to even know the zombie is over there. As the GM is adding up the fog penalty, one of the other players chimes in with "Just make a damage roll for your scythe and you'll see it".

Last edited by Koshka; 10-20-2008 at 06:11 PM. Reason: typo
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actual play, funny

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