Originally Posted by Christopher R. Rice
In Ceteri I use the following:
In order to prevent a specialist in Path of Spirits from always having to roll against one of the much lower Path skills, I'm trying to suggest some 'pure' Path of Spirit rituals for him that are something other than just exorcism. This is a ritual that should absolutely not require a character to know how to cloud minds, read thoughts or give mental commands in order to be good at it. It's exclusively about visiting the Spirit World and allows no impact or influence on anyone's mind, except in so far as the caster might learn something (but then absolutely all spells that gave information would also need a Path of Mind component).
Can this instead be done with Greater Transform Spirit [8] + Duration, 12 hours [6] + Range, Extradimensional 1 [10] = 24×3 = 72 energy?