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Old 03-01-2023, 05:41 PM   #21
jason taylor
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by Luke Bunyip View Post
I'm in the process of setting up a campaign in a fantasy setting, with all the PCs being dwarves. One of my players wants to play a dwarven cleric.

Problem is, I could build an entire pantheon, but I'm lazy. But what if dwarven religion is focused on ancestor worship? I'm currently looking at the cleric template in DF 1 Adventurers, and the tweaking suggestions in DF 7 Clerics.

I'm thinking of something similar to Dune's Bene Gesserit memory reawakening , but would love to hear of any other approaches that folk have previously used, etc
I never really considered it much but it would also have to have things to do with traditional dwarven things like craftsmanship, mountains, caves, and war.
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Old 03-01-2023, 07:43 PM   #22
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by Luke Bunyip View Post
Is dwarf, is beardsense.
Otherwise they're just comical fat mini humans.
I joke, but I did once run a game where the dwarves were based largely on the way dwarves in (very early) Dwarf Fortress behaved...

They were a semi-telepathic/semi-hive mind, bearded, highly skill/job focused lot with out much common sense.

The PCs had one (beardless) dwarf in the party who suffered from depression, he was born unable to be part of the Dwarven 'telepathic/hive mind' (no facial hair) and eventually left to live among humans. He never talked about his people, but then the party never really asked...

... until they encountered a lone, nearly feral Dwarf in an abandoned "dwarven mining complex" (very Dwarf Fortressy, complete with magma traps) and didn't understand why it was wearing a ragged cat-skin shirt, one sock, and nothing else, despite all the clothes they found scattered about.
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Old 03-02-2023, 04:39 AM   #23
The Colonel
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by mburr0003 View Post
I joke, but I did once run a game where the dwarves were based largely on the way dwarves in (very early) Dwarf Fortress behaved...
I'm guessing the tantrums were game breaking ... even before they developed a "feral mood" and started making Zaklawe chairs out of the rest of the party...
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Old 03-02-2023, 06:32 AM   #24
Luke Bunyip
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by mburr0003 View Post
I joke, but I did once run a game where the dwarves were based largely on the way dwarves in (very early) Dwarf Fortress behaved...
Scary. Having said that, I must admit that my players seem to have the tactical sensibilities of DF dwarves. Or namely, the lack thereof...

Originally Posted by The Colonel View Post
I'm guessing the tantrums were game breaking ... even before they developed a "feral mood" and started making Zaklawe chairs out of the rest of the party...
I am thankful that none of my players read this forum. Just saying...

Mind you, if a player misses a session, the PC could have snuck off to a hidden workshop to make an epic bucket or something...
It's all very well to be told to act my age, but I've never been this old before...

Last edited by Luke Bunyip; 03-02-2023 at 06:41 AM.
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Old 03-02-2023, 06:38 AM   #25
Luke Bunyip
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Thanks for the input from all above.

Been thinking about what the spirit of an ancestor would want.
Possibly little things like freshening the water in the cisterns, and making fresh air circulate throughout an underground settlement.
Long term goals could include imbuing the settlement's residents with a sense of duty to each other, or inspiring them to excellence in masonry, crafting, or metal work.

Considering this in the context of what spells etc would be readily available to the dwarven cleric PC.
It's all very well to be told to act my age, but I've never been this old before...
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Old 03-02-2023, 09:27 AM   #26
The Colonel
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by Luke Bunyip View Post
Thanks for the input from all above.

Been thinking about what the spirit of an ancestor would want.
Possibly little things like freshening the water in the cisterns, and making fresh air circulate throughout an underground settlement.
Long term goals could include imbuing the settlement's residents with a sense of duty to each other, or inspiring them to excellence in masonry, crafting, or metal work.

Considering this in the context of what spells etc would be readily available to the dwarven cleric PC.
I suppose we look at the ancestor venerating cultures in the real world for clues: from what I recall these include memorial art, regular veneration and tending of their graves, offerings including food and symbolic goods and money for the afterlife, multiple descendants, honourable and prestigious acts by those descendants, especially those dedicated to the ancestor and/or related to their life's work.

With dorfs, you could easily see things like ensuring the ongoing integrity of something your ancestors built, or extending or decorating that structure as being a votive work.

In a more shamanistic vein, the ancestors may even inhabit some of their descendants from time to time to experience life again. More generally, there may be a "day of the dead" that involves either the dead themselves or their images and momenti morii being brought out and feted.

Also, you can probably imagine dorfs doing more than one at the idea of undead (unless the undead is a volitional, living ancestor type) - viewing them as either desecrated corpses and/or hungry ghosts that badly need an appointment with the local psychopomps...

So to actually answer the question, the "spells" might well come more in the form of loaned skills and spiritual assistance - not least, as above, arranging the "arrest" of hostile ghosts and spirits.

Last edited by The Colonel; 03-02-2023 at 09:41 AM.
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Old 03-02-2023, 09:50 AM   #27
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by Luke Bunyip View Post
Been thinking about what the spirit of an ancestor would want.
Edit: Partialy ninja'd by The Colonel.

Take a look at Roman household god & ancestor worship practices (the "lares & penantes") or Meso-American or Chinese rituals to honor ancestors for more ideas.

If Dwarves follow the Chinese tradition at least once per year they have to make offerings their ancestors by burning replicas of money or valuable objects. Dwarves might substitute gold foil coins for paper money.

Dwarf clerics or mages might be favored by a particular spell-using ancestor, giving them access to custom spells as a Perk or Unusual Background. They might also have Magery or Power Investment with the Pact limitation which requires them to do nothing which would dishonor or offend their ancestors.

Like the Chinese & Romans, there will be considerable pressure to aid relatives, and be productive, honorable members of the community.

That means all sorts of social obligations like Code of Honor, Dependents, Duty, and Sense of Duty, as well as advantages like Allies (Extended Family), Claim to Hospitality, or Patron (Rich/powerful relatives). Dwarf adventurers might have a Social Stigma or Bad Reputation unless they have a legitimate excuse for adventuring.

Last edited by Pursuivant; 03-02-2023 at 09:54 AM.
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Old 03-02-2023, 10:14 AM   #28
The Colonel
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by Pursuivant View Post
. Dwarf adventurers might have a Social Stigma or Bad Reputation unless they have a legitimate excuse for adventuring.
In many cases, they will be looking to perform some significant deed in honour of their ancestors - whether a rich new mine, or the death of some species enemy or other deed of conspicuous heroism.
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Old 03-02-2023, 11:21 AM   #29
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by The Colonel View Post
In many cases, they will be looking to perform some significant deed in honour of their ancestors - whether a rich new mine, or the death of some species enemy or other deed of conspicuous heroism.
Simply gaining honor and renown may be sufficient. Of course, I largely assume adventurers will have a lifestyle akin to what Golden Age pirates were purported to have - get a big score, live lavishly until the money's all spent, and then go out and do it all over again. A proper dwarf isn't going to be doing that - they'll likely be adventuring more for renown than for loot, and the loot they do get I expect they'd be sending back to their family/clan (minus what they need for their own expenses, including upgrading their gear if that's an option). Those adventurers who spend everything on their own pleasures would be the ones dwarven society may look down upon.
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Old 03-03-2023, 01:52 AM   #30
Luke Bunyip
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Default Re: [DF] Dwarven Cleric and ancestor worship?

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
... A proper dwarf ...likely be adventuring more for renown than for loot, and the loot they do get I expect they'd be sending back to their family/clan (minus what they need for their own expenses, including upgrading their gear if that's an option). Those adventurers who spend everything on their own pleasures would be the ones dwarven society may look down upon.
Nice. Like the last bit.
It's all very well to be told to act my age, but I've never been this old before...
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