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Old 08-02-2023, 03:53 PM   #1251
Hero of Democracy
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vasarious can't find anything effecting them yet... but he also notices they have a sweeping "wake"... spotting them with divination will be easy.

They walk down the right side of the road, and head to one of the wine-shop with a clientele made of craftsmen. Its dark, loud, crowded, and inviting. The inhabitants seem to be a mix of many ethnicity, but mostly Greek and Thracian.

What forms are you (both) currently wearing?
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Old 08-02-2023, 05:50 PM   #1252
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
They walk down the right side of the road, and head to one of the wine-shop with a clientele made of craftsmen. Its dark, loud, crowded, and inviting. The inhabitants seem to be a mix of many ethnicity, but mostly Greek and Thracian.

What forms are you (both) currently wearing?
I try to blend in, and pose as a local, or at least local to the Aegean, in a peplos. At floor length, it should keep my legs concealed with some effort, and probably looks suitably working class.
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Old 08-08-2023, 04:44 PM   #1253
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Its not long before people are engaging you in small-talk: where are you from? what brings you here? which ship did you come in on? how was the weather?

V notices a woman hanging out near the door, watching them. She has the myriad doo-dads of a fortune teller.
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Old 08-09-2023, 06:52 AM   #1254
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Its not long before people are engaging you in small-talk: where are you from? what brings you here? which ship did you come in on? how was the weather?
I field the questions explaining that we came here to prepare for a trade fair from Taurica (e.g. Modern Crimea). Unfortunately our ship was wrecked a few days walk to the west.

[677] 23-08-09 12:51:39 BST - TGLS


3d6 <= 15
2 + 3 + 6 = 11 ... success
w ddd

[676] 23-08-09 12:51:30 BST - TGLS

Fast Talk (from Memetics!)

3d6 <= 15
3 + 5 + 2 = 10 ... success
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Old 08-09-2023, 09:58 AM   #1255
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I field the questions explaining that we came here to prepare for a trade fair from Taurica (e.g. Modern Crimea). Unfortunately our ship was wrecked a few days walk to the west.
They're soon talking and chatting and asking about professions and complaining about work... you're inside their confidence.

Any questions to ask them or things to do at the wineshop?
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Old 08-09-2023, 01:09 PM   #1256
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vassarious remains, uncharacteristically, a bit more quiet and laid back when making introductions...

They alert Halcyone to the fortune teller with a nudge and a gesture, and proceeds to approach the woman.

"Hello there. Can I buy you a drink? You have the look of a seer about you... What does your sight reveal as you peer our way?"

If the conversation seems potentially productive after some small talk, Vassarious will reveal:

"I am on a journey, but have only a hint of a destination. I seek the path to speed fates will be done."

"Can we share an oath to keep each other's secrets as we seek this path?"
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Old 08-09-2023, 05:41 PM   #1257
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Any questions to ask them or things to do at the wineshop?
I try to get a feel for the political climate in the region. Does the average man on the street like Tryrathian and the regime he's set up (I imagine this will be as much a matter of what people say as they won't say.) Is the border with Bel much of an obstacle to civilian traffic or can one pass through easily enough? I also ask them what they think about fate.

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious remains, uncharacteristically, a bit more quiet and laid back when making introductions...

They alert Halcyone to the fortune teller with a nudge and a gesture, and proceeds to approach the woman.
I keep tabs on the apparent seer as I let V take the lead and make contact. She could be what she seems, but she could just as easily be a spy or informer of some variety. I'll keep my distance and follow her...
[678] 23-08-09 23:36:14 BST
3d6 <= 16
6 + 2 + 5 = 13 ... success

[679] 23-08-09 23:41:09 BST
3d6 <= 15
1 + 3 + 2 = 6 ... success
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Old 08-10-2023, 09:29 PM   #1258
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious remains, uncharacteristically, a bit more quiet and laid back when making introductions...

They alert Halcyone to the fortune teller with a nudge and a gesture, and proceeds to approach the woman.

"Hello there. Can I buy you a drink? You have the look of a seer about you... What does your sight reveal as you peer our way?"
"My sight reveals a client in need of an oracle. Order a hot bowl of meaty soup as well, and I will tell you what I already know about the destiny of your quest."


"Can we share an oath to keep each other's secrets as we seek this path?"
"I have no secrets for you to keep, as of yet. But I shall not tell any of your journey who does not already know."

If the conversation seems potentially productive after some small talk, Vassarious will reveal:

"I am on a journey, but have only a hint of a destination. I seek the path to speed fates will be done."
"Your quest is tangled with a man of the east, of far-off Cathay*, with gold on his head and fingers. He walks the streets of this very city."

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I try to get a feel for the political climate in the region. Does the average man on the street like Tryrathian and the regime he's set up (I imagine this will be as much a matter of what people say as they won't say.) Is the border with Bel much of an obstacle to civilian traffic or can one pass through easily enough? I also ask them what they think about fate.
The people seem to be more concerned with Bel to the east than Tyrathian. Tyrathian is feared, but they trust he will not crush them as long as they pay tribute. The same cannot be said about Bel. The border is trivial to cross.

Fate is rather expensive, they say. A matter of kings, seers, and witches, and they'd rather stay out of its way. A visit to a neighborhood witch every few moons is a good way to keep up your fortune though... which seems to be a less cosmic version of fate.

I keep tabs on the apparent seer as I let V take the lead and make contact. She could be what she seems, but she could just as easily be a spy or informer of some variety. I'll keep my distance and follow her...
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Old 08-10-2023, 10:53 PM   #1259
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vassarious orders the soup for two and considers the fortune teller. They sit with the woman and center themselves, and try to reveal nothing to the woman's eye while listening to what insights she may have to offer.
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Old 08-15-2023, 08:50 AM   #1260
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Vassarious orders the soup for two and considers the fortune teller. They sit with the woman and center themselves, and try to reveal nothing to the woman's eye while listening to what insights she may have to offer.

She eats her soup. The core of the message has already been given:

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Your quest is tangled with a man of the east, of far-off Cathay*, with gold on his head and fingers. He walks the streets of this very city."

She gives the message in a dramatic form, and it seems that the wording is not merely phrasing she has put around the fortune, but intrinsically part of it.

Do you have anything specific you wish to ask her?
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