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Old 05-29-2009, 11:51 PM   #11
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Default Re: Food and drink

GURPS for Dummies mentions some code of conduct that is very similar to how you do things, trooper6.

That's pretty cool :-).
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Old 05-30-2009, 12:33 AM   #12
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Default Re: Food and drink

Originally Posted by trooper6 View Post
As a side note: I also hate it when people talk during TV shows or films as well. When I watch a show, I give it my attention. Afterwards we can joke about it or deconstruct it or whatever.
I'm the same way. I'd rather not watch at all than watch with people who think it's okay to talk over what they're watching.

Bill Stoddard
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Old 05-30-2009, 01:13 AM   #13
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  • I usually GM and host, and make dinner.
  • one player brings drinks
  • one brings chips/crackers
  • one brings dips
  • one brings sweets
In the past with different players, I noticed lots of people were late because they'd stopped to buy munchies, and were spending lots at 7-11s and the like. So I said, "everyone put $5 in, I'll use that to buy us all dinner and munchies. Pay in advance if you want but no refunds! Especially if you tell me you're not coming half an hour before the game, I already bought all the stuff." This also helped regular attendance, as players might throw $20 in so they made sure to come the next four sessions :D
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Old 05-30-2009, 08:20 AM   #14
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Default Re: Food and drink

Originally Posted by Ragitsu View Post
Alcohol during an RPG?
Why not? You're all adults there, right? So what is the problem?

I'd do it on occasion if I didn't have to drive to and from the place we game at.
Þorkell Sigvaldason

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Old 05-30-2009, 10:21 AM   #15
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We have varied fare but usually it's bring-your-own unless we're having a long session, in which case we might order a couple of pizzas or something. I'm usually eating sunflower seeds or pretzels or something salty. My "co-GM" eats a lot of soy(lent green) that looks suspiciously like other foods. Another player was recently diagnosed with diabetes and now eats pretty healthy stuff - he used to eat the most awful things.

Have had mixed experiences with drink. I don't normally partake when playing or running a session but I have had a couple of beers over the course of an "epic" game before. A guy we get together with semi-regularly for longish custom games drinks beers and he's never a problem - same with a friend of his that joins us sometimes.

BUT we had a guy for a while (in my previous group) that drank excessively and WAS a problem. Drinking wasn't his only issue though. He would have been an ass without beer. We gave him the benefit of the doubt for a while and tried to discuss behavior but eventually asked him to stop coming.
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Old 05-30-2009, 11:11 AM   #16
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Default Re: Food and drink

Originally Posted by Ragitsu View Post
Alcohol during an RPG?
The only reason I no longer drink while running a game, is that I now have to drive home.
(A stein is a really great prop when your buying time. No one can tell if you're actually drinking, or if there's even anything left inside. It also serves to wet your throat.)

Gaming is a social environment where you're surrounded by friends, and moderate use of alcohol is perfectly appropriate for such enviornments. In many cases, even prefered.

As long as everyone is an adult (and acts like one) it's certainly not a problem.
<shrug> Then again, I don't have any of the horror stories others have related about nudity or violence during a game. Had I players that disfunctional, I would certainly try to disuade them from drinking.
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Old 05-30-2009, 12:29 PM   #17
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Most of the groups I've been in or are in currently everyone seems to bring some snacks and/or food if the game overlaps a meal time. Sometimes the group will collaborate "Next week, I'm bringing Mexican food, everyone pitch in and give me your orders" for example.

The game I'm running now is at a friends house and it's all provided based on thier perspective that they are hosting an event. Just like they would for a tupperware party or bridge game.

To address the actual question; typical fare is Red Vines, Grapes, Chips, soda (for those so inclined), tea, water, fruit and veggie trays.
So a decent mix of "junk" and healthy food typically.

Originally Posted by Ragitsu View Post
Alcohol during an RPG?
I used to be very opposed to this, but eventually tolerated it on some occasions "It's not a game until Larry spills beer on someones character sheet." depending on the group.

But like all things, it's ok in moderation.
Like others have referenced, role-playing is about using your mind and if you're going to toast your mind, you're of no use to me in an rpg.

We're adults (mostly) and having an adult beverage or two during a gathering is ok.
Jessie/MIB 6361
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Last edited by MIB.6361; 05-30-2009 at 12:33 PM.
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Old 05-30-2009, 12:39 PM   #18
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Default Re: Food and drink

Originally Posted by moldymaltquaffer View Post
Gaming is a social environment where you're surrounded by friends, and moderate use of alcohol is perfectly appropriate for such enviornments. In many cases, even prefered.
That depends on your preferences in social environments. I don't drink, and I don't enjoy the company of people who are drinking enough to produce behavioral change. I imagine there are people who can find drinking amusing as a spectator sport; I'm not one of them.

And, you know, there's a kind of social threshold that can be passed when "a social gathering where some people drink" turns into "a social gathering for drinking": drinking to the point of behavioral change becomes part of the spectrum of customary behavior, and some people will do it. I prefer to be far over to the sober end of the spectrum.

Now, I'm not bothered if a player wants to have a beer or a glass of wine during a post-game dinner expedition. That's a time of intellectual relaxation and soft-focus socializing. But I'd rather not have my games be soft-focus. I want players' minds to be engaged. I'm not talking mainly about rules and dice mechanics and odds estimation; I'm talking about the intellectual work of portraying a character consistently, and remembering how things work in the fictional setting, and learning more about that setting, and possibly figuring out a puzzle or a mystery. I don't run games as casual social events. For people who do, I'm sure different customs are suitable.

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Old 05-30-2009, 01:18 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by whswhs View Post
That depends on your preferences in social environments. I don't drink, and I don't enjoy the company of people who are drinking enough to produce behavioral change. I imagine there are people who can find drinking amusing as a spectator sport; I'm not one of them.

And, you know, there's a kind of social threshold that can be passed when "a social gathering where some people drink" turns into "a social gathering for drinking": drinking to the point of behavioral change becomes part of the spectrum of customary behavior, and some people will do it. I prefer to be far over to the sober end of the spectrum.

Now, I'm not bothered if a player wants to have a beer or a glass of wine during a post-game dinner expedition. That's a time of intellectual relaxation and soft-focus socializing. But I'd rather not have my games be soft-focus. I want players' minds to be engaged. I'm not talking mainly about rules and dice mechanics and odds estimation; I'm talking about the intellectual work of portraying a character consistently, and remembering how things work in the fictional setting, and learning more about that setting, and possibly figuring out a puzzle or a mystery. I don't run games as casual social events. For people who do, I'm sure different customs are suitable.

On the flipside, moderate alcohol use commonly causes a degree of dispassion, which doesn't hamper those intellectual challenges. If anything, it's a net bonus.

And while I do run challenging and immersive settings, I do so in a casual environment, where breaks and table-talk are common.
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Old 05-30-2009, 01:24 PM   #20
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Default Re: Food and drink

Originally Posted by moldymaltquaffer View Post
On the flipside, moderate alcohol use commonly causes a degree of dispassion, which doesn't hamper those intellectual challenges. If anything, it's a net bonus.
I wouldn't know; I've never drunk enough alcohol to experience any psychoactive effects.

Bill Stoddard
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