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Old 06-11-2008, 07:36 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2008
Default List Of your favorite Custom Perks

Many threads discuss a few perks here and there for their specific character. I want to get a list going of Perks characters have used and GM's allowed in thier games. I mostly want this to be just a list of Perks people have used. I dont mind some debate. Anyways Here is my a few Perks I have used for Characters. Remember, perks have absolutely no combat benefits, even remotely close to them

1) Always gets his money
Money and change you have will never get stuck in any kind of machine. ATM, vending machine, or otherwise. This includes cards, as long as the money is there there are never any problem getting approved. This is more for comedy relief especially when other people get their money stuck in a vending machine. you walk right up and use it no problem

2) Finds random things
when you are looking for something and cant find it (roll fails) you still find some sort of random useless (in combat) item that may be beneficial in some other way. Whether you knew you had it or not. Reaching into your pocket for a pen but you pull out something else

3) Always has X
when someone needs something you always have it. If all of your money was supposed to be in a bank and are caught in a sticky situation you manage to always seem to have a $5 bill on you.

4) Always has a quick change of clothes
if for some reason your clothes get torn up you always have a mysterious set of clean clothes (or uniform) on you. Not only that but as long as nobody is looking you seem to magically change into them in a matter of seconds (maybe 1 or 2). If you are caught hostage and escape only wearing your underwear you can step into another room or when they find you, you somehow have a change of clothes.

anyways you get the idea. I will post more when i come across them or think of them. so what do you have?
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Old 06-11-2008, 07:57 AM   #2
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Default Re: List Of your favorite Custom Perks

5) Weapon License: You can carry and use one weapon that would normally be illegal for someone to carry under local laws (i.e., an LC 2 weapon even if they are normally restricted to police and military forces).

This should probably be restricted to CR-2 items - no thermonuclear grenades.
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Old 06-11-2008, 08:02 AM   #3
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Default Re: List Of your favorite Custom Perks

Wouldn't that still be a limited advantage? Still seems pretty beneficial combat wise since you have a more powerful weapon. Just would have a lot of limitations on it. Nonetheless if limited enough could prove to be a nice perk
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Old 06-11-2008, 09:36 AM   #4
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Default Re: List Of your favorite Custom Perks

6) Fake ID and Passport
Good enough to get you out of being pulled over or getting through immigration even if you're wanted. Stands up to casual observation, but might be blown if anyone decides to do some deeper investigation.

If you wanted a Jason Bourne-style suite of fake passports for a range of nationalities, that would be a more significant advantage though.
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Old 06-11-2008, 09:45 AM   #5
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Default Re: List Of your favorite Custom Perks

Originally Posted by Daigoro
6) Fake ID and Passport
Good enough to get you out of being pulled over or getting through immigration even if you're wanted. Stands up to casual observation, but might be blown if anyone decides to do some deeper investigation.

If you wanted a Jason Bourne-style suite of fake passports for a range of nationalities, that would be a more significant advantage though.
This sounds like an illegal Alternate Identity rather than a Perk, IMO.
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Old 06-11-2008, 11:01 AM   #6
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Default Re: List Of your favorite Custom Perks

Originally Posted by tbrock1031
This sounds like an illegal Alternate Identity rather than a Perk, IMO.
Yeah, perhaps a limited one if it gives a bonus to skill rolls to discover that it's a fake identity, but definitely not a 1 point Perk.
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Old 06-11-2008, 11:09 AM   #7
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Default Re: List Of your favorite Custom Perks

why don't perks have combat use? I know of some perks that have combat use, like Weapon Bond, it's in martial arts and the first DF book, it gives a +1 to a weapon skill for a particular weapon, sounds pretty useful in combat.
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Old 06-11-2008, 11:10 AM   #8
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Default Re: List Of your favorite Custom Perks

There seems to be quite some interest in Perks. I guess Gurps Power Ups: Perks will find a warm welcome, judging from
and this thread.

Oh, and this one, even though it's about shticks.
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Old 06-11-2008, 11:11 AM   #9
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Default Re: List Of your favorite Custom Perks

Originally Posted by tbrock1031
This sounds like an illegal Alternate Identity rather than a Perk, IMO.
Depends. If it won't stand up to a background check (i.e. a few calls to confirm what's on the paper) than it's basically just equipment which could be a perk.
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Old 06-11-2008, 11:11 AM   #10
Rocket Man
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Default Re: List Of your favorite Custom Perks

7) Can run in high heels at full speed without penalty or accident. A Perk for all the would-be Linda Carter types out there. (Of course, the opposing -1 Quirk for "damsels in distress" of both genders would be "trips and falls after running 10 yards at full speed, regardless of footwear.")
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