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Old 09-05-2024, 01:24 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default Path Magic Rite: Create Relic

Effect Shaping: Path of Artifice*, 1 day**

This rite petitions the priest's primary divine patron to invest an object with power. The powers and properties of the relic so created are entirely at the deity's discretion (though the player and GM should collaborate so that the end result is mutually acceptable), though they will always suit the deity's areas of influence. This ritual is often very demanding in time and difficulty, and since these requirements can often only be guessed at, the petitioner(s) will normally try to get as many positive modifiers as possible, including cooperative casting (this setting uses high-powered cooperation). Unlike most, this rite has a mandatory waiting time between uses, equal to three times the casting time, for any given priest and an equal waiting period for the ritual site.

It's entirely possible for this rite to create an item that cannot be duplicated by a human enchanter or circle of enchanters.

* This ritual takes a penalty proportional to the item's energy cost. As a rough guide, -0 for an item up to 100 energy, and an additional -1 for every doubling: -1 up to 200, -2 up to 400, and so on.
** As above, the time required for this ritual goes up by one day for every doubling of one hundred.

As ever, feedback and commentary sought.

Also important: Regular enchanting in this setting is very different from book standard. Q&D is the same, but S&S allows the enchanter to put as many energy into an item in one hour as the enchanter can sustain, meaning 6 to 30 per caster. The main limiting factor on the commonality of enchanted objects is the cost of hiring the enchanters. Enchanters are rare, and in high demand, and so they charge very hign for their services.
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Old 09-05-2024, 05:13 PM   #2
Donny Brook
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Default Re: Path Magic Rite: Create Relic

Anything else aside, the name seems contradictory, in that 'relic' means something from a past time. So creating one is kind of odd.
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Old 09-05-2024, 05:21 PM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default Re: Path Magic Rite: Create Relic

Originally Posted by Donny Brook View Post
Anything else aside, the name seems contradictory, in that 'relic' means something from a past time. So creating one is kind of odd.
I know. But it was all I could think of other than "artifact." Any suggestions?
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Old 09-05-2024, 05:56 PM   #4
Night Watchman
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Location: Cambridge, UK
Default Re: Path Magic Rite: Create Relic

"Empower Relic"?

It's an invitation for the deity to give a relic - as in, an item significant in the history of the religion - power to do something appropriate.
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Old 09-05-2024, 06:42 PM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default Re: Path Magic Rite: Create Relic

I like that.
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Old 09-05-2024, 07:19 PM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default Re: Path Magic Rite: Create Relic

Empower Relic

Effect Shaping: Path of Artifice*, 1 day**

This rite petitions the priest's primary divine patron to invest an already religiously significant object with power. The powers and properties of the relic so created are entirely at the deity's discretion (the player and GM should collaborate so that the end result is mutually acceptable), though they will always suit the deity's areas of influence. This ritual is often very demanding in time and difficulty, and since these requirements, and thus penalties, can often only be guessed at, the petitioner(s) will normally try to get as many positive modifiers as possible, including cooperative casting (this setting uses high-powered cooperation). Unlike most, this rite has a mandatory waiting time between uses, equal to three times the casting time, for any given priest and an equal waiting period for the ritual site.

It's entirely possible for this rite to create an item that cannot be duplicated by a human enchanter or circle of enchanters.

* This ritual takes a penalty proportional to the item's energy cost. As a rough guide, -0 for an item up to 100 energy, and an additional -1 for every doubling: -1 up to 200, -2 up to 400, and so on.
** As above, the time required for this ritual goes up by one day for every doubling of one hundred.

As ever, feedback and commentary sought.

Slightly reworded, and the new name added.
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