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Old 07-31-2024, 12:15 PM   #11
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Lifting ST (only for 'advantage')

I used -80% for Lifting ST (Payload Only) for use when calculating Payload. I did this after I discovered that, for a "character" (actually a suit of powered armor) with a large Payload (for carrying the user around), boosting its overall ST actually reduced the total point value due to how much was saved from not needing as much Payload. I'd be willing to boost that to a flat [1] per +1 Lifting ST (~-66.7%), rather than the [0.6] per +1 Lifting ST ([3] per +5) you get with -80%, but I can't see it being worth much more than that. It should work the same if you're wanting to have better resolution than just increasing the amount of encumbrance you can carry to the next level, although the pricing isn't going to match - you'll probably want to only have one or the other available.

Note you could work out the cost to go from No Encumbrance to Light to Medium to Heavy to Extra-Heavy for a given trait, then base the cost of Lifting ST (<Advantage> Only) on that, assuming ST 10. So for Insubstantiality, it's [8] to go from No Encumbrance to Light, [24] to go from Light to Medium, and [40] to go from Medium to Heavy. The first corresponds to +4.14 to Lifting ST, the second to a further +3.18 to Lifting ST, and the last to a further +7.17 to Lifting ST. That works out to around [1.93] per +1 Lifting ST, [7.55] per +1 Lifting ST, and [5.58] per +1 Lifting ST. Which basically demonstrates that increasing the amount you can carry with Insubstantiality above Light is a pretty bad deal - you'd be much better off (if it's an option) simply boosting your full Lifting ST, paying less for the same weight limit while also being able to generally carry more at each given encumbrance level (plus the other benefits of higher Lifting ST). At least if you're starting at ST 10; higher starting ST is going to change things here, as you need more Lifting ST to boost your BL to 2x, 3x, and 6x than when your starting ST is 10.
GURPS Overhaul

Last edited by Varyon; 07-31-2024 at 12:18 PM.
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