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Old 06-12-2019, 11:11 PM   #31
Join Date: Dec 2014
Default Re: Perk: Singing based on IQ

Originally Posted by Rupert View Post
Charge lots of fatigue when playing and people with poor health and low fitness will struggle pretty quickly. Your suggestion is a bit like weapons' Min ST stat, and if you were really into detail you could have a different Min HT stat for each instrument, something like a xylophone might have a fairly low Min HT, and a heavy brass or wind instrument that requires a lot of wind and has to be carried could have a relatively high Min HT.
Min HT is an interesting idea! It's not really that fatiguing. You don't build a sweat from playing and its no harder than walking. Or at least it shouldn't be. I regularly practice 3 hours per day and then go and perform a major 3 hours concert. Afterwards I feel energized, not fatigued!
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Old 06-13-2019, 12:26 AM   #32
Alden Loveshade
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Default Re: Perk: Singing based on IQ

Originally Posted by JazzJedi View Post
Min HT is an interesting idea! It's not really that fatiguing. You don't build a sweat from playing and its no harder than walking. Or at least it shouldn't be. I regularly practice 3 hours per day and then go and perform a major 3 hours concert. Afterwards I feel energized, not fatigued!
I'd be curious to know what instrument you play. I'm not much more than passable as a singer, harmonicist, pianist or drummer, but have performed in each. The only ones I did for a sustained period of time were singing and drumming. After drumming for a couple hours (on a hand drum, a dumbek, for bellydancers), I could lay back, close my eyes, and keep drumming; then get up and walk around, do other things. After singing for an hour and half, I'd feel like I'd spent an eight hour day doing physical labor.
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Old 06-13-2019, 08:13 AM   #33
Join Date: Dec 2014
Default Re: Perk: Singing based on IQ

Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade View Post
I'd be curious to know what instrument you play. I'm not much more than passable as a singer, harmonicist, pianist or drummer, but have performed in each. The only ones I did for a sustained period of time were singing and drumming. After drumming for a couple hours (on a hand drum, a dumbek, for bellydancers), I could lay back, close my eyes, and keep drumming; then get up and walk around, do other things. After singing for an hour and half, I'd feel like I'd spent an eight hour day doing physical labor.
I am a trumpet player and singer. I also play trombone, French horn, guitar, electric bass and piano, but I not at a professional level on those other instruments. Don't get me wrong, playing trumpet and singing are tiring, but tiring on very specific muscles (lips, voice, and abs a bit).
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attribute substitution, perks, power-ups 2, singing

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