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Old 12-10-2018, 05:54 PM   #21
Black Leviathan
Join Date: Sep 2018
Default Re: New perks part 2 - combat perks

Adrenal Surge (Physical)
I like it. It's a marginal bonus, it's specific in cause and effect. It's not always useful and it has a lot of character.

Backstab (Physical)
This seems pretty balanced if you think the guy with the Pole-Axe and 3d swing won't be sneaky, but sneaky guys can be moderately capable with a huge crossbow. Maybe +1 damage or +1 to hit is more on the mark for a Perk.

Battle Cry (Mental)
This is pretty strong. You could hinder dozens of foes very cheaply here. Even cutting it down to -1 to hit seems rough. Maybe if you needed to take a ready action to intimidate them then they had a small attack penalty paired with a defense bonus as they all try to stay out of your reach and behind their shields.

Blood in the Water (Physical)
If this is meant to indicate that killer-instinct I'd let it go if you're also compelled to do all-out attacks. And I'd say Melee only, you can see blood really well through a high magnification scope but it's not the same.

Casual Defense (type) (Physical)
Awesome perk! It's a special effect but it adds a lot of coolness.

Corpse Kill (Physical)
This is effectively a free turn to coup-de-gras opponents for a point. A better example of how this works as a Perk is "You are paranoid about foes surviving to come after you another day. You never forget to check a downed foe and will never accidentally leave someone alive."

Cornered Rat (Mental)
If this is for someone who already has Berserk, I'd say they can ignore the effects of a fear check if they make a successful Will roll to induce the Berserk State. That way you're not getting anything you couldn't do mechanically without the fear check. It just lets you pre-empt it, which makes some sense for a berserker.

Deadeye (Mental)
It's a minor benefit, doesn't constantly come up in combat. It's condition specific. I think it's solid.

Duelist (form) (Mental)
Even in a game where a duel is unlikely this is 20 points of Basic speed for the price of a perk. It's such a huge benifit for something that's not impossibly uncomon. How about you get a +1 to fast draw in a duel or other circumstances where you have 5 minutes to prepare yourself mentally and physically for the draw?

Gun Jinx (Mental, Supernatural)
Personally how this works or what the non-mechanical impact is supposed to be is too confusing for me.

Inspiring Defeat (Mental)
I feel like if you're fighting someone seriously 1 point doesn't do much for the skills you're using. And more point feels like more that a perk should hand out. I like the feel of it though.

Insult to Injury (Mental)
YAAASSS. I'd even go with throwing in an Intimidation action too. It's not practical to do in combat but it's soo cool.

Just a Little Quicker (Physical)
It feels powerful, everything with initiative feels powerful, but it's a pretty rare effect, and kind of cool. I'd be good with this as written.

Just a Little Stronger (Physical)
Again this feels strong. Maybe it doesn't work in Wrestling VS ST, only ST VS ST contests.

Last Ditch (Physical)
This is a lot of +1s and functionally is a level of hard to kill for 1 pt to boot. Too much.

Last Legs (Physical)
WAY too powerful. Most fights only take d6 rounds. You could take a crossbow bolt to the eye and finish the fight with this perk.

Last Stand (Physical)
Enhanced defenses is pretty expensive and it's not hard to end up in a fight with multiple opponents. I'd say way too much for a perk.

Meatshields (Social)
Again +1 to defense is really powerful. Maybe you get a +1 to leadership to keep them from running instead.

Melee Empathy (Mental)
This just seems very weird. How about you can gain a free empathy roll if you have the Empathy advantage when you evaluate and opponent?

Painless (body part) (Physical)
This feels powerful but I really like the idea of it. Maybe you just ignore shock penalties but not the miscellaneous bonuses of High Pain Threshold?

Pull Together (Physical)
This isn't so horribly powerful but unless I was about to pass out I'd use this every time I was injured. How about you can only use it once per combat and only on the turn following an injury.

Schtick: Blade-Biter
I think this is already a perk.. If not it's good.

Schtick: Gangsta Grip
I just don't like the idea of encouraging this stuff. Not for me.

Schtick: Pin-Pulling Teeth
This is a small benefit given you could use your thumb with relatively little effort. It's good.

Schtick: Ring Knuckles
I like what you're thinking but someone will inevitably argue that their wedding and engagement rings count. Really if you're wearing big enough rings you shouldn't need a perk.

Schtick: Unorthodox Reload (method)
Maybe for a cinematic game, otherwise it's a big ask for a perk.

Spray and Pray (Mental)
This would make cover fire really deadly. Like all of the deadlies

Stonewall (Physical)
This is really convoluted. I think +1 against slam attacks is good.

Trick Joint (Physical)
So it's like 1 limb flexible? Yeah that's pretty reasonable. I feel like you could do a point of damage to yourself to dislocate a joint to get away.

Turtle Up (Physical)
Enhanced defense is pretty big. But if you can't retreat you're just getting the retreat bonus without moving so it's not so dramatic. I think it's good. Maybe pick one defense to limit it a bit?
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Old 12-11-2018, 12:53 AM   #22
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Default Re: New perks part 2 - combat perks

Originally Posted by Black Leviathan View Post
Duelist (form) (Mental)
Even in a game where a duel is unlikely this is 20 points of Basic speed for the price of a perk.
Not really, it's only the initiative part of Basic Speed - no effect on movement or Dodge.

Originally Posted by Black Leviathan View Post
Gun Jinx (Mental, Supernatural)
Personally how this works or what the non-mechanical impact is supposed to be is too confusing for me.
The idea is that you "curse" guns to work less reliably when used against you.

Originally Posted by Black Leviathan View Post
Just a Little Stronger (Physical)
Again this feels strong. Maybe it doesn't work in Wrestling VS ST, only ST VS ST contests.
The intent was for it to only apply to straight-up ST vs. ST (and Slams), yes.

Originally Posted by Black Leviathan View Post
Last Ditch (Physical)
This is a lot of +1s and functionally is a level of hard to kill for 1 pt to boot. Too much.
Hmm, as written it can be interpreted to applying to HT rolls too, I hadn't even considered that. Need to make it more specific perhaps.

Originally Posted by Black Leviathan View Post
Last Stand (Physical)
Enhanced defenses is pretty expensive and it's not hard to end up in a fight with multiple opponents. I'd say way too much for a perk.
Someone suggested disallowing Retreating Defense when using the bonus, which would fit thematically.

Originally Posted by Black Leviathan View Post
Melee Empathy (Mental)
This just seems very weird. How about you can gain a free empathy roll if you have the Empathy advantage when you evaluate and opponent?
It's meant to emulate the common anime trope of getting to understand your opponent through combat with them.

Originally Posted by Black Leviathan View Post
Pull Together (Physical)
This isn't so horribly powerful but unless I was about to pass out I'd use this every time I was injured. How about you can only use it once per combat and only on the turn following an injury.
Limited uses per combat might be appropriate, yes.
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Old 12-11-2018, 08:06 AM   #23
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default Re: New perks part 2 - combat perks

Originally Posted by Black Leviathan View Post
Duelist (form) (Mental)
Even in a game where a duel is unlikely this is 20 points of Basic speed for the price of a perk. It's such a huge benifit for something that's not impossibly uncomon. How about you get a +1 to fast draw in a duel or other circumstances where you have 5 minutes to prepare yourself mentally and physically for the draw?
Originally Posted by Bicorn View Post
Not really, it's only the initiative part of Basic Speed - no effect on movement or Dodge.
I remember in the Perks supplement you could even buy Basic Speed w/o Basic Move / Enhanced Dodge for the price of a perk which worked in all circumstances. So this is trading "in circumstances other than duels" for "Fast Draw in duels only"
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