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Old 11-15-2016, 12:29 PM   #41
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Default Re: GURPS Magic

Originally Posted by Fred Brackin View Post
The possible issue is more the flipping back and forth than losing your place. I'm still not quite reconciled to the idea of long pdfs full of material that you need to look at repeatedly.
A hyperlinked Index can help with that.
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Old 11-15-2016, 06:15 PM   #42
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Default Re: GURPS Magic

Originally Posted by Fred Brackin View Post
Goodreader always opens a file to the same place you closed it on.

The possible issue is more the flipping back and forth than losing your place. I'm still not quite reconciled to the idea of long pdfs full of material that you need to look at repeatedly.
Originally Posted by evileeyore View Post
A hyperlinked Index can help with that.
I'm with Fred on this one. For me, bookmarks and hyperlinks don't help. It's much easier to have a book actually in front of me when I need to reference things and flip back and forth then trying to scroll up and down, even with bookmarks and hyperlinks. Especially when creating characters! I'd much rather have my hardbound characters book in front me, especially when haggling with myself over which skills I want to purchase, what defaults to what, etc. It's much easier to stick my finger in the book and flip back quickly to look at something than it is to scroll up and down. And the computer screen glare and having to expand the page to make it big enough to read which then makes one have to pan around to read it is just a pain for me.

I like the pdfs, don't get me wrong, but I always prefer to use them as a supplement. But I grew up at the tail-end of the paper generation, too, so that's probably a big reason for my preference :)

Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
Thank you for that! I stopped in at Staples this evening after work and they definitely require written permission if you have it done in their shop.

Originally Posted by Kalzazz View Post
How much did staples quite BTW? I am curious
I went to the following link:

Gurps Powers, at 244 pages, B&W, premium white paper, double-sided, blue coil bound, clear front cover, blue vinyl back cover, no tabs, not laminated

Price: $23.53

They want $9.99 if you want it shipped, but its free store pickup online, and you can defer payment until you pick it up at the store. I'm going to wait until I have the permission letter from warehouse 23 first, though - the order is apparently filled at the store, and the guy has already told me he can't print it without official permission.
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Old 11-15-2016, 07:50 PM   #43
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Default Re: GURPS Magic

Originally Posted by AllySanders View Post
I'm with Fred on this one. For me, bookmarks and hyperlinks don't help. It's much easier to have a book actually in front of me when I need to reference things and flip back and forth then trying to scroll up and down, even with bookmarks and hyperlinks.
I used to think I'd be that way forever.... but I honestly haven't cracked open a gaming book in over a decade (except to skim one at my FLGS).

They're there at the table for the Players to use, and I'll quote chapter and verse (and page numbers) for them to look stuff up if it's necessary.
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Old 11-28-2016, 05:46 PM   #44
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Default Re: GURPS Magic

In case anyone missed it, we announced today that GURPS Magic is now available in B&W softcover via Amazon's CreateSpace print-on-demand service.

Full details here:
Reverend Pee Kitty of the Order Malkavian-Dobbsian (Twitter) (LJ)

MyGURPS: My house rules and GURPS resources.

#SJGamesLive: I answered questions about GURPS After the End and more!
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Old 11-28-2016, 06:01 PM   #45
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: GURPS Magic

Originally Posted by Fred Brackin View Post
Goodreader always opens a file to the same place you closed it on. The possible issue is more the flipping back and forth than losing your place.
As do Adobe and Foxit. You could close the file, but if you want to look elsewhere in that same file, then that would change the one saved point, so having multiple instances of the same file open can be useful. Besides, it's easy and fast to leave the window/tab open.

Just suggesting a way that AllySanders could approach a solution to his problem with his PDFs. Many readers would serve.

I'm still not quite reconciled to the idea of long pdfs full of material that you need to look at repeatedly.
It would certainly be better for hopping around if the PDFs were hyperlinked internally and externally between files, and the readers supported a forward-back model like web browsers. The readers would also need their own functionality to do forward-back with lists of search results (for instance), so it's not just a matter of publishers hard-coding links in their PDFs.
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gurps 4th edition, gurps magic, lulu, pod, print on demand

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