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Old 11-14-2024, 10:31 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2007
Default Can templates add modifiers to traits in GCA5?

I'm using the latest GCA5 and I'm trying to create the Lytherion template and lenses from the GURPS Creatures of the Night Vol. 1.

The Lytherion template has Mana Enhancer 1 advantage.
(Mana Enhancer 1 (Area Effect, 256 yards, +450%; Nuisance Effect, Causes strange events, brings out latent abilities in strangers, and interacts poorly with other lytherion auras, -15%; Onset, 1 day, -30%) [253].)

The Toxin-Fueled Aura lense adds Switchable modifier with limitations to the Mana Enhancer advantage.
(Add Switchable (Limited by Minimum Duration, One Day; Requires Will Roll; Trigger, Exotic poisons), +45%, to Mana Enhancer [22].)

So, is it possible for templates to add modifiers to traits in GCA5?
I think this was impossible in GCA4.

Any help would be appreciated!
= Sergen =
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Old 11-14-2024, 12:05 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Ronkonkoma, NY
Default Re: Can templates add modifiers to traits in GCA5?


adds(AD:Mana Enhancer = 1 with #REF Area Effect = 9 and {"Nuisance Effect (Causes strange events, brings out latent abilities in strangers, and interacts poorly with other Lytherion auras", -15%} and #Ref Onset = 3)

I usually find lenses either not possible or very inconvenient to stack with other kinds of templates or each other, so I prefer to just make two templates, one basic and one incorporating the lens. If you really, really want to try to make lenses separate and stackable, try using addsOrIncreases() instead of adds().

I also find limited enhancements too much to worry about, so I just make a new modifier based on the combined effects.

Lytherion (Toxin-Fueled Aura)

adds(AD:Mana Enhancer = 1 with #REF Area Effect = 9 and {"Nuisance Effect (Causes strange events, brings out latent abilities in strangers, and interacts poorly with other Lytherion auras", -15%} and #Ref Onset = 3 and {Switchable (Limited by Minimum Duration, One Day; Requires Will Roll; Trigger, Exotic poisons}, +45%)

The above are not complete templates; just the adds() part.
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