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Old 07-19-2022, 01:23 PM   #51
Join Date: Mar 2013
Default Re: [Spaceships] Getting A Few Thousand Extra MPS

Originally Posted by Fred Brackin View Post
Tthe Gills trait is also rated as TL12 in Bio-Tech and this is being generous in not declaring them as ^. Air contains 30x as much O2 by volume. Breathing 30x as much water as air is a _problem_ and could easily lead to a design that worked better as a propulsion system than for respiration.

By comparison Catgirls are only hard if they are more than superfiicially feline. If it's just fur, pointy ears and a tail it's pretty trivial. The problems would come with DX boosts, Perfect Balance, Super Jump, Ultrahearing and Night Vision.

The only practical issue with green-skinned space babes is finding an organic pigment in the right shade and i suspect this is an easily solvable problem compared to many other things in gengineering.
I prefer the oxygen storage option anyway.

As for problematic I mean that in a social sense, these templates are kind of sexually objectifying
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Old 07-19-2022, 08:44 PM   #52
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: [Spaceships] Getting A Few Thousand Extra MPS

Originally Posted by scc View Post
I prefer the oxygen storage option anyway.

As for problematic I mean that in a social sense, these templates are kind of sexually objectifying
If there are no dubious characters doing unsavory things the possibilities for adventure are greatly reduced. It also might not be that realistic.
Fred Brackin
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Old 07-20-2022, 01:00 AM   #53
Join Date: Mar 2013
Default Re: [Spaceships] Getting A Few Thousand Extra MPS

Originally Posted by Fred Brackin View Post
If there are no dubious characters doing unsavory things the possibilities for adventure are greatly reduced. It also might not be that realistic.
It's more of a potential problem IRL, but probably too far off topic.

Re: radiation, well I was both playing with the design today and had the radiation rules in SS5 and it's not going to be an issue, the crew will be in a core system with at least 4 system worth of shielding on an SM+8 spacecraft, that means they get PF400 during the voyage.
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Old 07-20-2022, 02:28 AM   #54
Join Date: Nov 2015
Default Re: [Spaceships] Getting A Few Thousand Extra MPS

Kemonomimi are always a good idea.

The ship I had in mind for the STL voyage was about SM+12 or 13, with a PF for the Habitats and other potentially manned systems of about 2400 or 3600 if I remember well... And I was still concerned about radiation
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Old 07-20-2022, 07:48 AM   #55
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: [Spaceships] Getting A Few Thousand Extra MPS

Originally Posted by scc View Post

Re: radiation, well I was both playing with the design today and had the radiation rules in SS5 and it's not going to be an issue, the crew will be in a core system with at least 4 system worth of shielding on an SM+8 spacecraft, that means they get PF400 during the voyage.
That's fine for regular radiation but cosmic rays divide that by 100. It'd be 1 rad every 2 weeks beyond the heliopause.

TL10 Antirad would help because it directly reduces radiation damage and doesn't take the cosmic ray divisor.
Fred Brackin
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Old 07-21-2022, 05:58 AM   #56
Join Date: Mar 2013
Default Re: [Spaceships] Getting A Few Thousand Extra MPS

Originally Posted by Aldric View Post
Kemonomimi are always a good idea.
Cat girls only, I figure that there's enough women who have grown up wanting to be sexy cat girls to justify it being profitable to offer people the chance to make their daughters into them, but not anything else.

Originally Posted by Aldric View Post
The ship I had in mind for the STL voyage was about SM+12 or 13, with a PF for the Habitats and other potentially manned systems of about 2400 or 3600 if I remember well... And I was still concerned about radiation
I am considering going larger because of the things that would be useful/needed, like a hanger and labs for analysis can only be added to my design at bigger sizes.

But I'm limited to SM+10 because I'm at early TL10 and using a Mag-Sail for some stuff. Specifically the way ships normally get about the system is with a Mag-Sail and to move inwards or another direction where the solar winds doesn't move the ships particle accelerators are used for thrust. In the case of these mission they're planned to pass by multiple of these accelerators getting them a velocity before engine ignition of 3,750 mps.

But fuel is also a problem, these are supposed to be return missions, currently I'm using Anti-Matter Plasma Rockets because they get more mps, but enough A/M for there and back costs $200 Trillion (My plan is to haul all the A/M needed to the system and get re-fueling hydrogen in system) Nuclear pallets for a Fusion Pulse Drive would be a lot cheaper, but I don't think you can make them in system, which presents me with a problem of how the crew is supposed to get home.

Originally Posted by Fred Brackin View Post
That's fine for regular radiation but cosmic rays divide that by 100. It'd be 1 rad every 2 weeks beyond the heliopause.

TL10 Antirad would help because it directly reduces radiation damage and doesn't take the cosmic ray divisor.
Problem is how long is that shelf-stable but? 100 years or more? Saying that the Mag-Sail can be re-configured into what is a very primitive Force Screen to protect the crew works better in my opinion (This is a setting that will one day have standard Sc-Fi superscience, so adding this in early isn't breaking my rules)
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Old 07-21-2022, 08:54 AM   #57
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: [Spaceships] Getting A Few Thousand Extra MPS

Originally Posted by scc View Post

Problem is how long is that shelf-stable but? 100 years or more? Saying that the Mag-Sail can be re-configured into what is a very primitive Force Screen to protect the crew works better in my opinion (This is a setting that will one day have standard Sc-Fi superscience, so adding this in early isn't breaking my rules)
Shelf-stability of UT drugs isn't discussed but 100 years might be possible.

Honestly, I think you're better off ignoring radiation than you are to keep going off towards non-solutions. Yes, that means that even an actual Force Screen would just be more PF to be divided by 100.
Fred Brackin
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