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Old 07-12-2022, 10:18 PM   #25
tshiggins's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Denver, Colorado
Default Re: New Fantasy Setting Seeds.

Originally Posted by SilvercatMoonpaw View Post
Stranger Things, only with Fair Folk?
I'd play in this one.
Most of the others, in the thread, are just too over-the-top.

Here's an idea I may present for a future campaign, should I ever run one, after Facets.


Elevator Pitch: A dimensional convergence similar to the one that appears in, The Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski, takes place in the modern world. Can the characters find a way to survive sudden changes in natural laws that end modern civilization, and possibly find a way to build something new?

Genre: Post-apocalyptic survival adventure, with strong elements of fantasy and horror.

Inspirations: The Witcher books and games; Ariel, by Steven R. Boyett; I Am Legend (aka, The Omega Man), by Richard Matheson; bits and bobs of The Emberverse series, by S.M. Stirling.

Characters: Inhabitants of modern-day Denver, caught by surprise when the Convergence occurs. 125 points/50 point disad limit/5 points quirks (approximately equivalent to characters in the pilot episode of an action-adventure TV series). Players should create characters who have existing relationships that would draw them together in a crisis.

Taboo Traits: Starting characters have no supernatural or super-science advantages, and that means no Magery; although, such advantages may become available as the campaign progresses. Altruism isn't necessary, but characters may not have disadvantages that make them predatory sociopaths, or even villainous abusers. I don't like a******s in real life, which means I don't find pretend jerks entertaining in my games.

Tone: Gritty, bloody and terrifying at the start, with reasonably realistic human drama driven by desperation, terror and loss. The campaign will use fright-check rules!

Danger Level: Moderate to high, at the beginning, but perhaps declining as characters learn how the world has changed. The PCs will have guns, but that means a lot of terrified survivors will, also, and monsters in this setting are lethally dangerous. Players should bring their, "A" games, to this one.

I'd include this one in a list of post-apoc setting ideas, so my rating system would be:

4 points -- I would kill to play in this campaign!
3 points -- Sounds like fun.
2 points -- Not my favorite, but I'll give it a try.
1 point -- I'm willing to play, if there's nothing else.
0 points -- Hard pass. I'll sit this one out.
MXLP:9 [JD=1, DK=1, DM-M=1, M(FAW)=1, SS=2, Nym=1 (nose coffee), sj=1 (nose cocoa), Maz=1]
"Some days, I just don't know what to think." -Daryl Dixon.

Last edited by tshiggins; 07-12-2022 at 10:33 PM.
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