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Old 08-30-2021, 03:37 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2018
Default Divine Favor +

Hey, I was wondering if it was possible to combine GURPS: Powers: Divine Favor with the Mundanity (IOU, p. 19) trait from the IOU setting.

The idea was that I was going for a god of Normality that was anti-super (sort of like how Hermes gave Odysseus the Moly plant as protection against Circe's magic in The Odyssey). The closer one has "Divine Favor" from the patron (I'll call the god "Hermes" for now), the higher their Mundanity.

I was thinking as "Prayers", they would not be so much "prayers" as reciting rationalizations that conform to consensus reality. A shorter "prayer" would be a short rationalization, while a longer prayer would be a longer rationalization.

For example, a devotee would recite how any perceptions of "magic" would just be sleight-of-hand. Any appearance of someone throwing fireballs would just be a flamethrower combined with hallucinogens.

The idea I had was the higher the "Divine Favor" (or in this case, conformity to what is considered normal), the higher the Reality Check level (IOU, p. 19-20)

Do you think this would work? If not, then what suggestions would you make? Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.

Last edited by Coinage; 08-30-2021 at 09:44 PM.
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