Originally Posted by Alden Loveshade
The Restoration spell in Magic p. 93 takes a month to work to restore a crippled limb, damaged eye, or lost hearing, smell, etc. It says, "The part may not be used at all until the month has passed...."
That makes perfect sense if the part is unusable at the time the spell is cast. But what if it's still partially usable? For example, what if you can still see through an eye, but not very well. Taken literally, the spell would cause you to go blind in that eye for a month.
Should your use of a partially usable eye, limb, hearing, etc. continue through that month? Or should you lose it for 30 days?
A Healing spell is supposed to heal, not harm. If you wanted to discommode a target that way, you should be looking at Body Control. It seems reasonable to me that a partial loss of sense due to damage to the organ would remain as-is for a month, while the Restoration worked, but you could certainly rule otherwise if you wanted.