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Old 12-28-2008, 10:33 AM   #101
abrodock's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2008
Default Re: Member House Rules

We do have some house rules,

1. You can play a Super Munchkin card, or half breed card even if you don't have a class or race in play, we just don't see why it would matter either way, and if it is on the table it is easier to get rid of.

2. Cheat cards can be moved from one card to another. This is only out of our greedy desire for over powering our munchkins to the point of stupidity.

3. If you get an accent card, you had better be speaking in that accent. Otherwise you have to discard it.

We are also working out some house rules for epic booty. Those are still a work in progress however.
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Old 01-22-2009, 11:10 AM   #102
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Default Re: Member House Rules

We've put a twist on the Kneepads of Alllure that seems to work well:

As the possessor of the kneepads, you can only use them once per game on each other player. So, with four players, each player has 3 opportunities to use the pads in a single game (since its a popular item for a thief).
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Old 01-31-2009, 05:31 PM   #103
Join Date: Jan 2009
Default Re: Member House Rules

our house rules actually break the game rules, and make it much more fun.

you can go past level 9. even in non epic. you wont win, but you can be level 12 and still trying to win. still gotta win by killing. so not only does this make it more entertaining when someone whos level 12 flips over a potted plant, but it makes it that much sweeter when they lose and fail to run away from both king tut and the wight brothers.
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Old 02-26-2009, 02:13 PM   #104
Join Date: Feb 2009
Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by abrodock
We do have some house rules,

1. You can play a Super Munchkin card, or half breed card even if you don't have a class or race in play, we just don't see why it would matter either way, and if it is on the table it is easier to get rid of.

2. Cheat cards can be moved from one card to another. This is only out of our greedy desire for over powering our munchkins to the point of stupidity.

3. If you get an accent card, you had better be speaking in that accent. Otherwise you have to discard it.

We are also working out some house rules for epic booty. Those are still a work in progress however.
So... I hope you're not Dutch. If so, how would a Dutch accent sound? :D
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Old 03-10-2009, 11:31 AM   #105
Join Date: Jan 2009
Default Re: Member House Rules

we have an extra rule for "toss dwarf" wich you use to "throw" a dwarf player at a player in battle giving +3 to either side or something (dont have the card in front of me)

the extra rule is that the dwarf that is tossed have to roll the dice and if the
result is an odd number that dwarf falls unconcious and have to skip his next turn.

this we do just becouse we think its more fun if something happens to the dwarf too
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Old 04-08-2009, 03:37 AM   #106
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Default Re: Member House Rules

My group and I get a great deal of fun by throwing in optional house rules. here are a couple we have yet to play test that seem pretty fun to me. Perhaps you guys would like to try em out :)

***Duel*** When looking for trouble you may Challenge a teammate to a duel instead of fighting a monster from your hand! Discard your hand and Choose a rival. Defeating the Rival earns no Treasures. The bad stuff for losing a Duel is Death (Running Away is an option) and in the case of death, the dueling Munchkin gets first pic of loot (looting then continues normally allowing a second item taken from the victor in game rule order). No players may ask for help in a duel, though other players may assist with potions and even wandering monsters. A player may chose to deny the duel, losing a level in shame (A level 1 Munchkin has no shame). Winning a duel against a munchkin is worth one level (and said first pick of loot), an epic munchkin awards two levels. You cannot gain the winning level by a duel.

***Smash!*** Any item that gives a bonus (excluding one use items like potions, I guess this would mean equipment) may be tapped to give you double that cards bonus. That card must be discarded at the end of combat.

These aren't intended to challenge game balance, but to instead add a few twists to keep the game exciting after your hundredth time through, lol Try em out.

Thanks for the grammar correction, munchkin man.

Last edited by Sheep_Slayer; 04-08-2009 at 08:20 PM. Reason: Stupid mistake
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Old 04-08-2009, 05:44 AM   #107
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Try as I might, I can't let this one go (especially to aid some of our members who do not consider English their first language): The word is "duel," not "dual." "Dual" means "of, or pertaining to, two," or "double," while a "duel," is a fight or contest between two people or parties.
Erik D. Zane
Munchkin NetRep --
MiB #1029
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Old 04-21-2009, 08:22 PM   #108
Join Date: Apr 2009
Default Re: Member House Rules

For a brief period we tried to make house rules around sidekicks. We wanted sidekicks to be like mini retainers with all the slots available to them that the human player has (Armor, Foot, 2 Hands, Headgear) but when you give these items to your sidekick you can never get them back. Lose your sidekick? Then you lose all the items you gave him. Someone steals him? They get everything he was wearing. Sacrafice him to escape, you lose all that stuff too!

Because of this added power we only did this in Epic games. We also incorporated a rule that said that when you run from combat your sidekick has to run away too. In fact, your sidekick always runs away first and if he doesn't make it it's considered a sacrafice and you lose him and all his stuff but you get away.

There was really no reason we added these rules other then that we thought they could be cool. It was interesting but after a while we decided to go back to regular sidekick rules.
The Munchkin King

Munchkin w/Exp. 1-7
Mnchkn Booty w/Exp.
TGd, TBd, TMnchkn
Star Mnchkn

Mnchkn Cthulhu
Mnchkn Impossible
Super Mnchkn w/Exp
Mnchkn Bites w/Exp
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Old 05-21-2009, 03:27 PM   #109
Puuka's Avatar
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Pack limit
I have been contemplating trying a limit to the number of equipment items that you can have in front of you, but are not equipped (In your pack, those that are in play, but not being used, including things that are one time use and those that are not usable by your class/race/etc.)

I think this would add a bit of strategy to the game deciding what equipment to keep in front of you. It would also encourage people to sell off some of their items.

What do you think would be a good number? I was toying with 6-10 cards, 2 handed items would count as filling 2 of those slots.

Hireling utilization
I think it would be cool to have Sidekicks allowed more based on their names.
Counting the Bites Cultist as a Cultist for the +2 class bonus from Cthulhu. Or, letting the Catboi hireling or Feline type Steeds be able to use Feline only items from Star.

Last edited by Puuka; 05-21-2009 at 03:32 PM.
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Old 05-21-2009, 03:37 PM   #110
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by Sheep_Slayer View Post
***Duel*** When looking for trouble you may Challenge a teammate to a duel instead of fighting a monster from your hand! Discard your hand and Choose a rival. Defeating the Rival earns no Treasures. The bad stuff for losing a Duel is Death (Running Away is an option) and in the case of death, the dueling Munchkin gets first pic of loot (looting then continues normally allowing a second item taken from the victor in game rule order). No players may ask for help in a duel, though other players may assist with potions and even wandering monsters. A player may chose to deny the duel, losing a level in shame (A level 1 Munchkin has no shame). Winning a duel against a munchkin is worth one level (and said first pick of loot), an epic munchkin awards two levels. You cannot gain the winning level by a duel.

I like this, but I would say that the Munchkin being challenged Must be at least the same level or higher, or, if they are of a lower level, then they get to decline the challenge with no shame, an/or, if they accept and win, they get a level.
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combining different, doors, dummy hand, epic, extras, funny, gambling, gameplay, house rules, multi-deck, munchkin, munchkin zombies, new way to play, rules, rules variant, team, teams, two player, zombie dice

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