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Old 01-26-2022, 03:32 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2013
Default Bracing/Breaching a Held Door

Hey all,

First off, if you're playing characters named Sturgill Swain, Colton Riviera, Jeremiah Adams, Father Thomas, or Jacqueline Hearts, stop reading.

I had a quick question regarding breaking and entering and how one might assist or oppose such an action. I'm aware of the rules for Breaking and Entering on p. 122 of GURPS Low-Tech, and intend on using them. My question is two-fold:

1) If someone were bracing the door from the other side with their body, how might that effect the effective HP and DR of the door (for standard Forced Entry) or the Bolt/Latch/Bar/Wedge (for Breaking and Entering)?

The only thoughts I have on this one so far are for a complementary ST roll, which seems a little insignificant (or nonsensical, in the case of failing and providing a penalty), or to use the rules on p. B392 for Multiple Close Combat.

2) How might people on the other side of the door (the ones trying to break in) work together to make themselves more effective?

Here a complementary ST or appropriate skill roll seems to make more sense, failing or critically failing means you can get in your allies' way and lessen the effectiveness of their blow. Still there might be better rules for this somewhere I am simply unaware of.


Thanks, ya'll. GURPS community still #1!

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barriers, breaking and entering, doors, forced entry, structures

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