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Old 06-11-2024, 10:11 AM   #1891
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post

"They didn't say who they were, some kind of miracle worker security maybe? But they said they were turning the miracle worker I was with in to the 'ICOPS' for helping me, and they said I was a threat to homeline. I think because they thought I was lying about being able to travel to other worlds and thought I was a spy or something... Which I'm not! (Or I wouldn't be telling you this, obviously)"
Rajat: "I see. I can't promise that suspicion won't come up again if you come with us, but at least you can get off this Sargasso."

(Much like manipulating other smoke with Karana, I'm trying to benefit from side effects...)
And that's very much in keeping with our genre, keep it up!

Peter shrugs.

"I get the impression she doesn't like you much."
"No, she is rebellious against her elders. She is angry at me because I tell her when she is wrong."

"I'm kind of the people's emissary to their gods and they've been waiting to hear what he's found out, so I'd like to get his report at least if we can't help him get where he belongs. He is bound to have lots of information on those worlds, and that could be valuable to you."
Leon: "So you know one of them, specifically, at least by reputation. That's something, I suppose."

They follow Peter towards the tent site. As they are walking towards it, they meet InkThur and his two companions from the dream, walking towards the beach.
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Old 06-11-2024, 11:45 AM   #1892
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"Ink Thur! We finally meet! I've been looking for you for some time. I am the Thuroman Emissary to the Pristine realm, and have been bringing information from the world of the broken sky to your people, and all have been worried about you and your quest. I am a friend to many of your people, and have been learning from Tar-bilik who has called me a lost godling."

Peter will demonstrate by making a puff of cinnamon smoke and using it to capture Ink Thur's "native tongue" if he has enough ER so that when combined with his FP he is not too exhausted. (I want to keep him above a move reduction...)

"I move through worlds in my sleep, and was able to move among your worlds even with the usual doors closed. I will bring any report you would like to make back to your world if I can make it back there. I'm told this place is very hard to leave."
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Old 06-11-2024, 12:17 PM   #1893
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

The man inturupts Peter after Peter says his name

"Stop! If you have business with that name, give me a moment!"

He says something quiet to the other man with him, and the man hurries off.

"Are your fellows also aware of who Ink-Thur is? I try not to advertise my origins."
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Old 06-11-2024, 02:28 PM   #1894
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"My companions know nothing of you or your worlds."

Peter will comply and await privacy to get his thought out.
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Old 06-12-2024, 02:34 PM   #1895
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

The Infinity personnel stand off to the side. Ink-Thur keeps the woman with him.

I've been looking for you for some time. I am the Thuroman Emissary to the Pristine realm, and have been bringing information from the world of the broken sky to your people, and all have been worried about you and your quest. I am a friend to many of your people, and have been learning from Tar-bilik who has called me a lost godling
Ink Thur considers for a moment. A long moment. finally he says:

"You've done a great deal while I've been gone then. You've been to Thuroma? You must tell me how they are doing without their protection."

Peter senses this is some sort of test.

Peter will demonstrate by making a puff of cinnamon smoke and using it to capture Ink Thur's "native tongue" if he has enough ER so that when combined with his FP he is not too exhausted. (I want to keep him above a move reduction...)
He doesn't have the FP/ER for that, its not been long at all and you've been active.

"I move through worlds in my sleep, and was able to move among your worlds even with the usual doors closed. I will bring any report you would like to make back to your world if I can make it back there. I'm told this place is very hard to leave."
Ink Thur: "This place is very hard to leave indeed. That is part of the point."

Ink Thur: "If you're aware that I'm a god, why aren't you kneeling?"
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Old 06-12-2024, 05:22 PM   #1896
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Ink Thur considers for a moment. A long moment. finally he says:

"You've done a great deal while I've been gone then. You've been to Thuroma? You must tell me how they are doing without their protection."

Peter senses this is some sort of test.
"They are lost without you, and had taken to enslaving earth people until I put a stop to it. They're a total mess.
I don't know how it was when you were still around, but their world is falling apart... and leaking magic like a sieve."

He doesn't have the FP/ER for that, its not been long at all and you've been active.
You haven't mentioned any personal FP loss, and ER recharges regardless of physical activity at 1 per 10 minutes... How long has it been since he met his first Vutu and used it? I would think it was at least mostly recharged by now. He's met the locals, then gone back and secured Vutu pods, then met the Islanders, the Vutu girl, freed the folks from the conveyor and found Ink Thur... did he do all that in under a hour and a half?

Ink Thur: "This place is very hard to leave indeed. That is part of the point."

Ink Thur: "If you're aware that I'm a god, why aren't you kneeling?"

"The point? Are you here on purpose? can you leave?"

"I'm aware you're A god. That doesn't make you MY God. I have hunted the pristine forest with your people, and broken bread and sang songs by the fires. I've built their furniture with tar Bilik, carried their bundles and started to learn their magic. I'm a friend, not a servant. It's hard to look someone in the eye if you're on your knees."

Peter wonders if he has in fact, as there were two sky gods after all...
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Old 06-13-2024, 09:21 AM   #1897
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"They are lost without you, and had taken to enslaving earth people until I put a stop to it. They're a total mess.
I don't know how it was when you were still around, but their world is falling apart... and leaking magic like a sieve."
Ink-Thur: "I did that on purpose... I thought you talked to the gods of the pristine realm."

You haven't mentioned any personal FP loss, and ER recharges regardless of physical activity at 1 per 10 minutes... How long has it been since he met his first Vutu and used it? I would think it was at least mostly recharged by now. He's met the locals, then gone back and secured Vutu pods, then met the Islanders, the Vutu girl, freed the folks from the conveyor and found Ink Thur... did he do all that in under a hour and a half?
No, I haven't mentioned FP loss, but he's been hiking all morning, lifting stuff, wading through water, organizing the lifting of the conveyor, and not stopping to rest because he's been worried about the conveyor (and then the conveyor folks wanted to move quickly to get away). So yeah, its been a quick intense morning with lots of physical exertion. Hiking-equivalent FP loss feels correct, and he's been doing lots of things quickly.

You're right... that's probably around an hour and a half. Most of it walking. You can have 10 ER at this point, I suppose.

"The point? Are you here on purpose? can you leave?"
Ink-Thur: "The point of this world. Did they not tell you where I went? This world is a prison. Its where the dragons are kept contained. We have to deal with one of them."

"I'm aware you're A god. That doesn't make you MY God. I have hunted the pristine forest with your people, and broken bread and sang songs by the fires. I've built their furniture with tar Bilik, carried their bundles and started to learn their magic. I'm a friend, not a servant. It's hard to look someone in the eye if you're on your knees."
Ink Thur: "Would you not kneel to a King that was not yours when you met him?"

Ink Thur: "Americans. Americans and Primitives. Neither have a sense of the proper of things."

"Tar Bilik... Yes. I can see where you might gain your attitude if your working with him."


Peter wonders if he has in fact, as there were two sky gods after all...
Yeah, that tends to make you a little bit paranoid, doesn't it.
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Old 06-13-2024, 10:20 AM   #1898
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Ink-Thur: "I did that on purpose... I thought you talked to the gods of the pristine realm."
Peter said he knew he was draining the Celestial Realm, but didn't know if the other portals and broken sky part was intentional or just symptomatic.

No, I haven't mentioned FP loss, but he's been hiking all morning, lifting stuff, wading through water, organizing the lifting of the conveyor, and not stopping to rest because he's been worried about the conveyor (and then the conveyor folks wanted to move quickly to get away). So yeah, its been a quick intense morning with lots of physical exertion. Hiking-equivalent FP loss feels correct, and he's been doing lots of things quickly.

You're right... that's probably around an hour and a half. Most of it walking. You can have 10 ER at this point, I suppose.
Then Peter will show his magic to Ink Thur so he knows he's on the level... he'll make a puff of smoke and turn it into a Karana butterfly, to demonstrate he is learning their creation magic as well as having other skills.

Ink-Thur: "The point of this world. Did they not tell you where I went? This world is a prison. Its where the dragons are kept contained. We have to deal with one of them."
"They didn't tell me where you went, just that you did."

Ink Thur: "Would you not kneel to a King that was not yours when you met him?"

Ink Thur: "Americans. Americans and Primitives. Neither have a sense of the proper of things."

"Tar Bilik... Yes. I can see where you might gain your attitude if your working with him."
"They didn't tell me where you went, just that you did. So, What's the plan? Do you want me to carry a message if I beat you back?"
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Old 06-14-2024, 09:14 AM   #1899
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter said he knew he was draining the Celestial Realm, but didn't know if the other portals and broken sky part was intentional or just symptomatic.
Ink Thur: "The broken sky and shattered world is an unhappy side effect what draining the Divine realm. That world was held together with our magic, and now our magic is disabled. The portals were necessary as well. We had to dump the magic somewhere, somehow.

Then Peter will show his magic to Ink Thur so he knows he's on the level... he'll make a puff of smoke and turn it into a Karana butterfly, to demonstrate he is learning their creation magic as well as having other skills.
"And now I see why Tar-Bilik called you a godling. a very small and weak one. "

"They didn't tell me where you went, just that you did."
"And yet you found us. How did that happen?"


"They didn't tell me where you went, just that you did. So, What's the plan? Do you want me to carry a message if I beat you back?"
"Since I can now send a message...Tell Thuroma I'm thinking of them, that we will restore the world, and return... but it will be months yet. Do you have specific questions from my priests? Of course you do. Tell them to plan on my return. Keep the old government. They've done well so far."

"To the council running things back at the divine camp. Tell them we're still looking for the right dragon. We've determined several that aren't the right one. We're also still looking for a way home. But we made it to Draco and we've established a power base."
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Old 06-16-2024, 01:22 PM   #1900
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Ink Thur: "The broken sky and shattered world is an unhappy side effect what draining the Divine realm. That world was held together with our magic, and now our magic is disabled. The portals were necessary as well. We had to dump the magic somewhere, somehow.
"Is it helping? Are you making progress?"

"And now I see why Tar-Bilik called you a godling. a very small and weak one. "
Peter is offended, and doesn't contain it very well...

"And you're rude! Seems like I'm stronger than your pantheon at the moment!"

"And yet you found us. How did that happen?"
"Using my small, weak abilities. Obviously. Funny a god doesn't know that..."

"Since I can now send a message...Tell Thuroma I'm thinking of them, that we will restore the world, and return... but it will be months yet. Do you have specific questions from my priests? Of course you do. Tell them to plan on my return. Keep the old government. They've done well so far."

"To the council running things back at the divine camp. Tell them we're still looking for the right dragon. We've determined several that aren't the right one. We're also still looking for a way home. But we made it to Draco and we've established a power base."
"They were not doing alright, they took to enslaving people. I'm fixed that for the moment, but your city's leaders have to think more about the little guy. I'm working on that too."

Peter will relay what information he has as well as any dangling questions the Thurmans had that he's been unable to ask until now.
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