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Old 10-28-2024, 08:10 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2018
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Default GURPS Fighting Fantasy?

With Steve Jackson now publishing Fighting Fantasy Games from Steve Jackson, can we hope to see, perhaps some official release of a GURPS conversion of the rules or a (even better!) book in the setting? I started with fighting Fantasy (In Brazil called "Aventuras Fantásticas") a long time ago and got into GURPS initially thinking it would be An Advanced Rules set from the same author. I would love to go back to Allansia, using GURPS or, perhaps Dungeon Fantasy rules.
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Old 10-28-2024, 08:52 AM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: GURPS Fighting Fantasy?

I don't think I'd ever heard of these (which is a shame, I loved "Choose Your Own Adventure" books back when I was younger), and I see there's been a lot of confusion around it, considering one of the series founders was a fellow in the UK named Steve Jackson, who also was involved with publishing SJG content in the UK under Games Workshop, and the US Steve Jackson actually wrote three of the Fighting Fantasy books, but the two are different people. And now SJG is the US publisher, which just makes things even more confusing! "Steve Jackson worked with Steve Jackson on Steve Jackson's series, and Steve Jackson's company also published Steve Jackson's works in the UK. Now Steve Jackson's series is going to be published in the US by Steve Jackson's company."

Solo adventures have been coming out recently for both DFRPG (specifically the Nordland setting, but it wouldn't be too difficult to file the numbers off) as well as The Fantasy Trip (in fact, I think a lot of them are TFT works that are then converted to GURPS). I could potentially see some Fighting Fantasy books converted for those. Douglas Cole's Gaming Ballistic company has been doing a lot in that regard, so you may wish to bring this to his attention (although to my knowledge he currently only has an "in" with the US Steve Jackson, not the UK one - nor with Sir Ian Livingstone, the other chap creating Fighting Fantasy, for that matter).
GURPS Overhaul

Last edited by Varyon; 10-28-2024 at 09:02 AM.
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Old 10-28-2024, 12:31 PM   #3
Doctor of GURPS Ballistics
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Default Re: GURPS Fighting Fantasy?

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
Solo adventures have been coming out recently for both DFRPG (specifically the Nordland setting,...
For what it's worth, both DFRPG solos (Saethor's Bane and Warlock Knight) are only loosely Nordlond. They're set in the Infinite Archipelago, which is a conceit I've come up with to allow GMs to plunk down interesting and varied settings on the same world. Is Nordlond in there somewhere? Yeah. But it could be far, far away, or just a 500nm or 1000nm sail across the wild sea.

The two solos are set on Sedra (WK) and Elazar (SB), both of which are vaguely gothic/european in the main, with a touch of a few other places on Sedra. They were conversions from TFT. I have published the setting guide for Sedra, and will likely do Elazar (I have the manuscript already) at some point, and both for DFRPG in one volume makes sense to me.
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