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Old 08-19-2024, 10:09 AM   #21
Alden Loveshade
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Default Re: Steve Jackson Games' games that are suitable for two players

I'm not certain if this exactly fits this thread. And I realize I'm rebooting an old thread, but, as this is the 20th anniversary of the Fourth Edition...GURPS!

The very first GURPS session I ran was a prequel to my first campaign. I'd never run the game before, and had a new player who'd never done roleplaying before. So it was something of a "training session" for both of us.

Years later, I had a roommate where we played two-person GURPS games many times. We even had an entire world/campaign where we played one GM, one player.

One-on-one is actually one of my favorite ways to play GURPS. And there's even one or two one GM-one player games here in Play By Post.
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Old 08-21-2024, 09:15 PM   #22
Join Date: May 2012
Default Re: Steve Jackson Games' games that are suitable for two players

Originally Posted by csm View Post
Ogre: What's the best way to get into this game? I've looked at the PDF rules and such, and can't make head nor tail over what I'd need to make this work.
I wrote a significant Buyer's guide back in January that discusses the ways to get into Ogre.

The short answer is you need the rules, the "orange" map, and the classic counters. Print out the map and counters at a scale where you can fit one counter in a hex.

The attacking player gets an Ogre Mk III. They'll need a counter for it and a record sheet [included in the rulebook pdf or in a separate pdf.]

The defending player gets to choose what mix of armor units they get. They position their command post on the map and lay out their army on the map, per the directions in the rulebook for the basic scenario.

The attacking player goes first, moving their one unit onto the bottom edge of the map.

Players alternate turns. the attacking player moves the Ogre and then fires weapons at defedning units in range. the defending player then moves their units into range of the Ogre, then fires. Then they get to move their hovercraft again [if they have any].

Repeat until the Ogre is immobilized and/or the command post is destroyed.
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Old 08-21-2024, 09:16 PM   #23
Join Date: May 2012
Default Re: Steve Jackson Games' games that are suitable for two players

Oh yikes. Holy Necrothread, Batman!

Oh well, the Ogre Buyer's Guide is definitely germane to this thread.

Last edited by johndallman; 09-13-2024 at 08:35 AM. Reason: Spelling.
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