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Old 02-12-2023, 08:25 PM   #21
Join Date: Feb 2023
Location: Orléans, ON, Canada
Default Re: Learning combat

Originally Posted by mlangsdorf View Post
With a base Dodge of 10, Retreating brings Dodge up to 13, a successful Acrobatic Dodge to 12, a Retreating Acrobatic Dodge is 15, and a failed Retreating Acrobatic Dodge is an 11. As long as a retreat is part of the acrobatic dodge, even a failed Acrobatics roll gives a better result than the basic Dodge.

Two knife fighters on an infinite white plain have almost no reason not to retreat, and as long as they're not suffering shock penalties, to not attempt acrobatic dodges. When you have to deal with terrain and multiple attackers, choosing how to allocate defenses and defense boosting options becomes much more complicated.
You're right. Even with their dodge down (when they get very low on HP), it is still good odds that it will help. I find it a little weird that this is entirely based on the Acrobatic skill -- I would think that if the character is down to 1 HP, with lower move and speed and such, that doing acrobatics might become a bit of an issue, but as far as I can tell, this still works just as good as at full HP.

I'll redo my example with retreat and acrobatic dodge and use imp damage instead of cut and see how that goes.
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Old 02-12-2023, 08:39 PM   #22
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Default Re: Learning combat

I did a second version of my combat example, using retreat, impaling damage and acrobatic dodge.

According to the book, you can only do acrobatic dodge once per turn, so to defend against all-out attack, I guess I can only use acrobatic dodge for one of my two defenses (p.375 in Basic Set Campaigns)?
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Old 02-12-2023, 09:03 PM   #23
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Default Re: Learning combat

Originally Posted by Densar View Post
I did a second version of my combat example, using retreat, impaling damage and acrobatic dodge.

According to the book, you can only do acrobatic dodge once per turn, so to defend against all-out attack, I guess I can only use acrobatic dodge for one of my two defenses (p.375 in Basic Set Campaigns)?
Yes, the Retreat bonus applies to all attacks from a single attacker, but the Acrobatic Dodge bonus applies to a single attack. So if someone makes an All-Out Attack (Double) against Artemisia, she can Retreat and attempt an Acrobatic Dodge, and defend on 15 or less* and 13 or less. If there was a second attacker, Artemisia would have to dodge all the attacks with her base dodge of 10.

Usually you want to use the Acrobatic Dodge first, but if the second attack is a high value attack (such as a thrust to the vitals), it may make sense to use it against that attack instead.

* Assuming the Acrobatics roll is a success, otherwise the first defense is against an 11.
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Old 02-12-2023, 10:12 PM   #24
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Default Re: Learning combat

One important thing to note with All-out Defence when using the 'two defences' option - if you're planning on a Dodge as part of it (which you normally would), you should try the Dodge first. If it succeeds you don't have to use the other defence, and thus the second defence (Parry or Block) doesn't count as having been used already if you need it against a later attack. As Dodge doesn't get reduced by having to be used multiple times, using it first doesn't cost anything.
Rupert Boleyn

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Old 02-14-2023, 05:46 PM   #25
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Default Re: Learning combat

In addition to the GM's screen and combat cards, having a cheat sheet that summarizes the combat maneuvers and defensive options can be helpful. With a quick reminder of the rules for each option on a single page, you don't have to check the books so often.

Here's a thread that has links to a cheat sheet that Onkl put together. It's very complete, but it's a bit busy and has more options listed than you need if you are just using the Basic Set and nothing from Martial Arts.
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