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Old 09-20-2024, 09:46 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2024
Default Druids and Wild Shape

I'm running The Fantasy Trip for some kids, ages spanning 8-14. They're all literate and numerate, so that’s okay. One of the younger ones has heard about Druids and Wild Shape from some other fantasy RPG, and would love to play as a shapeshifter. I’m considering three ways to do that. I’d love feedback! I expect to add narrative limits on forms, like that the character must have seen such an animal, or must have eaten the heart of such an animal.

Druid is a separate character type
Talents and spells are BOTH expensive (2x and 3x normal cost), but the character can take animal forms at 1 point each per hex of animal size. Magical forms (e.g., gargoyle, dragon, hydra) cost double.
Each form is a reconfiguration of ST and DX, and comes with whatever natural limits and abilities the animal has, including natural attacks and MA.

I've just yesterday found the Theurge kit from zot—so awesome!—and I'm thinking about making a religion with a "Beast Form" ceremony and talisman, and that this might also be an approach here.

It’s just a Wizard
Starting Druids don’t have Wild Shape; they get it when they learn Shapeshifting, same as anybody else. Shapeshifting is an IQ 18 spell, so you want to start as 8/8/16 (say), then buy 2 points of IQ (100 XP each) + 500 XP for the spell. Minimum 700, more likely 1200-1600. That makes this something players will get 10-20 sessions into the game. I don't think that's a reasonable expectation of a game for kids!

“Wild Shape” is a talent.
5 points; grants any 1-hex animal shapes you want, plus up to 3 points of natural advantages per form: claws for 1 point, flight for 3, etc. This is least fully fleshed out because I think it’s probably a mistake. But I'd love to hear where others see this as right/wrong/strong/weak.

Last edited by bts; 09-20-2024 at 09:59 AM.
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Old 09-20-2024, 10:28 AM   #2
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Default Re: Druids and Wild Shape

Just have animal totem as a Shapeshift item.
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Old 09-20-2024, 11:13 AM   #3
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Default Re: Druids and Wild Shape

You could make Shapeshift or an alternate version of it available at a lower IQ to those with either Priest or Theologian talent.
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Old 09-20-2024, 11:25 AM   #4
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Default Re: Druids and Wild Shape

I think a variation on option #2 may be desirable...

SHAPESHIFTING is a powerful and permanent spell (not to mention expensive) so what you need is a lesser version. Call it BEAST FORM and make it animal specific (i.e., WOLF FORM, BEAR FORM, etc.). IQ level could be one step above the summoning spell of a similar type and ST cost and duration should be comparable to those as well.

Ooo, and maybe the spell should also include a 'berserker' -like boost to ST (this almost seems required to set the beast ST at the appropriate level).
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Last edited by TippetsTX; 09-20-2024 at 02:26 PM.
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Old 09-20-2024, 01:21 PM   #5
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Default Re: Druids and Wild Shape

Skinwalker skin: Alchemical item that prepares the pelt of a bird, beast, or fish for shapeshifting. Takes (target ST+DX)/10 weeks (round up) and costs $1k/week for an alchemist to prepare. User wraps themselves in the skin takes a step and concentrate action and transforms on a 3/IQ roll. Regaining human form afterwards is the same procedure, at the current (beast's) IQ. Rolling a critical failure may leave the user stuck in the form and believing themselves to have always been the beast. (Remove Thrown Spell will revert, but at an additional die to the casting if the user is stuck.)
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Old 09-21-2024, 04:46 AM   #6
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Default Re: Druids and Wild Shape

I'd go with a lower-IQ limited shapeshifting spell or set of spells as "secret knowledge" of a druidic cult.

Maybe "Wolf Shape" IQ 10, costs 2 St to cast plus 1 St each turn that the druid remains in wolf form; "Bear Shape" IQ 12, costs 4 St to cast plus 1 St for each turn that the druid remains in bear form; and so on, with the costs, durations, and required IQ being based on Summon Wolf, Summon Bear, and hypothetical additional Summon Critter spells.

Or maybe instead, or in addition, a "Wild Glamour" spell, IQ 12, costs 2 St, makes the druid appear to be a one-hex animal of some sort, chosen when the druid casts the spell. The druid gains the unarmed attack damage and maybe the natural armor of the animal. Same duration as an Image or Illusion spell, and is ended by a roll to disbelieve, same as an Illusion. Finally, it ends early if the druid does anything that the animal form couldn't (use a weapon, open a door, etc.)
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Old 09-21-2024, 07:09 AM   #7
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Default Re: Druids and Wild Shape

Make it a variation of 'good' Werewolf. ITL-83 top of 2nd column. As character gains XP, it also learns better control, more uses, and maybe additional animal forms. The new Druid picks its first form, doesn't have to be wolf.

Not sure of the CP cost of the werewolf ability.
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Old 09-21-2024, 08:35 AM   #8
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Default Re: Druids and Wild Shape

Originally Posted by EKB View Post

Maybe "Wolf Shape" IQ 10, costs 2 St to cast plus 1 St each turn that the druid remains in wolf form; "Bear Shape" IQ 12, costs 4 St to cast plus 1 St for each turn that the druid remains in bear form; and so on, with the costs, durations, and required IQ being based on Summon Wolf, Summon Bear, and hypothetical additional Summon Critter spells.
This is a high cost, considering the fact that one doesn’t enjoy the tactical advantage of a summoned creature acting as an additional figure on the board.

Or maybe instead, or in addition, a "Wild Glamour" spell, IQ 12, costs 2 St, makes the druid appear to be a one-hex animal of some sort, chosen when the druid casts the spell. The druid gains the unarmed attack damage and maybe the natural armor of the animal. Same duration as an Image or Illusion spell, and is ended by a roll to disbelieve, same as an Illusion. Finally, it ends early if the druid does anything that the animal form couldn't (use a weapon, open a door, etc.)
This illusory animal form is an interesting and creative solution that deserves testing!
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Old 10-03-2024, 01:22 AM   #9
David Bofinger
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Default Re: Druids and Wild Shape

Originally Posted by Shostak View Post
one doesn’t enjoy the tactical advantage of a summoned creature acting as an additional figure on the board.
Also I assume wounds to the druid in animal form still exist after the battle when the druid becomes human(oid) again. Whereas with a summoned creature the summoned creature can be put in danger and the caster kept in safety. Which is also an advantage. (Not a tactical one, I guess an operational one? Since it helps between battles.)
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Old 10-03-2024, 01:52 AM   #10
David Bofinger
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Default Re: Druids and Wild Shape

Originally Posted by EKB View Post
Or maybe instead, or in addition, a "Wild Glamour" spell
I like the idea of this being in addition. That way when you encounter a druid, and he transforms himself into a bear, you can say, "It's OK, guys, it's just a flashy glamour to make him look dangerous," and when he tears two of the party into bloody chunks you can say, "Sorry guys, my bad."

Wizard had the nice idea that when a bear appeared you didn't know if it was a summoned bear or an illusion or an image. We should keep that idea in druids.
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