Lots of responses!
Originally Posted by Maz
Btw. in this example (Melee 1), in turn 2, when Arthur Green parries. You might want to note that he could make a retreating parry for +1 to skill. I see no reason why he shouldn't do so as they both have the same reach of weapons there is no drawback, and he would increase his chance to parry by 12,5%! (from 9 to 10)).
The same goes for all the dodges. I have never seen a GURPS combat were people do not retreat at every possible chance they get (unless of course they face someone with longer reach).
Yeah, about the only reason I didn't add a Retreat to every defense was to keep it a little simpler to start off with, being the 'first' example of Melee.
Originally Posted by Maz
Turn 3. You note his arm is crippled because of the Accumulated Wounds rule. You should note that this is an Optional rule, not everyone use it, I don't. If your examples are supposed to be a help for newbies I don't think you should include optional rules, and if you do, you should clearly note them as such.
Not that it matters for the rest of the combat, but you might also note that when he is 'knocked down' he drops his mace. This means he can't use it to parry against the next attacks.
Originally Posted by Maz
Spending FP for Extra Effort in combat is an optional rule.
Fair nits to pick - I'll clarify a bit. (I've purposely used as many optional rules from Basic as I can get my hands on, but it is a good idea to clearly label them such).
Originally Posted by Maz
Turn 4. The prone Zach Red has a dodge of "0". This is not true. Shock does not give a penalty to Dodge (see page 419 "Shock" and p.421 "Temporary Attribute Penalties"). Had he not managed to succeed his HT Stun-check however, he would have been at -4 from that.
Oops - rats. Hopefully that's the only place I did that, but I'll have to check 'em all. (EDIT: it's not, I've already found others)
Originally Posted by Maz
Also I am unsure if you should halve dodge before or after modifiers. I think you are right, that it is before. So it would be 8/2 -3 = 1... not much better than before, ehe. Hmm I wonder if being prone prevents you from making a retreating dodge.... I'm gonna start a new topic about that.
Not definite on the halving and modifiers, hopefully someone else can chime in on that - you can definitely Retreat while Prone though. (B377)
Originally Posted by Maz
Melee 3.
You might want to note that their dodges are lowered by 1 because of their encumbrance, seeing as you include the encumbrance in the example.
Good idea - I'll add a footnote.
Originally Posted by Maz
Turn 1. I think that you should note that he gets -4 to his attack for the 'Move and Attack', it would matter if he only had 11 or 12 in skill.
Right again - I didn't bother putting it in, since the skill capped at 9, but you're right, the more info the better.
Originally Posted by Maz
Also, why is he running all the way into Reach 1? when his weapon has Reach 2 and the opponent do not?
Um - cuz he's a berserker? Yeah, that's it - it's not because I didn't feel like making a new graphic at the time lol. I may not change it, but if I don't I'll at least add a note about it to the text pointing out it's sub-par tactics.
Originally Posted by Maz
Unarmed combat 1.
You note "As this was a hit to the Face sufficient to cause a Shock penalty, Zach would normally check for Knockdown and Stunning; however, he is already prone and suffering Stun."
You should still roll as a Failure by 5 or more means he passes out.
Excellent point - fix incoming.
Originally Posted by Maz
Unarmed combat 2.
Turn four. You might want to note that not only can Arthur Green not parry because he is using his hands... he can't not make a retreating dodge either (unless he lets go). Actually even if you do not want to include this, I think you should rephrase it. right now it sounds as by the rules, he can't parry as he is grappling with both arms. He could chose to parry with one arm, letting go of Zach with that arm, while maintaining a grip with the other.
This one I think is correct - "Note that Arthur can not Parry as he is Grappling with both hands; he can let go with one or both hands as a free action, but only on his turn (B370-B371)." If I'm reading B370 correctly, letting go of one or both hands is only a free action on
your turn; later, in Turn Six, Arthur does let go with one hand, on
his turn, so that he can Parry Zach's next attack(s).
Originally Posted by Maz
Just wanted to add in that I really, really like your examples. I think it's a great initiative and a great tool for newbies. I plan on sending a couple of new players in my current campaign your way so that they get a better understanding on the combat rules.
Good to hear Maz. Just trying to do my part to make easing new players into GURPS as easy as possible!