12-05-2023, 07:57 PM | #251 |
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Sydney, Australia
Re: Show me the magic!
OK, I misunderstood that, I thought it was 5 points each time. So it only stretches your hit points a little. What's your purpose in introducing this spell?
12-07-2023, 12:48 PM | #253 |
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Pacheco, California
Re: Show me the magic!
IQ 12 Summon Spiders (C): Summons one small spider (ITL 100) plus another for every additional point the casting roll was made by (then double for 4, and triple for 3). The spiders all start in the same hex, but can move normally the next turn as usual. Costs 1 fatigue to cast and 1 per turn to maintain the entire swarm.
-HJC |
12-22-2023, 05:26 AM | #254 |
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Pacheco, California
Re: Show me the magic!
Magical Abacus: A wooden frame with three wires running in parallel. Each wire is packed with wheels that each have the digits marked along their edges. Activates for one hour for a fatigue point to multiply, add, subtract, and divide as the wielder commands. Gives a small bonus to Mathematician, say one less die or an extra 5% bonus as seems appropriate. Costs $300 to construct and $700 to enchant. Only $500 to fix should the user accidentally divide by zero and then keep all the pieces.
-HJC |
12-22-2023, 06:27 AM | #255 |
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Sydney, Australia
Re: Show me the magic!
Ledger of Ledgermain: Looks more or less like a regular accounting ledger. Can be used to perform accountancy, e.g. calculate someone's bill for doing a job. If the owner deliberately does the calculation wrong, making the final result too large or too small, then other people doing the calculation independently in their own records will tend to make the same mistake. (Some sort of roll vs IQ to spot their error, different ledgers have easier or tougher rolls.)
01-08-2024, 08:46 PM | #256 |
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Pacheco, California
Re: Show me the magic!
IQ 12: Wind Shield (T): Subject is surrounded by fierce winds. Add one die to hit for all missile and thrown weapons (but not spells) from, to, or through their hex(es). Also critters under 50 pounds treat flying through such hexes the same as ground critters walking through slippery floor hexes, and if they fall it is in a random adjacent hex. Costs 2 to cast, 1 per minute after the first to maintain.
-HJC |
01-16-2024, 03:56 PM | #257 |
Join Date: May 2020
wild magic
Blood Vortex (C) IQ-12?:
This rare and ancient spell combines the very essence of the caster with an almost terminal use of all the mana they can manifest. When cast a whirling red vortex of razor sharp miasmic force is summoned into existence in any 1 hex adjacent to the wizard. The cost of manifesting this ectomagical entity is ALL of the strength minus 1 currently available to the mage. No outside reservoirs of mana can be used from stored staff to batteries or even aid spells, and the wizard will be left completely fatigued with, but 1 ST left. The vortex is a summoned entity (effected by destroy creation) and has ST, DX, and MA equal to the strength spent upon creation. There is no facing for a vortex and all hexes are considered fronts. Example a ST-10 wizard casts a blood vortex, must spend 9, and summons a ST-9, DX-9, MA-9. The vortex moves first in all situations (then both sides roll initiative) ignoring engagement (nor does it exert a zone of engagement) rules and may end its move in the same hex as any target. Any figure that starts movement sharing the vortex hex is trapped within the whirlwind and has 0 MA for that round. Multihex creatures if greater than 4 times the ST of the vortex may move freely, any others may pivot or move but must end with at least one of their body's hexes sharing the vortex hex. Combat phase the vortex will roll a number of attacks = to its ST as it engulfs the opponent in a swirling maelstrom of every changing razor-sharp strikes from all sides. The damage of each hit is equal to an equivalent barehanded strike based on ST. Critical miss roles of 17,18 have no effect as the entity merely reforms. All damage from these strikes are cumulative vs. armor or magic protection but will protect each turn. example ST-9 vortex from above hits the chainmail target 4 out of its 9 attacks for 1, 0, 3, 0 = total of 4 hits and scores 1 hit on the target. The target sharing a hex with a vortex gets no benefits from "defending" and may strike at the vortex or any adjacent enemy but does so at -6 DX due to the chaotic ever moving environment created by this magical whirlwind entity. The same applies to any figure striking into the shared hex with a missed roll automatically striking the vortex victim. Any hits from magical enhanced weapons or spells cause full damage all others hit at 50% (rounded up). The spell lasts for 10 turns like all other creations but may not be renewed, or until destroyed or dismissed by the castor. A blood vortex adjusts all stats immediately when hit/wounded. example ST-9 created vortex takes 3 hits and is now a ST-6, DX-6, MA-6 creation. |
01-20-2024, 09:33 AM | #258 | |
Join Date: Jul 2018
Location: Hyattsville, Maryland
Re: Show me the magic!
01-25-2024, 05:09 AM | #259 |
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Pacheco, California
Re: Show me the magic!
Gate Tapestry: Caster who knows both Create Gate and Write Scroll spells starts with a $1000 (or more) tapestry that depicts the current scene looking in a specific direction and then spends five days in that location rolling against Write Scroll each day to add mystic symbols to the tapestry.
To use spend one turn to unroll the tapestry then a wizard invests 5 fatigue into this magic item to create a one minute duration one-way Gate to that location. The tapestry vanishes when the gate appears. If the creator also knows Control Gate then she may specify whatever rules she wants for the gate when she enchants the tapestry. Control and Create Gate may be cast on the temporary gate, but each casting can only extend the duration for the next 12 turns after the casting.
-HJC |
01-26-2024, 03:19 AM | #260 |
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Sydney, Australia
Re: Show me the magic!
There's a Jack Vance Dying Earth story called Chun the Unavoidable with a tapestry like this. Is that what you're referencing?
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