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Old 04-26-2024, 10:08 AM   #1841
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Asad says "Ye may find Trelsom Hillhock to be of use. We passed by a stand of the herb perhaps three furlongs* back, over yon hill"
Peter will grab some and see if it's suitable when he gets back to the Vutu, by trying to give them the local English to make it easy for them to communicate with the locals.

*I assume Peter doesn't know furlongs. If he asks about them, he'll be told 8 of them make a mile.
I think that's a fair assumption.

Jachuvi: "You'll say close to us then?"
They require a bunch of urging, but eventually Kiju observes the men aren't in a hurry to leave, and they need to find the other pods.
"I'll look out as best I can for you, and I want to help you find your pods. I think others are in trouble we should look out for, and that the other people may be able to help. They seem used to unusual folk around here."

We'll see how that turns out over time--
How is Goliath handling the unusual scents?

The Vutu come out of hiding, and want Peter to go with them around the tide pools looking for other pods. They give Asad and Hasan a wide berth. Despite the fact that the Vutu are armed and armored and the humans seem to just have sticks.

Hasan waves at them and smiles broadly.
Peter continues to encourage the Vutu to engage the humans, and then to encourage all noble sentients to join the search for move Banestorm refugees in pods, conveyors or flipflops.
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Old 04-29-2024, 09:27 AM   #1842
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter will grab some and see if it's suitable when he gets back to the Vutu, by trying to give them the local English to make it easy for them to communicate with the locals.

I think that's a fair assumption.
Ok, he is going to walk 3/4 of a mile or run it? time and FP matter here.

"I'll look out as best I can for you, and I want to help you find your pods. I think others are in trouble we should look out for, and that the other people may be able to help. They seem used to unusual folk around here."
Kiju: "What do they do with unusual folk?"

How is Goliath handling the unusual scents?
He's sniffing all over the place and staying close to Peter. He's also in no hurry to rush over and lick the Vutu.

Peter continues to encourage the Vutu to engage the humans, and then to encourage all noble sentients to join the search for move Banestorm refugees in pods, conveyors or flipflops.
Before or after he gets the plants?
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Old 04-29-2024, 10:51 AM   #1843
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Ok, he is going to walk 3/4 of a mile or run it? time and FP matter here.
I was thinking it would only take a minute or 2 but I guess it would be more like 10 (you said it was 3/8 of a mile, not 3/4, and I didn't work out the time).

Peter does not want these guys to beat him back to the Vutu, so he will ask them to show him, or skip it for now.

Kiju: "What do they do with unusual folk?"
Peter will explain that he gets the impression that some live together and some form their own communities, and that the unusual may not be THAT unusual around here.

He's sniffing all over the place and staying close to Peter. He's also in no hurry to rush over and lick the Vutu.
Familiarizing himself with the scent and being able to relax among the newcomers are about all he can ask for.

Before or after he gets the plants?
If the natives come along to fetch the plants, he will want to jog (paced running) but will go at their pace. If they refuse, he will worry about the plants later, and just use his own method to give one of the Vutu the local english once his ER recovers a bit more. He'll ask them who wants to do the talking. He will give the other one the language when the ER comes back or when they get a local component.

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Old 04-30-2024, 09:57 AM   #1844
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
I was thinking it would only take a minute or 2 but I guess it would be more like 10 (you said it was 3/8 of a mile, not 3/4, and I didn't work out the time).
5 minutes there and back, about (more detail doesn't matter)

Peter does not want these guys to beat him back to the Vutu, so he will ask them to show him, or skip it for now.

If the natives come along to fetch the plants, he will want to jog (paced running) but will go at their pace. If they refuse, he will worry about the plants later, and just use his own method to give one of the Vutu the local english once his ER recovers a bit more. He'll ask them who wants to do the talking. He will give the other one the language when the ER comes back or when they get a local component.
He needs a good reaction roll... fortunately he has +4 to such things. He convinces Asad that the newcomers are dangerously jumpy, and that this will help. The old man stays to build a fire (IQ roll by Peter to think ahead) while Peter and Hasan run and grab the plants.

After a struggle to get the plants burning properly (Its the morning after a storm), Peter is able to bring the smoke to the Vutu, and then give them a copy of the local language. They refer to the smoke as magic, and Then Asad and Hasan introduce themselves.

Peter will explain that he gets the impression that some live together and some form their own communities, and that the unusual may not be THAT unusual around here.
Jachuvi: "But what do they do? I do not see any meat here that can be harvested, only a vast expanse of deadness."

Asad and Hasan are drawn towards the pods, and begin inspecting them. The Vutu get itchy. "That is my vessel." Jachuvi eventually says.

Hasan:"What is it?"
Jachuvi: "A Vessel of Life. It be keeping me alive as I drift through the Ether."

Hasan: "be it alive?"
Jachuvi: "In a small way."
Hasan: "Be ye needing it?"
Jachuvi: "I be hoping very much so."
Hasan: "Then ye be wanting to move it further up yon beach, to where the sand be dry."

The Vutu roll their pods up, and Hasan tells them to make a little pile of stones to mark that it is theres "But ye should move it somewhere safe where folk not be disturbing nor stealing it. I be wondering if it be making a good soup when ye told me it be belonging to ye."

The Vutu scowl: "This be essential to life. We be dying in eternity without it."
Asad: "Be it religious then?"
Kiju: "No, it be how we survived the seas of eternity to be cast up here."
Asad: "Ye may find ye no longer require it."

The Vutu still go and roll their pods to a safe place.

Asad and Hasan pick through the houses, and then everyone crosses through the tidepools.

The next beach over is a bloody mess. Two men in shorts and a T-shirt lie on the ground surrounded by red sand. Six Vutu stand around them, sword-knives with bone blades out, a few of them covered in blood.

Kiju Mutters: "Chornee Vibee" --- its a name.

Asad and Hasan turn around to go back through the tide pools.
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Old 04-30-2024, 12:32 PM   #1845
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

They have wasted far too much time already. Peter will rush them moving the pods as quickly as possible if they insist on doing so. People are missing and trapped, and the pods have served their purpose in his opinion. If they need to get them off the beach, let's get it done fast. (Are conveyors air tight? Do they have an air supply, he wonders?)

Jachuvi: "But what do they do? I do not see any meat here that can be harvested, only a vast expanse of deadness."
"We have to hunt, trap, or fish to harvest meat. Or we breed it. it's different in the etherealm?"

Asad and Hasan pick through the houses, and then everyone crosses through the tidepools.
Peter would not wait for the men to pick through houses if they are being thorough. Peter, and the Vutu if they want to join him, will spend a few minutes as they pass them to verify there are no people trapped, and keep moving. They are not wasting time on scavenging.

The next beach over is a bloody mess. Two men in shorts and a T-shirt lie on the ground surrounded by red sand. Six Vutu stand around them, sword-knives with bone blades out, a few of them covered in blood.
"STOP! I can help you communicate! There is no need for death! You have come to the time-bound ground but the Mani-Zucho need not be your enemy. Get back from them!"

Peter approaches quickly, perhaps too quickly. He is anxious to get close enough to see if there are any signs of life left in these men that they might be saved. If they do not back off from the humans immediately, Peter gives Goliath the 'stay by my side' and 'intimidate' gestures, sending the beast into a series of angry growling barks as he snaps in the air. while his self preservation instinct awakens and reigns in his pace.

"I am friend to Kiju and Javuchi! The Mani-Zucho can help you learn to survive here and find more of your kin, You need friends now, not enemies! Javuchi! Jiju! Tell them!"

If they back off, Peter will check the men and tray and heal them if they still live. At least enough to stabilize them.
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Old 05-01-2024, 09:54 AM   #1846
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
They have wasted far too much time already. Peter will rush them moving the pods as quickly as possible if they insist on doing so. People are missing and trapped, and the pods have served their purpose in his opinion. If they need to get them off the beach, let's get it done fast. (Are conveyors air tight? Do they have an air supply, he wonders?)
Yes, they're air tight. He doesn't know about air supply.

"We have to hunt, trap, or fish to harvest meat. Or we breed it. it's different in the etherealm?"
Kiju: "We hunt. We scavenge. In the Ether, everything is alive. Everything is meat. Everything is a creature. And everything can be measured. She kicks the ground. "this is inedible, dead, and useless. And takes up far too much space"

Peter would not wait for the men to pick through houses if they are being thorough. Peter, and the Vutu if they want to join him, will spend a few minutes as they pass them to verify there are no people trapped, and keep moving. They are not wasting time on scavenging.
The Vutu move as soon as the pods are marked. They also have people they want to reach.

Asad and Hasan lag behind, staying to pick through the stuff. They have a very different idea of useful from Peter.

"STOP! I can help you communicate! There is no need for death! You have come to the time-bound ground but the Mani-Zucho need not be your enemy. Get back from them!"

Peter approaches quickly, perhaps too quickly. He is anxious to get close enough to see if there are any signs of life left in these men that they might be saved. If they do not back off from the humans immediately, Peter gives Goliath the 'stay by my side' and 'intimidate' gestures, sending the beast into a series of angry growling barks as he snaps in the air. while his self preservation instinct awakens and reigns in his pace.
The Vutu turn and look at him, and take up some sort of formation.


"I am friend to Kiju and Javuchi! The Mani-Zucho can help you learn to survive here and find more of your kin, You need friends now, not enemies! Javuchi! Jiju! Tell them!"

If they back off, Peter will check the men and tray and heal them if they still live. At least enough to stabilize them.
One of the Vutu calls out: "Javuchi! what is this?"

Javuchi: "Chorni Veebi! This is Peetor. He opened our Pods and has been helping us. He has a beast, but he has not attacked us."

Chorni Veebi: "Bring him to us, and we will unite and search for our Kin. we have been castaway, but we have landed upon ignorant shores."

Javuchi: "Treat him with care. He is more dangerous than he appears."

Peter rushes in, Javuchi and Kiju afterwards. They let Peter inspect the bodies. "Do you know them?" Chorniveebi asks. "They wear the same clothing, but don't look much like you."

The men are dead: no pulse, no movement.
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Old 05-01-2024, 11:42 AM   #1847
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"No I don't know them, I don't know anyone here!"

Peter desperately tries to heal the men anyway... he uses Yaka healing and gives them chest compressions and even tries his Yaka Voice.


He looks at them angrily (I presume these people were unarmed...)

"What happened here?"

Peter demands in the most commanding (non-magical) tone he can muster.
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Old 05-02-2024, 09:58 AM   #1848
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"No I don't know them, I don't know anyone here!"

Peter desperately tries to heal the men anyway... he uses Yaka healing and gives them chest compressions and even tries his Yaka Voice.

Yaka Healing requires ER... he has none. The chest compressions do nothing. The voice does nothing.

He looks at them angrily (I presume these people were unarmed...)
The people are not completely unarmed... they have the same kind of machete Peter has... but that's not the same thing as a proper sword either.


"What happened here?"

Peter demands in the most commanding (non-magical) tone he can muster.
Chorniveebi gestures at one of the men on the ground "This Mani-Zucho opened my pod with his weapon out, but without backup. I saw a chance for our freedom, and I took it."

Chroniveebi looks over "Pedor" again: "How do you speak our language?"
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Old 05-02-2024, 11:10 AM   #1849
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Yaka Healing requires ER... he has none. The chest compressions do nothing. The voice does nothing.
Healing can only be done via ER and not by personal FP?

That comes back 1 every 10 minutes (maybe I can learn recover energy while I'm in a world that has it and speed that up!) so it shouldn't be too long til it's back.

Chorniveebi gestures at one of the men on the ground "This Mani-Zucho opened my pod with his weapon out, but without backup. I saw a chance for our freedom, and I took it."
"fear is understandable, but this is tragic."

Peter looks at the castaways and thinks of the debris...

"I guess it's all pretty tragic."

Chroniveebi looks over "Pedor" again: "How do you speak our language?"
They seem to be familiar with magic, so so Peter explains...

"I have used magic to borrow it from Javuchi, and I have given him the language of the natives here to help you. It will last a few days."

"Your great ship went down under the waves last night... After I freed Javuchi and he freed Kiju, I agreed to help them find you. There are some local men not too far from here, but the ones you've killed look like more refugees like you and I."

Peter looks upon these creatures with concern. Fear begins to creep in at their numbers and blades, not that the initial heat of the encounter is fading. He shuffles his position several times as they talk, as Peter is subconsciously trying to not allow himself to be totally surrounded.

"I am looking for others, like you or like me, and others as well. If you want any more help from me, you will harm no more people unless you are attacked first. If you follow my rules you can come with me, if not, Javuchi will be able to speak to the men for a few days."

Peter remembers when Javuchi asked him about his dealing with the local men...

"Do you swear an oath of peace to me? Will you harm no one who does not threaten you? I will promise the same. I'm sometimes called upon to be an Emissary and if you will comply, I can be yours as well."

Peter works to smooth out the relationship and keep moving. He is hoping to find the conveyor of course, but now also to touch back with the human refugees and report these men's deaths, and smooth things over before they have a war of misunderstanding on the beach.
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Old 05-03-2024, 08:52 AM   #1850
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Healing can only be done via ER and not by personal FP?
Hmmm... interesting question. I suppose by default its not...

Broken Clockwork Healing will work on FP. Yaka... yeah, that should probably work using FP as well. Ok, so he has access to healing... as he reaches in with his Yaka healing sense, he notices that a lot is mysteriously wrong. The body is a lot deader than it should be. there is massive tissue death all over the place.

"fear is understandable, but this is tragic."

Peter looks at the castaways and thinks of the debris...

"I guess it's all pretty tragic."
Chorniveebi: "Yes, we're all timebound now, until we can get a vessel again."

They seem to be familiar with magic, so so Peter explains...

"I have used magic to borrow it from Javuchi, and I have given him the language of the natives here to help you. It will last a few days."

"Your great ship went down under the waves last night... After I freed Javuchi and he freed Kiju, I agreed to help them find you. There are some local men not too far from here, but the ones you've killed look like more refugees like you and I."
Chorniveebi looks a little scandalized : "You're a witch. Javuchi, you allowed this witch to cast a spell on you?"

Javuchi is quiet, but firm. "Yes. I was castaway."

Chorniveebi looks right at Peter: "Javuchi and his family are members of my vessel. I take responsibility for them. Do you dispute?"

Peter looks upon these creatures with concern. Fear begins to creep in at their numbers and blades, not that the initial heat of the encounter is fading. He shuffles his position several times as they talk, as Peter is subconsciously trying to not allow himself to be totally surrounded.
He's only surrounded if Javuchi and Kiju side with Chorniveebi. From their faces and reactions, there is little love lost between Javuchi and Chorniveebi and a lot of history. That's still six against two though.


"I am looking for others, like you or like me, and others as well. If you want any more help from me, you will harm no more people unless you are attacked first. If you follow my rules you can come with me, if not, Javuchi will be able to speak to the men for a few days."

Peter remembers when Javuchi asked him about his dealing with the local men...

"Do you swear an oath of peace to me? Will you harm no one who does not threaten you? I will promise the same. I'm sometimes called upon to be an Emissary and if you will comply, I can be yours as well."
Chorniveebi: "I will not be your castaway. The numbers are on our side. But in gratitude for taking in Javuchi and Kiju, I will allow you freedom of movement. But keep your witchcraft to yourself."

Peter works to smooth out the relationship and keep moving. He is hoping to find the conveyor of course, but now also to touch back with the human refugees and report these men's deaths, and smooth things over before they have a war of misunderstanding on the beach.
I think we have a conversation to finish here first.
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