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Old 02-11-2024, 11:20 AM   #11
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Default Re: (OOC) The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse ☺

The Leap Home

People of Interest-
Margret Hammond-Nichols - Mom!
David Nichols - Dad!
Marcus - Peter's best friend

Peter is able to influence his dream, and return home! He wakes up on his lawn.
Peter tells his parents the tales of his adventures, but he leaves out the part about being possessed by a spirit, he's not sure how they'd take it. The naturally do not believe his story. They prepare a giant breakfast and plan an agenda to get Peter's affairs in order, starting with the police station. Peter is concerned if telling the police the truth is the right idea, and his parents assure him he should.

Peter goes to the yard and builds a fire in the firepit to see if his Karana magic will work at home, and it does, but is somewhat more difficult. Once he demonstrates this ability to his parents, they become believers in the rest of his story and agree that honesty may not be the best policy with the authorities. Peter elects to lean in to traumatic amnesia...
A trip to the hospital reveals Peter is undernourished and they wrap his bruised ribs, but he is otherwise healthy.

Peter finally sees his friend Marcus, and realizes it would be unfair to burden him with the truth and maintains his cover story.

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Old 02-11-2024, 12:13 PM   #12
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Default Re: (OOC) The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse ☺

Broken Clockwork Sky

Broken Clockwork Sky People of Interest -
Tuvo Kyridas - Priest of Ink-Thur
Irodian - Kyridas's boss.
Lyn-dar, - Priest of Yu-Pelor of Pelora

The Pristine Realm People of Interest -
Ink-Thur - God of the Forge, and the God of Thuroma.
Arn-Oda - Sky God (currently deceased)
An-kona - a City Goddess, the first Peter speaks to
Tar-Billik - Peter's host in the Celestial Village
Yul-Pelor - A big man who seems to make a point of walking around shirtless. God of Pelora
Urs-Pen, A warrior God and sibling to two others. Carries a Bow and a spear
Yal-Pona, A Goddess of the wild, who isn't armed but seems like the main tracker. one of the siblings
Pal-Ursta, A city Patron and one of the siblings. He carries a spear.
Tym-Burzu, A city God with javelins and who can run quite quickly
Gim-Hyris, A city Patron with more muscles than could possibly be natural. He has a giant spear with a long enough edge to cut.
Iliphi-Phili - Goddess of Mathematics

Broken Earth People of Interest -
Dr. Goslin - A nuclear scientist from South Carolina
Mr. Cardin - Petroleum refinery owner from Wyoming
Mr. Patterson - Mayor of Springfield, Iowa
Dr. Caldwell - Pharmaceutical Plant Inspector
General Thurmond

Upon awakening, Peter laments his lot, and goes on to clothe himself (but could only find right shoes) and get basic tools from one of several burned out homes. He remains out of sight of a patrol on clockwork horses, but they are summoned back by a family when Peter tries to approach the natives. They are kind enough to give him water and a matched pair of shoes.

The riders speak english and take him prisoner. He is taken to a priest who uses magic to grant their local language to Peter. When they go to process him, Peter uses his Karana manipulation to swirl the incense smoke to be similar to their portals. They demand to know who his god is and how he handled "the Breaking."

They take Peter to a cell in a castle for special prisoners, where he meets four men, Dr. Goslin, Mr. Cardin, Mr. Patterson, and Dr. Caldwell. All of who were kidnapped through the portals for ransom, their expertise, or both. Peter is brought incense and books on the gods to identify his patron, but he does not have one and focuses on one of dreams, Kal-Mor.

He is told of "The Breaking."
Peter reveals that he dreams of other worlds and travels there, and his magical knack, and he is give encorts and wide latitude to try and assist them in contacting their gods. Peter spends the night in the temple of Kal-Mor and dreams...

The Celestial Realm
- Temples in the sky like Diamonds -

Peter finds himself in the temple of Arn-Oda floating on a rock in a sea of other floating temples like it. There is a swirling portal and a pair of identical Arn-Oda corpses present.
Peter explores the area and tries the throne on for size before realizing there are people visible on the other side of the portal, who are able to see him as well. An-kona, a City Goddess bids Peter to come through the portal and he does.


The Pristine Realm
They are excited to encounter a mortal and curious if Peter is able to return to the mortal world. They are at the portal absorbing energy, as part of a campaign to defend against an invading enemy. They wear glowing spheres around their necks, where they store and transfer magical energy.
Peter is sent to stay with Tar-Billik, and assists him with constructing furniture and repair on the gods primitive homes. Tar-Billik sells Peter's work for energy into his sphere, and uses some of that energy to purchase their dinner. He asks them about these worlds and for their advice which they happily give and spends the evening singing with them by the campfire. He learns some of their songs and teaches them some Beatles and Billy Joel.


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Old 02-11-2024, 12:13 PM   #13
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Default Re: (OOC) The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse ☺

Broken Earth and the Return to a Broken Clockwork Sky

When sleep comes, so do dreams of home, but not home. Peter dreams of the Earth connected to the world of the Broken Clockwork Sky
Peter swipes some clothing from a clothes line and heads straight for a portal that he senses. it is guarded by soldiers, but he is able to evade them and passes through the portal. He finds a patrol and has them take him to Tuvo Kyridas.

He begins the negotiations, first for his own freedom, but then for all of the captives taken from Earth. Peter will be their messenger to their gods, and the priesthood would return all of their prisoners and halt the practice of abductions.


The Pristine Realm

That night, Peter's dreams turn to a portal he found outside of the city, but he turns his gaze to the Divine Village
Peter awakens and goes to see An-kona who is unhappy with having to concern herself with keeping track of clothing for Peter. He gathers messages and charms from the gods to prove contact and serve as Emissary, and he gathers support from the gods to have their followers stop their abduction practices. That night, Peter dreams of home, but he pushes his thoughts back to Thuroma.

a Broken Clockwork Sky

Peter reawakens in Thuroma amongst the spoils of a raid. He can hear the language of the Thuromans, but he can no longer understand them as the spell has worn off.

Peter is reunited with Tuvo Kyridas and they report to the priesthood. Peter delivers charms, messages and stories received with joyous cheers. Once the charms are delivered, Tuvo Kyridas once again bestows the local language on to Peter.

Lyn-dar, a Priest of Yu-Pelor comes to Peter in the hops of improving relations between Pelora and Thuroma, and recommends Peter help Kyridas in the political arena to further all their goals and make it clear Peter would like any directives that Irodian wishes to set be delivered through Kyridas. Peter includes this into the agreement they are working on.

Peter works on learning the local magic and finds he can impart "american" to his escort, and he can open and close portals by manipulating their magic. His attempts at improvisation and imparting information other than language fail, but he is able to impart an archaic version of the local language.

Soon, Peter dreams of...

Peter spends a few days at home, enjoying familiar comforts, reviewing some school work and working on his book. He lays low and avoids being seen, as he has once again been reported missing. (Presumed, not discussed)


A Broken Clockwork Sky

Peters dreams start to pull him to the Divine Realm, but he turns the dream back to Thuroma, where he is now recognised by the guard and they are quick to assist him.

Peter begins to put together a council of the prisoners of importance and Thuromains to help with negotiations with their homeworlds to make apologies and reparations regarding the abductions and arrangements for mutually beneficial trade going forward. This starts with Dr. Goslin, Mr. Cardin, Mr. Patterson, and Dr. Caldwell.

Kyridas has moved the process forward and Peter is formally recognised in their church, and they give him an official raignment. For his next trip, their most pressing questions are What is Arn-Oda's status? And where is Ink-Thur? Soon Peter dreams of those who may have the answers.


The Pristine Realm


An-Kona recommends rather than report that he is dead, to say that Arn-Oda was rendered dormant by an old but mysterious foe, and that the unavailable Gods are off seeking to avenge him. She reluctantly agrees to be his go between with the gods here to smooth discussions and Tar Billik would be his advocate.

Peter collects more charms and they are able to store information in them directly they also experiment with writing messages on Peter's skin.

Peter experiments and is able to put energy onto the god's collection orbs which they find very exciting and start calling Peter a "little lost godling".

Some of the gods of commerce come by to assist in ideas and structures for a way to pay Peter for his duties as their Emissary, and Peter befriends a crow along the way and names it Dahlia. It is not long before Dahlia is riding on Peter's shoulder.

Tar-Billick shows Peter the god's power of creation, and Peter learns how to generate a puff of smoke. It takes all of his energy and hours of investment at first, but he is able to do this several times a day.

Before long, Peter Dreams:

Some information imparted

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
  • This world has a fair number of robots
  • City states are independent
  • Electronics don't work here
  • They report a huge number of active Gods... but the prisoners haven't seen any of them apart from the priests doing miraculous things, while the books have living memory accounts of physical visits.
  • They have a fairly strong class system, and the peasants and workers general work in poverty
  • Their governments range from oligarchies to kingdoms to theocracies
  • They have myriad languages, but a single formal "trade language" that the prisoners can now speak.
  • If they escaped, they'd want to go north west to the city of Ith-Melgo, which is an oligarchy traditionally opposed to Thuroma, and the only city in the area capable of standing up to the exceptionally strong city... and even then it'd be a good idea to keep moving.
  • They also express worry that if they escaped they'd eventually loose the ability to speak the language... it doesn't last forever. Dr. Goslin has lost it once and had to have the ceremony again.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Kal-Mor listens, and then says:
"I do not have my full abilities at the moment, and I have not seen you dream. I can tell you a few things though. You are not truly interacting with dreams: what you see is too real, and too literal for that. And then you use them to traverse worlds. You must have some part of you that requires deep isolation and relaxation to use its power. These dreams are not sent by someone else: they appear to be a part of what you are."

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Old 02-11-2024, 02:45 PM   #14
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Default Re: (OOC) The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse ☺

Magic of the Broken Clockwork Sky

Requires the burning of incense

Ritual Magic, Broken Clockwork Sky (IQ/A)
  • Healing
  • Language Absorption
  • Portal Manipulation

Notable - it seems the language can be one that neither the caster nor recipient possesses:
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
No, he gave the man the "local language"... which turned out to give him a rather archaic and formal version of the language the man normally speaks.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Further experimentation at Grunkle's Bob's house indicates he can get Spainish from a dictionary that's lying around.

Creation Magic of the Gods

Undefined - Peter is now able to generate a puff of smoke sizable enough to repurpose for Karana creations. He has been focusing this power and has been attempting to create a grain of sand, and had so far produced a very fine ash like material with his efforts.


Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Yeah, Broken World or "Broken Clockwork World".

Those are the three we've worked with so far. Looking over the source material (this is not an original world), there is also... communicating via dreams between the two worlds (only the recipient is asleep)... but you don't have any records on how that one works, Thuroma doesn't have that secret.

Yes, that's a different skill. At this point, I think its just something he can do when he has enough ER.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Peter spends his time doing schoolwork, writing, and practicing breaking the laws of physics. And occasionally annoying the bureaucracy.

His work at making a grain of sand is pretty exhausting, and tends to make smoke, but he thinks the smoke shows up more reliably. At the end of the day, he thinks he managed to make ash, or perhaps very fine dust.*

Lunch is in a cafeteria. Someone walks up to him and thanks him for getting them out of Thuroma. Then another someone. And another. Heads start turning to listen. These are people he's never met, only that he helped to get out of Thuroma. It seems they're almost all still here. And glad to be here. Several people tell him if there is anything they can do for him, let him know.

He goes to sleep without anyone getting back to him about his requests, and wakes up in the morning again. He gets an email: General Thurmond, whoever that is, wants to meet with him tomorrow at 11am.

*this practice is going towards increasing his ER pool, as well as expanding his creation capabilities.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Peter manages to make cinnamon smelling smoke and use it for broken-world magic (the trick is to try to summon cinnamon... and his practice has been helping, he thinks)

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Old 02-11-2024, 05:18 PM   #15
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Default Re: (OOC) The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse ☺

Canned Dinosaurs - Part 1
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Cretaceous-7 is in an "Earth-Solar-L5" orbit, Also known as the "midnight conglomerate" in the "seventh orbital" and "equatorial plane". The whole place seems to be on one time. The Can is one of thousands in the midnight conglomerate.
People of Interest-

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Peter dreams of dinosaurs that night. enormous sauropods lazily moving across the ground. Tyrannosaurs sporting a fine dusting of feathers. Triceratops, ankylosaurus, and hadrosaurs, all bearing the exotic bony markings of their species. Both Pterosaurs and birds in the skies. Smaller dinosaurs in the brush.

He wakes up to cold metal on his cheek. He's on some sort of metal overwalk. down below him are massive clean white tanks. He hears someone, probably a man, groaning as he is beaten. Some yelling in english about "Snoops" and "Your Corpse".
Peter awakens to find himself in a vast industrial complex with bio-tanks on an extensive catwalk system. Four men are beating and berating a fifth who is tied to a chair down below. Two of the men are armed and uniformed.
While Peter investigates the lights and a way to get down, Goliath makes a discovery!
Once Peter is able to get ahold of himself and shake of the shock, He introduces himself and tells her to stay close. He kills the center lights and leads the girl and Goliath down to the floor level. He is able to grab a lab coat and some tools, and uses a torch to start a small fire. Inspired by the visions of dinosaurs, Peter creates a pack of five "compies", four programed to harass and distract the guards, and one to free the prisoner. The effort ultimately fails to free the prisoner, but they are able to get away from the group. Peter leads them past a number of tanks and out through a garage with vehicles. The Cat-girl tells Peter the man being beaten "decanted" her from her tank and told her to hide before being captured. She asks about her purpose, and tells Peter she does not have a name and will not until she receives her purpose. What she knows was taught to her in 'the first world' which is apparently some kind of teaching program.

Once they get outside, Peter beholds another strange sky...
Peter is left with the option of re-entering the facility or crossing into the wild on the other side of the fence. Peter opens the manual unlock and alarms sound off. Peter considers that if he takes this newborn creature into the wild, she would be unlikely to survive if he dreamed away in the night. He allows them to be taken into custody, hoping the authorities here would sort this out. The prisoners are seperated and Peter is taken to a cell.
Peter is questioned by a man called Slick who believes Peter to be a custom bioroid well outside of human baseline. He insists that Peter's memory is a lie and he is giddy with greed at the possibility of manipulating and cashing in, even if he's not sure what he has. Peter tells him the truth about how he got here and Slick dismisses it as more fantasy, but is interested in a description of the worlds.
Peter is taken to a computer room where he is held and Goliath is brought to him, where he is meant to document the worlds he has been to, and he investigates some information on this place. After being checked up on, Peter provides a description of the Karana-World and his first savage plague world.
Soon Peter sleeps... and dreams of the Pristine Realm, but turns his thoughts to Thuroma.

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Old 02-11-2024, 05:38 PM   #16
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Default Re: (OOC) The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse ☺

A Broken Clockwork Sky

Peter returns to Thuroma and he is treated as a VIP. He reports his information from the godly realm to his secretary and gets updates on the release of prisoners. He visits the last of the Americans, this original cell mates, and further discuss formalizing diplomatic and trade negotiations. Pleased with the progress, Peter sleeps soundly and dreams...
Peter recoils from the image of the apparently undead figure and turns his dreams to the The Pristine Realm


The Pristine Realm

Peter finds himself at the home of An-Kona, who throws clothing at him and closes her door when she sees him coming. Dahlia the crow is quick to Peter's side on his return and he begins to teach her to fetch small items. Peter's memory exercises are paying off and he delivers the messages from their followers. There is some disappointment that the attempt to write on Peter's skin was unsuccessful. They wish to try scratching, but Peter refuses. Tar-Billick comments that already he may come out richer than anyone.

Peter decides to join a number of gods on a hunt, he considers buying a bow, but decides it is too expensive and borrows one instead. Peter is able to track a kill for them, as well as do the honors of cleaning and dressing the possum like beast. He and Goliath are then able to track a great bird of nearly 300 pounds! they decide to pursue it even if it take them until too late to return that night. The gods slay the beast and there is much celebration. Peter explains he may not be there in the morning due to his travels, and the gods declare they will be in debt to him for a feast if that is the case.
Peter does indeed dream that night.
Peter is invited to a somewhat formal dinner at Kyridas' home with his family. They discuss reforms and ways to make their trade agreement work for everyone.

Later at breakfast, one of the priests mentions he had a portal open up in his room and Peter goes to investigate. The portal is guarded but open, and Peter reassures the guard "I'm the Emissary, this is what I do" and he passes through the portal. Peter seals the portal and proceeds to the nearby road and determines he is too far from anyone he knows, and rather than hitchhike across the country, elects to reopen the portal and return to Thuroma. He instead elects to go to earth through the portal the last batch of Americans were sent a few miles away.


Broken Earth

Upon passing through the portal, Peter is confronted by Private Isaiah Rodriquez as he changes clothes and is taken prisoner. Peter cooperates and says he comes bearing gifts and asks to be taken to their leader. Peter is generally cocky and less than reasonable, a bit jaded from the treatment he's been getting in Thoroma. He comes to the realization that he has not come so far as he thought in solving this world's problems, and he's likely already done all that he can. He explains and documents the process for closing portals and other Thuroman magic. He jokes with them about being paid exorbitant tax free sums for his efforts but then adds that he's kidding and if they feed and cloth him they should send any reward to the Boy Scouts of America. He is taken to an army training base in Missouri: Fort Leonard wood. Dr. Cauldwell and Mr. Patterson are there and he gets an update on their progress. He also aranges for schoolbooks to work on getting caught up with his work.

Peter submits proposals to the government regarding the recognition of his Ambasador/Emissary status, and working to support the trade efforts to promote a stable mutual future. Peter meets with a General Thurmond and explains he will deal with all sides fairly and share only information in either direction that the parties would not find a betrayal of trust, and that he is working toward a mutually beneficial and peaceful solution. He is offered a $1,000 a day to hunt portals and work with them and Mr. Cardin agrees to administer the account so that Peter can access the money, automatically donate 20% off the top to the Boy Scouts of America, and set up a clause that if he doesn't touch the account for a year, it all goes to the Scouts.

Peter continues a routine of Schoolwork, military self defense classes, and protal hunting for some days. After some convincing, the soldiers teach him to drive in the fields. On Friday Evening, he goes to sleep, and dreams.


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Old 02-11-2024, 08:55 PM   #17
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Default Re: (OOC) The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse ☺

Canned Dinosaurs - Part 2

People of Interest-
Lisa Mendenhall - Gate Sentry
Leo - Gate Tower Sentry
Officer Ronan Powell, Patrol 32, Supervisor Milton Jayawag.
Mrs. Pruitt - Government/Police (Social?) Worker
Risinki - Dramatic showman - unused employment lead
Cat-Girl - AKA Rebecca

The Dream
Peter Finds himself in the Jurassic park in the tin can in space. and comes upon a group of hunters. The shocked men offer him a pair of hand towels and paracord, and Peter fashions himself a loincloth and sets off into the jungle. He sends up a smoke-puff Karana bird to assist in getting his bearings and heads for the gate.

Along the way Peter is able to encounter a few dinosaurs! One bigger than a house, and the second about four feet tall that he is able to get within a few feet of.

Peter turns himself in to Leo in the tower and Lisa Mendenhall at the gate as a trespasser and he was taken into custody. Lisa tries to run him through the system and demands to know what he did to the system when she does not get the results expected. She gets a call and comes back seeming to believe he is conducting some kind of internal audit. They give him clothing and a phone device and tell him someone will be down to collect him soon. They ask if they can get Peter anything, and he asks for some food and uses the distraction when they get it to slip out and into the public shopping area. He stashes the phone and retreats a business where he can watch and to see what happens. He finds a demo phone to do some research and finds out where he is... A habitat called "Creatceous-7"
Peter recognizes the man and it is one of the thugs that he witnessed beating the Decanter at the cloning facility.

Peter elects to call the police. He tells them of the cat girl and the incident at the gate, and directs them to Lisa and Leo at the gate to corroborate parts of his story. They are quite dismissive "having shaken this tree before" but will follow up. He elects to search for the cat-girl on his own. He remembers the wall structures from his dream and using the public maps, determines where he thinks he needs to go, but when he gets there, the container is gone! Peter again talks to the authorities, he allows them to take his biometrics and they give him a place to stay, programable clothing, and a phone while his case is reviewed. He is going to look into employment opportunities when it occurs to hi that this is a space station, and the cat girl's container may have been moved, but perhaps not yet shipped out.

When Peter speaks again to the police, his witnesses did not corroborate his story, and they are convinced he is making false accusations. He investigates the loading practices on the habitat, and realizes the container is likely not loaded. He breaks into the loading dock and using Karana big scouts locates the container. He uses his creations to create noises and comotion and make the container appear to leak smoke until the workers open it to investigate. Peter sends a karana compy running past the worker who opens the container while Peter records on his phone. The worker dashes off screaming "dinosaur!" while Peter dashes into the container and finding a metal bar, pries open the cat-girl's container. He leads her from the container and immediately video calls the police.
The cat girl, having a purpose asks her name and Peter says he likes Rebecca, it is pretty like her. (Peter realizes maybe he shouldn't have done that.)
Rebecca is frightened and confused, but obedient when Peter asks her to cooperate with the police, who she was programed to fear.
Rebecca is taken "somewhere safe" to be protected and probably deprogrammed. Peter works with a sketch artist to build a profile for "Slick" and he points out likely candidates in photos and the police appear pleasantly surprised. Peter is hard on himself believing giving Rebecca a purpose was a bad move, but the police reassure him that all in all he did good. He does everything he can to make sure the investigation is good to go without him, and asks that Officer Powell look out for Rebecca for him.


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Old 02-12-2024, 12:05 PM   #18
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Default Re: (OOC) The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse ☺

The Beast in the Village

Gerwin - Village Priest, Helmut's brother
Helmut - Village Protector / Dead man Walking / Possibly the real Beast
Luitwin - Leader of the militia
Landolf - The Beast, Cursed creature soon restored to humanity
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Peter sleeps... and Peter dreams

Peter dreams of a fur-covered humanoid monster, armed with teeth, claws, and powerful muscles. It slinks through tall fields of grain in the dark, looking for something... or someone, headed towards a sleepy village of thatch-covered daub houses. The terrain is rough, with mountain peaks and steep slopes covered in trees surrounding the fields. Something throbs inside the monster... something Peter can sense, even through his dream. Something akin to the instructions he gives Karana.
Peter is able to use his meta-sense to follow the creature through the darkness and finds it stalking a woman. Peter grabs a stick and he and Goliath shout, bark at and generally menace the creature and scare it off long enough for the woman to escape back to a nearby village. She runs off without a word and Peter follows. Flickering flames can be seen in the village.

Peter comes into town and feels the sources of magic and compares them to what he knows.
Peter swipes some clothing from a scarecrow and takes it's stake for a better weapon and heads into the village. He hits some sort of barrier as he approaches the church, and the church bell rings in reaction. Peter has Goliath fetch an item tossed over the barrier making it clear that whatever is rapelling Peter does not affect his companion.

People start to look, when there is a scream and Peter sets off to investigate. The creature has broken into a home and is menacing a woman, and Peter and Goliath distract it and lead it out of her home when a warrior appears and shoots at it with a crossbow, missing. Goliath is injured in the scuffle trying to protect Peter and the newcomer comes in and injures the creature with a sword swing. The creature retreats.

A holy man with a censure appears and his incense is compatible with the broken world magic and he is able to slip some of the smoke away with karana to heal Goliath's injuries and capture the local language. The warrior, who is called Helmut, asks Peter what he is after seeing his magic and says he fights like a soggy rag and sets off the "church ward". Helmut sets off Peter's magic sense as having some kind of alteration on him, as does his brother, the priest Gerwin.

Peter offers to apprentice for Helmut and learn to better fight and help to defend the village. Helmut is concerned that Peter cannot identify the source of his power and implies it must be sinister as the light's barrier repels him. Peter is convinced that whatever is moving him around is benevolent, and believes his magical power to be his own (somewhat incongruently). Peter asks what the rules are and if the ward would not stop Helmut's magic, throwing him into a rage. He lunges after Peter and missing his grab, Peter bolts! When he unable to capture Peter, he becomes desperate and asks peter to stop running and talk, that he needs him and he will vouch for him if he will not tell his secret, as long as the people of the village will not be harmed. Peter has no idea what Helmut is talking about, but agrees, so long as Helmuts actions would not bring about harm as well!

Peter asks Helmut if Gerwin can cure the cursed "beast" and he says not to get his hopes up, but they can ask. Gerwin is not comfortable with Peter, but Helmut continues to vouch for him. Gerwin says it is possible.

While the villagers sleep in the protection of the Church ward, Peter spends the night in the mill with Goliath. In the morning, Helmut, Luitwin and the town militia have gathered and Peter acts as tracker and lead them to the cursed one. The creature is surrounded and wounded, and Peter urges them to capture the creature. It breaks away, but soon collapses while Peter tracks and ties up the creature. Gerwin heals the creature enough so that it will not perish, and sets about administering the cure.
Peter examines the magical flow, and when Gerwin falters, Peter is able to bolster the strength of the ritual to help, much to Helmut's horror.

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Old 02-13-2024, 12:27 PM   #19
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Helmut thinks he could have fouled the ritual and killed them all and again say's no good can come of Peter's power, and talks about the cost of his own. Helmut reveals the secret he thought Peter had already figured out, that the magic he sensed on him was animating his previously dead body, and that there was an ongoing price to be paid.

Peter leaves to clear his thoughts and digest this information and goes walking, he finds an abandoned village and contemplates not going back, but he turns around and returns to confront Helmut. He tries to convince him to be honest with his brother, and maybe there is something they can do. Helmut is convinced his brother will reject him and likely try and destroy him if he was to find out the truth. He proclaims his "balance" is in a good place as he has saved lives, and that he can keep control and protect his village.

The formerly cursed one, Landolf, approaches and expresses gratitude, as others have told him Peter argued and fought for the man's recovery. Peter tells the man he owes him nothing, he would have done it for anyone, and he and Goliath travel alone. Landolf then asks if he may travel with them as a favor to him, as the lands are dangerous, and Peter apologizes and tells him that they would make unreliable travelling companions.

That night when Peter goes to sleep, he dreams...
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Old 02-13-2024, 12:37 PM   #20
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Default Re: (OOC) The Scout's Guide to the Multiverse ☺

Magic of the Village of the Light and the Black Flame

Little is yet known about the workings of powers of this world. There is some similarity with the magic of the broken world. Magic is attributed to pacts with other forces, and so far "the Light" and "Kailasol" the "Black Flame" have been referenced.

The Light:
Curse Removal?

The Black Flame:

Physical and mental transformations
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lost in dreams

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