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Old 10-07-2007, 06:42 PM   #21
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Default Re: GCA4 FAQ - GURPS Character Assistant 4 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I create new traits (Advantages, Disadvantages, Skills, Equipment, etc.) and then save it from one character into another?

A: First create the new trait using one of the _New Item fill-in-the-blank traits within GCA. Then select the trait, click Edit, then Full Edit Window, then Save to Data File (in the upper-right hand of the window). You will then need to load that data file into your data sets and reload the data set. Once you've reloaded the data set you can add the trait to any character.

We highly recommend that you create your own (new) data file to save these traits into, since if you save into one of the data files included in the Data Update it will be overwritten next time you run a Data Update, losing any changes or additions you've made to the file.

Last edited by ericbsmith; 05-12-2010 at 07:44 PM.
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Old 10-07-2007, 06:47 PM   #22
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Default Re: GCA4 FAQ - GURPS Character Assistant 4 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I create new templates for GCA?

A: That depends on what kind of template you wish to make. If you want to make a Racial Template, Meta-Trait, or "static" template (one with no selection for it's components) then the easiest way is to create the template as you would a character, adding any traits or attribute changes you wish the template to have. At this point I recommend you save the template as a normal character (so you can later re-open and make changes to the template). After you've saved as a normal character file you can then go to File -> Save As... and select Template within Data File from the drop down menu at the bottom of the Save dialog box.

If you wish to create a Character Template - one which offers many choices of traits for the player to choose from - then you will want to use the Template Builder (under the Tools menu). It offers more options for adding or creating traits as well as the capability to add selection boxes (at the bottom of the Builder window) where you can offer groups of traits to select from.

We highly recommend that you create your own (new) data file to save these templates into, since if you save into one of the data files included in the Data Update it will be overwritten next time you run a Data Update, losing any changes or additions you've made to the file.

Last edited by ericbsmith; 10-07-2011 at 04:11 PM.
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Old 10-10-2007, 01:51 AM   #23
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Default Re: GCA4 FAQ - GURPS Character Assistant 4 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I obtain data files for the latest books which aren't included in the current Data Update?

It sometimes becomes necessary to release data files for for newer books without including them in the full Data Update. Sometimes this is because the file is too incomplete, sometimes it hasn't been rigorously tested (it's still in "beta"), sometimes it's because the file (or book) wasn't done in time for the full Data Update.

At any rate, all such files which are available will be linked from a sticky thread in the GURPS Character Assistant forum. These files are generally made available in a ZIP format and must be unzipped before they can be used by GCA - you can use a program such as WinZip or WinRar (or Windows XP's built in ZIP routine) to unzip the files. Once unzipped you should place them in the My Documents\GURPS Character Assistant 4\Data Files\ folder.

You will also need to create a new Data Set to load the new files. See Post #8 of the FAQ to read about creating new Data Sets.

Last edited by ericbsmith; 08-05-2017 at 04:11 PM.
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Old 11-04-2007, 08:04 PM   #24
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Default Re: GCA4 FAQ - GURPS Character Assistant 4 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When I add a Racial Template or Meta-Trait to a character the component traits are not listed. Is there a way to display the component traits of Racial Templates or Meta-Traits?

The components of templates are not displayed because that is the way templates are displayed on sample characters in the books (see, for example, Iotha on p. B317 or Lord Claudius Maskill in GURPS Banestorm p. 95).

There are different methods of showing a templates components depending on where you want them to be displayed. In the Templates tab you may right click on a template and select Show -> Show Components to display the components within that tab. In the other trait tabs (Disadvantages, Skills, etc.) you may right click in the right pane and select Show -> Show Hidden Items to show the hidden components of templates within that section.

On the printout you will need to modify the Character Sheet options for the sheet you're using by going to Tools -> Character Sheet Options from the top menu, then selecting the sheet you're using from the drop-down menu - the default sheet is charactersheet.gcs. The option to list component traits for charactersheet.gcs is under the header Template/Meta-Trait Item Options. Similar options are available for some of the other character sheets.

If you load the data file Variant - Unhide Templates.gdf as part of your data set the components of templates will not be hidden when adding templates - they will show up under the regular sections in the trait listings within GCA and on printout. This is the only way to display the components within the Quick View tab in GCA.

Which option you wish to use is largely a matter of taste in how you want the components displayed within the program and on printout. Try out the different options to decide which you prefer.

Last edited by ericbsmith; 02-17-2008 at 02:05 PM.
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Old 11-25-2007, 11:53 PM   #25
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Default Re: GCA4 FAQ - GURPS Character Assistant 4 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When I add a Racial template or Meta-Trait how come I cannot modify the components of the template? Is there a way to change them anyway?

All Racial templates and Meta-Traits are locked at the request of SJGames. If you wish to disable a template trait you will need to go into the Template tab, Right Click on the template and select Show > Show Components, then select one of the components, Right Click on it and select Component > Disable.

If you wish to change the level of one of the components of a template you will first need to disable the one on the template then re-add the trait at the desired level.

Alternatively, you may Right Click on the Component and select Duplicate Selected to add a duplicate copy of the trait to the character.

Another option is to load the data file Variant - Unlock Templates.gdf at the end of your data set, in which case none of the official templates will be locked by default anymore, allowing you to add or remove components or change their levels.

Last edited by ericbsmith; 05-26-2008 at 04:09 PM.
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Old 04-10-2008, 04:21 AM   #26
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Default Re: GCA4 FAQ - GURPS Character Assistant 4 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When I start GCA, or when I try do do a specific task in GCA, the installer for another program launches. How can I fix this problem?

This appears to be less a problem with GCA than it is a problem with Windows itself. This problem has been reported with quite a few programs completely unrelated to GCA, and with several different installers - apparently Windows will occasionally erroneously cross-link some functions of one program with the installer of another program, causing the installer to start when the program is running. The cure is usually to uninstall the other program (the one who's installer is starting, not GCA), reboot the computer, then reinstall the other program (assuming you want to reinstall it).

Last edited by ericbsmith; 05-03-2010 at 05:49 PM.
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Old 04-16-2008, 02:46 AM   #27
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Default Re: GCA4 FAQ - GURPS Character Assistant 4 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why does GCA use page abbreviations when no other GURPS 4th Edition products do?
When printing out the page references on a character sheet an abbreviated page reference both looks cleaner and takes up a lot less space, so we've decided to use abbreviated page references within GCA. These references are not "official" and are not used in any other products, they are simply a convenience for the unique requirements of GCA.

Q: What are the page abbreviations used in GCA?

A1:XX     Action 1: Heroes
ATE1:XX   After The End 1: Wastelanders
B         Basic Set 4th Edition
Bio       Bio-Tech
BS        Banestorm
CR        Crusades
DF1:XX    Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventures
DF2:XX    Dungeon Fantasy 2: Dungeons
DF3:XX    Dungeon Fantasy 3: Next Level
DF4:XX    Dungeon Fantasy 4: Sages
DF5:XX    Dungeon Fantasy 5: Allies
DF6:XX    Dungeon Fantasy 6: 40 Artifacts
DF7:XX    Dungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics
DF9:XX    Dungeon Fantasy 9: Summoners
DF10:XX   Dungeon Fantasy 10: Taverns
DF12:XX   Dungeon Fantasy 12: Ninja
DF14:XX   Dungeon Fantasy 14: Psi
DF15:XX   Dungeon Fantasy 15: Henchmen
DFM1:XX   Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 1
DR        Dragons
F         Fantasy
GF        Gun Fu
HT        High-Tech
LFM       Lair of the Fat Man
PG1:XX    High-Tech: Pulp Guns 1
PG2:XX    High-Tech: Pulp Guns 2
H         Horror
IW        Infinite Worlds
LoT       Lands Out of Time
L         Lite 4th Edition
LT        Low-Tech
LT2:XX    Low-Tech Companion 2: Weapons and Warriors
LT3:XX    Low-Tech Companion 3: Daily Life and Economics
LT:IA     Low-Tech: Instant Armor
M         Magic
MA        Martial Arts
MA:FC     Martial Arts Fairbairn Close Combat Systems
MA:GL     Martial Arts Gladiators
MH1:XX    Monster Hunters 1: Champions
MH4:XX    Monster Hunters 4: Sidekicks
MHL       Monster Hunters Loadouts
MY        Mysteries
P         Powers
PU1:XX    Power-Ups 1 - Imbuements
PU2:XX    Power-Ups 2 - Perks
PU3:XX    Power-Ups 3 - Talents
PDK       Prime Directive: Klingons
PDR       Prime Directive: Romulans
PD        Prime Directive
PP        Psionic Powers
Psi       Psis
P1/YY:XX  Pyramid 1 (the original Print version), issue YY, page XX
P3/YY:XX  Pyramid 3 (the current PDF version), issue YY, page XX
S         Space
SC:AS     Supporting Cast Age of Sail Pirate Crew
SS2:XX    Spaceships 2: Traders, Liners, and Transports
SS4:XX    Spaceships 4: Fighters, Carriers, and Mecha
SU        Supers
SV        SEALS in Vietnam
T:IW      Traveller: Interstellar Wars
Th        Thaumatology
Th:UM     Thaumatology Urban Magic
TS:CT     Transhuman Space: Changing Times
TS:ST     Transhuman Space: Shell-Tech
TSP       Tales of the Solar Patrol
UT        Ultra-Tech
In addition there was an official list of page abbreviations for GURPS 3rd Edition that may be used in unofficial conversions of 3rd Edition files into 4th Edtion or in the data files for using 3rd Edition in GCA4.

Last edited by ericbsmith; 08-16-2017 at 06:33 PM.
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Old 05-26-2008, 04:18 PM   #28
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Default Re: GCA4 FAQ - GURPS Character Assistant 4 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I apply the DR of armor to my character?
Q: How do I select which skill will be used for my characters default Block or Parry?

Go to View -> Protection or click on the Shield Icon on the Toolbar. From left tab of the the Protection Window you may select, among other things, which skills (or traits) are used for the default Block and Parry options. From the right tab you may apply specific pieces of armor to the characters DR.

Note that currently the DR is "dumb" - that is, it cannot add the DR of multiple layered pieces of armor together. This is largely because of the complexity of the DR listings in the books - split DR values can mean different things; sometimes they represents the DR of specific hit locations, other times they are the DR value for specific types of damage (e.g. cut or imp). Tracking which is which has proven to be quite complex.

Last edited by ericbsmith; 08-25-2008 at 05:25 PM.
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Old 05-26-2008, 04:23 PM   #29
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Default Re: GCA4 FAQ - GURPS Character Assistant 4 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I make some equipment not count towards encumberance?
or "Why is my horse's saddle encumbering my character?"

You can make equipment load-outs from the Load-Out Manager window, which you may access from View -> Load-Out Manager or by clicking on the Box icon from the Toolbar.

An equipment load-out is a set of equipment which your character is carrying on him at a particular time. You can make multiple load-outs with different sets of equipment, including or excluding any equipment you wish.

Last edited by ericbsmith; 04-05-2009 at 10:25 PM.
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Old 08-25-2008, 05:24 PM   #30
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Default Re: GCA4 FAQ - GURPS Character Assistant 4 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Am I allowed to I Install GCA on multiple computers?

We treat GURPS Character Assistant much the same way as we do our e23 PDFs. As long as it is for personal use, you can move it around or put copies of it on any computer you like. All we don't want people doing is giving other people free copies of the program. So, if someone owns more than one computer they can put the program on every machine they own. There is no limit to the number of machines you can install it on. Since you payed for the software, and you'll be the one using it, this isn't a problem. It only becomes a problem if, for example, the purchaser installed the program on all of his friends computers.

Last edited by ericbsmith; 12-15-2011 at 09:39 PM.
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