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Old 03-23-2023, 09:03 AM   #11
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Default Re: Duplication for Speedsters

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I'm not sure if it is a good fit. For example, if duplicate A got on a plane, and duplicate B stayed at home, how is the same individual travelling back and fourth between these two points?
Yup, this would require another ability to be purchased. Phasing power set is found in GURPS Supers.

ATR! would cover that by also giving them the ability to phase through objects without the need to really write it down, though.

Creating a Speedster anywhere close to The Flash requires more than 1500 points in "speed" related abilities, which can all be covered by ATR!

One thing I realized that was not mentioned by OP, what is the budget? If you got only 500pts, then yeah it becomes more difficult to make, but if you got no limit and you are doing it for fun, then I would use 2000pts. That is the lower limit to heavy hitters like The Flash. With most of the points being in ATR! for him.
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Old 03-23-2023, 11:51 AM   #12
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Default Re: Duplication for Speedsters

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I'm not sure if it is a good fit. For example, if duplicate A got on a plane, and duplicate B stayed at home, how is the same individual traveling back and forth between these two points?
Originally Posted by Pursuivant View Post
That brings up another possible Accessibility Limitation for the power (Dupes must be within x yards of "creator") where x is the maximum distance the speedster can run in a turn divided by the number of dupes.
Originally Posted by
Must Traverse Distance: You actually travel to the destination under your own power; you just do it instantly. You cannot warp to anywhere you could not get to normally, given time. This is incompatible with Hyperjump. -30%
I think those two limitations together could cover it.
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Old 03-23-2023, 11:55 AM   #13
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Default Re: Duplication for Speedsters

Originally Posted by zoncxs View Post
Yup, this would require another ability to be purchased. Phasing power set is found in GURPS Supers.

ATR! would cover that by also giving them the ability to phase through objects without the need to really write it down, though.

Creating a Speedster anywhere close to The Flash requires more than 1500 points in "speed" related abilities, which can all be covered by ATR!

One thing I realized that was not mentioned by OP, what is the budget? If you got only 500pts, then yeah it becomes more difficult to make, but if you got no limit and you are doing it for fun, then I would use 2000pts. That is the lower limit to heavy hitters like The Flash. With most of the points being in ATR! for him.
At the present moment, it is mostly for fun. I am trying to cover all or most of the stuff speedsters have done in the comics. To have it in my hands in the next supers game. Then the options and levels chosen will depend on the budget.
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Old 03-23-2023, 01:36 PM   #14
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Default Re: Duplication for Speedsters

Originally Posted by BaHalus View Post
At the present moment, it is mostly for fun. I am trying to cover all or most of the stuff speedsters have done in the comics. To have it in my hands in the next supers game. Then the options and levels chosen will depend on the budget.
Got it, I have gone down that rabbit hole too a few years ago. Trying to create a speedster and cover everything they should be able to do and anything else that might come up is a major challenge because of what comics have made speedster out to be.

That was when, going over GURPS Supers, I found the wildcard power and what it did. Slapped it on ATR since that was the core of most speedsters and from then on, if the Character point limit was more than 500pts for a supers game, I had a speedster that could do anything you can explain away, without having a laundry list of abilities.

For reference, the one speedster I created had the following:

Code Name: Velocity
600pt super.

His power was being able to "Shift Gears". Normally he is in "Speed Gear", in combat he swaps to "Combat Gear". If things are really bad, he can force himself in what he calls "Gear Zero", allowing him to perceive the flow of time 25 times faster than normal and do anything he can accomplish with his speed. The down side to this gear is that it only lasts for 30 seconds and after that he ends up twice as slow as a normal person for 10minutes. Though, that is 30 "Normal" seconds, for him, that is 780 seconds, or 13mins, which is plenty of time for him to do anything.

"Gear Zero" (400pts)
ATR! 25 (Wildcard power, x4; Character Point Power, 1/5; Supers, -10%; Maximum Duration, 30s; -75%; Aftermath; Decreased Time Rate 1, -50%) [400]

"Speed Gear" (78)
ATR 1 (Supers, -10%) [90]
Enhanced Move 4 (Second Nature, +150%; Supers, -10%) [192]
Basic Move +24 (Supers, -10%) [108]

"Combat Gear" (68)
ATR 1 (Supers, -10%) [90]
Enhanced Move 1 (Second Nature, +150%; Supers, -10%) [48]
Basic Move +6 (Supers, -10%) [27]
Striking ST +10 (Supers, -10%) [45]
IT:DR 1/2 (Supers, -10%) [45]
Enhanced Dodge 6 (Supers, -10%) [81]
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Old 03-24-2023, 10:24 AM   #15
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Default Re: Duplication for Speedsters

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
I'm not sure if it is a good fit. For example, if duplicate A got on a plane, and duplicate B stayed at home, how is the same individual travelling back and fourth between these two points?
That's why you need to add limitations to Duplication power to avoid problems like this.

Accessibility (Duplicates can't be separated by a distance greater than the speedster can travel in 1 turn. Duplicates cannot exist in places that the speedster couldn't plausibly reach in 1 turn., etc.).

The same logic applies to "uncanny instant movement" where a character can effectively Warp, but only to locations they could reasonably reach using normal movement in 1 turn.
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Old 03-24-2023, 11:26 AM   #16
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Default Re: Duplication for Speedsters

Originally Posted by Pursuivant View Post
Accessibility (Duplicates can't be separated by a distance greater than the speedster can travel in 1 turn. Duplicates cannot exist in places that the speedster couldn't plausibly reach in 1 turn., etc.).
So what happens if duplicate A is hit with knockback such that they end up too far from duplicate B? Does duplicate B get yanked out to the proper location? What happens if duplicate A changes posture (perhaps on account of a major wound). Does duplicate B get yanked? Do yanked duplicates just disappear?

Honestly it feels like it would make more sense to make a build with ATR X (where X is really big) that has some kind of special effect that makes them appear to be in multiple positions at once.
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Old 03-24-2023, 01:16 PM   #17
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Default Re: Duplication for Speedsters

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
So what happens if duplicate A is hit with knockback such that they end up too far from duplicate B? Does duplicate B get yanked out to the proper location? What happens if duplicate A changes posture (perhaps on account of a major wound). Does duplicate B get yanked? Do yanked duplicates just disappear?

Honestly it feels like it would make more sense to make a build with ATR X (where X is really big) that has some kind of special effect that makes them appear to be in multiple positions at once.
If I'm understanding things correctly, the idea behind this type of "duplication" is that the character can move so quickly that they look as though they are in multiple locations at once, when in reality they're just only spending enough time in each location for the human eye to register their presence, then moving somewhere else, and jumping back and forth between the locations constantly (or between several locations). With that in mind, it should either be an Alternate Ability to ATR (or maybe Enhanced Move with Second Nature) or part of an ATR! Wildcard power (as previously suggested), and if you manage to shove one of the "dupes" hard enough that the others can no longer be in the same locations as before, the most likely response for the speedster would be to stop showing off by maintaining the dupes and instead switch to something more useful. If the character decides to in fact maintain the dupes, their locations will indeed need to change to stay within the required area.
GURPS Overhaul

Last edited by Varyon; 03-24-2023 at 01:20 PM.
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Old 03-24-2023, 09:32 PM   #18
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Default Re: Duplication for Speedsters

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
So what happens if duplicate A is hit with knockback such that they end up too far from duplicate B? Does duplicate B gets yanked out to the proper location? What happens if duplicate A changes posture (perhaps on account of a major wound)? Does duplicate B get yanked? Do yanked duplicates just disappear?
My idea is that in all those examples, all the other dupes would vanish and only the yanked one would remain. The enemy stopped the speedster at that point.
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duplication, powers, speedsters, supers, the flash

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