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Old 09-09-2022, 01:09 PM   #91
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Constructive (I hope) feedback: I'm still seeing missing orders and missing downloads in my account on the new site.

My orders list only includes orders from 2013 or before, with "E23-" prefixes (though not all of those orders); all of my "R"-prefixed orders from 2014 on are missing, along with their downloads.

Also, a minor nit: for my orders that do show up, the order date is often a day off from the date shown for that order on the old Warehouse 23 site. Fr'instance, the old site shows that I placed order E23-131006-218568 on 2013-10-05, but the new site shows that order with Oct 6, 2013 (one day later) as the date. Possibly a time-zone issue with the import?
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Old 09-15-2022, 11:27 PM   #92
Michael Thayne
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

I just found out about the new store and it seems a huge fraction of my digital content is missing from my downloads page. Hard to say how much. Among other things, while I own the entire GURPS Dungeon Fantasy line, only one entry from that line is visible on my downloads page.

I also notice that if I click "GURPS" and sort by "New -> Old", I don't see any of the items marked "new" in the old store, items which AFAIK are the actual newest items. Instead I see new-ish but slightly older items. Even weirder, "Old -> New" appears to sort alphabetically.
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Old 09-17-2022, 12:49 AM   #93
Archangel Beth
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by acmegamer View Post
Been a bit nervous about starting up the cross over account, are there still problems with missing downloads etc? If I do open the new account on the new store front, will I still have access to my downloads at the old location until everything is sorted out?
I've got access to everything on I'd advise setting up your matching account sooner rather than later, in order to be able to compare the imported records to the ones on warehouse23, personally.
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Old 09-17-2022, 12:53 AM   #94
Archangel Beth
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

I just noticed that the new store forces a download of a preview file. ...Having to remember to go throw away things in my download folder is very sad for me. Is there any way for it to just *display* preview files without me having to download them? (Downloading previews will be especially onerous if I want to look at something on my phone.)
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Old 09-17-2022, 10:18 AM   #95
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Archangel Beth View Post
I've got access to everything on I'd advise setting up your matching account sooner rather than later, in order to be able to compare the imported records to the ones on warehouse23, personally.
Thanks Beth for the advice. Think I'll have to do so this next weekend. I'd like to have seen an update from Phil on how this is going. Things to look out for etc, would be nice.
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Old 09-23-2022, 07:51 AM   #96
Alex Goodwin
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Already mentioned this to Re-posting here to try to make sure I'm the only poor sod who didn't get what they were expecting when I bought something.

I purchased GURPS Character Assistant thru the shopify store, expecting it (as per the description) to be GCA 5 but ended up with GCA 4 , version b4.0.423.

Judging from the copyright date on the program code, the version I got is a little out of date (2012).

Customer support jumped on this like a starving poodle setting on a pork chop. I was able to re-download the file, and got GCA 5.0.189.

Last edited by Alex Goodwin; 09-23-2022 at 09:37 AM.
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Old 09-23-2022, 11:31 AM   #97
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Alex Goodwin View Post
Already mentioned this to Re-posting here to try to make sure I'm the only poor sod who didn't get what they were expecting when I bought something.

I purchased GURPS Character Assistant thru the shopify store, expecting it (as per the description) to be GCA 5 but ended up with GCA 4 , version b4.0.423.

Judging from the copyright date on the program code, the version I got is a little out of date (2012).

Customer support jumped on this like a starving poodle setting on a pork chop. I was able to re-download the file, and got GCA 5.0.189.
I'm glad they fixed you up. However, GCA 5.0.199 is newest, having been released September 8th, so I hope that's the version they have up for folks now. (Or does it back-fill purchases to the SJGames site so you can download from there?).
Armin D. Sykes | Visit my GCA5 blog for updates and previews. | Get GURPS Character Assistant 5 now at Warehouse 23.
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Old 09-23-2022, 11:39 AM   #98
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

For myself, I had to do a password reset because it didn't let me in using the password I had saved, but I assume that's my fault. (I created the account there and looked around a bit some time back, but didn't really try to do much until today, when I went to see if I had GCA in my list so I could try to download it and see what version it was. That failed, because it's not listed for me.)

Typing anything into the Shopify store is a nightmare. Slow, unresponsive, and constantly losing characters. Even backspacing is painful. (I don't recall that being my experience with Shopify before, so maybe that's just the testing site.)

Typing in Search is super annoying, for the above reasons, and because it searches based on the failed typing I was in the middle of when it refreshes the page.

I looked at my Orders page, and ugh, that's annoying (and I only have 3 pages to wade through).

My Downloads page only has 19 items listed. Nothing from my Warehouse 23 downloads that is marked COMP is included there, but my Warehouse 23 non-COMP downloads only lists 18 items. The odd one out is "The Fantasy Trip 2019 Postcard Contest (SJG37-5581)" which I seem to recall owning, but can't find in my SJGames download page at all.

So.... I guess that's my experience.
Armin D. Sykes | Visit my GCA5 blog for updates and previews. | Get GURPS Character Assistant 5 now at Warehouse 23.
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Old 09-23-2022, 11:41 PM   #99
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

Originally Posted by Armin View Post
My Downloads page only has 19 items listed. Nothing from my Warehouse 23 downloads that is marked COMP is included there, but my Warehouse 23 non-COMP downloads only lists 18 items. The odd one out is "The Fantasy Trip 2019 Postcard Contest (SJG37-5581)" which I seem to recall owning, but can't find in my SJGames download page at all.

So.... I guess that's my experience.
Better then me. My Downloads page says "Getting your digital items . . ." and sits there, doing nothing. I've left it sitting for a couple of hours and nothing has come up.
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Old 09-25-2022, 07:11 AM   #100
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Default Re: New Shopify Store!

None of my stuff shows up on Shopify. I changed my email address in the last year, but I updated it on my original W23 account and have received items there just fine. On the Shopify account it just says I have no orders or downloads.
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