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Old 04-24-2023, 11:28 AM   #1131
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Our heroes clamber out of the ship, followed by the guards, who set up all over the sub.

ST30 means that no encumbrance requires being below 180 lbs... Halcyone is 220lbs (100 kg) , and is carrying at least 15 lbs of weaponry and I believe some nice armor as well. V's top speed will drop by 20%.

With the speed of the sub and the chasing demons and V's natural speed, getting to the half-way mark between the demons and the sub takes a mere two seconds. The four Demons in the center stop their forward movement, dropping to 125 yards behind the sub. The ones on the edges move outward towards the sides, but aren't scattering yet (they have about 7 yards of lateral movement while keeping up with the sub).

So four demons are 125 yards behind the sub, you're about 50 yards behind the sub, and to your left and right are pairs of demons 70 yards behind the sub and 77 yards to the side of it.
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Old 04-24-2023, 12:10 PM   #1132
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
ST30 means that no encumbrance requires being below 180 lbs... Halcyone is 220lbs (100 kg) , and is carrying at least 15 lbs of weaponry and I believe some nice armor as well. V's top speed will drop by 20%.
I think we have to take the tandem attack off the table then... What is the sub's current speed? This is no good if Vassarious can't keep up with the sub.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
So four demons are 125 yards behind the sub, you're about 50 yards behind the sub, and to your left and right are pairs of demons 70 yards behind the sub and 77 yards to the side of it.
Vassarious will just go solo and hose down whatever demon is closest with their spikes...

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Old 04-27-2023, 12:08 PM   #1133
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
With difficult communication and the time it take Vassarious to change shape to re-board the sub if one slips by, I think it's better to stick to what I posted and keep halycone on the hull (or doing whatever they want seperately) so they can get back on the sub quickly if we're boarded while Vassarious makes back and forth strafes and pick them off.
Vassarious will just go solo and hose down whatever demon is closest with their spikes...
That would involve chasing the ones that have stopped...

Vassarious moves farther away from the sub, seeking an engagement. The Four demons scramble away, keeping out of range and leaving only the four on the side still following the sub. Will vassarious try to stay within visual range of the sub or try to chase down those four running away from him (and the sub?) How far is too far?
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Old 04-27-2023, 01:26 PM   #1134
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post

Vassarious will return to the waters without a tether and close some of the distance to their pursuers, remaining within the approximate bubble range, take them out as expediently as possible and then head back to the sub.
Vassarious will not leave the bubble.

I think that means they remain within visual range.

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Old 04-28-2023, 09:50 AM   #1135
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

I also think it means that they can run out of range before Vassarious can close the distance. So you can keep them away, but they are still following the sub.
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Old 05-01-2023, 12:17 AM   #1136
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vassarious returns to Halcyone's side and changes their form, shifting into the diving suit/armor they had brought.

"I am going to have to make some adjustments so we can finish this together!"


Halcyone needs a proper steed, and Vassarious's thinks of the structure they used and imagines one of the arms retreating into it's body, forming a framework, and it's muscles reinforce those of the creatures swimming skirt, the effect slows the initial burst speed, but grants the creature a greater top velocity. The reshaping gives the core of the creature a saddle like shape with a bony extrusion, and a definite "forward" tentacle and facing to the creature aligned with it...

Once Vassarious will respond to any questions or comments from Halcyone before taking the form and accepting their rider.

EDIT : Updated Template in OOC and made post adjustments.

Last edited by the_matrix_walker; 05-01-2023 at 03:47 PM.
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Old 05-03-2023, 10:02 AM   #1137
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vassarious twists and ripples the various forms of their body, trying to get the right configuration, and occasionally growing a mouth to ask questions.

Halcyone stands back and advises. At long last, they have a form that seems to work, with a good spot to be towed. The number of arms had to drop, and the creature's streamlining and power has been improved.
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Old 05-03-2023, 10:22 AM   #1138
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

With Halcyone attached or mounted and the hull protected by marines, and unless Halcyone has another recommendation...

Vassarious will set off accelerating at the closest target, and will start fire at range 60 and continue to close the distance until a 5 yard range, then fire from a stationary position until the target gets back out to 30' and pursue again.

Unless another target is very close, they will pick the closest to their position on the way back to the sub, or the one closest to the sub if it looks to becoming a threat.

Rinse and repeat.
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Old 05-03-2023, 05:43 PM   #1139
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Well if I'm getting the opportunity to ride, let's do it!

[649] 23-05-03 23:39:44 BST
Riding (Vassarious)
3d6 <= 14
1 + 5 + 6 = 12 ... success
From atop Vassarious I blaze away at the demons, clinging to the V's body with my lower arms.
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Old 05-08-2023, 10:40 AM   #1140
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (IC)

Vassarious and Halcyone speed towards the demons, starting with the center. They spread out again, but the increased speed takes them by surprise. Two of them are rapidly dispatched, one on the upper center right, and the other on the upper far right. The demons move away at full speed, and some of them even start changing form, trying to move even as they change form. One is shot down as its stuck changing form rather than moving. Another doesn't change and gets destroyed. The remaining four are new forms, built for speed rather than combat. Three of them are Sail/Swordfish, with a massive sword bill that remains dangerous. These are quite large. The last turns into a jet black super thin eel.

Both of you notice one of the sword-fish demons isn't trying to keep up with the sub, but is moving quickly away from it. (really nice PER rolls!)
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