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Old 12-01-2021, 05:35 PM   #851
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
ok, that's clever... it wouldn't work for an ordinary Karana user... but Peter isn't ordinary when it comes to magic. The distance makes it tricky... but with a roll of 9, he makes it!

He feels the smoke fighting about what the form should be... but is easily able to disconnect the creature from the frog. Will he let the demon form like it wants?
Oh, let's see what it does... Peter will start by trying to make his big Insector, but if the smoke fights him, he'll let it take its desired form... Once the commotion starts, Peter will give Anil a tug to get him to follow if he wants as he breaks for cover and draws a pistol.
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Old 12-02-2021, 11:13 AM   #852
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter is correct that the demon will immediately get into a fight with the other demons: It is summoned with a Deep Brown skin and massive horns on its head. The existing demons (one before hand and one just summoned at the same time) immediately jump on it.

Mr. Pundell shouts, and his men are momentarily distracted.

Anil goes with Peter, and the two of them run for the edge of the circle.

Anil has no weapons, but Peter has managed to keep his.

They are spotted, of course, but no one had their weapon trained on them.

Colonel Holland shouts "Attack!", and some of the men jump forward for the guns of Mr. Pundell's men. Colonel Holland rushes Mr. Pundell, who is holding the frog and looking to direct his men as another demon forms in the smoke.
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Old 12-02-2021, 05:29 PM   #853
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Knowing he's the better shot, Peter hands the gun to Anil.

"Stay" He shouts to Goliath, ordering him to stay out of the clearing with Anil as he turns around and charges at Mr. Pundell, hoping that while engaged in the struggle with Col. Halland is distraction enough to give peter a chance to wrest the frog from Pundell's grip!
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Old 12-03-2021, 08:30 AM   #854
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter makes his way through the melee. A few shots ring out. Peter isn't sure if they were aimed at him or at someone else, or even if they're aimed at all.

Before Peter can make it to Mr. Pundell, Colonel Holland goes down, presumably shot. Mr. Pundell looks at the fight going against his men, who are badly outnumbered and weren't able to leverage having their weapons ready... and who don't really seem to have their heart in it. Peter's Demon is still tying up two of Mr. Pundell's. A third demon has formed, but that doesn't seem to comfort Mr. Pundell.

He turns and runs towards the forest.
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Old 12-05-2021, 09:32 AM   #855
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

If Peter thinks he can make it up to Mr. Pundell, he will try to do a diving grab for the man's legs and try and bring him to the ground. (I think that would be a leg grapple.)

((It's up to you, but I suspect that Goliath would likely not obey the stay command if Peter is grappling with someone, and would be prone to trying to help.))

If he does not think he can get to the man, he will head closer to the circle and make another Karana, but his time, he will try and maintain control and make an 'Insector' hoping to maintain control.

If one of the existing Karana is destroyed, he will try and recapture that smoke instead of that of the firepit, as when he has done so previously, the Karana seemed to be stronger from the second-hand circle smoke from that of a normal fire, but not leave him fighting for control.
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Old 12-06-2021, 12:55 PM   #856
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter runs into the forest after Mr. Pundell... the man is about as fast as he is, but Peter's probably better at jungle craft... He hears Goliath bark as he heads into the trees (call for your dog if you want his strength or nose)
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Old 12-06-2021, 05:39 PM   #857
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will not pursue the man into the treeline. Tripping him in view of the others who can lend a hand is one thing, trying to face him 1 on 1 in the jungle is quite another and Peter would have to be far more desperate than he is to invite Goliath into such a dangerous encounter.

Peter turns for the firepit instead and concentrates on scattering the smoke to prevent more free-range Karana from forming as he approaches to snuff out the flame.

"Mr. Pundell has fled," Peter says to his followers, "Surrender now, and perhaps you can earn forgiveness!"
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Old 12-07-2021, 10:58 AM   #858
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Mr. Pundell escapes into the brush.

The smoke is powerful, and it tries to form demons... but Peter can sense they are no longer being influenced by the Jade Frog... these ones will be "wild" and brutish.

He can slow them but not stop them.

Mr. Pundell's supporters are outnumbered and subdued, and Peter is joined by many others who stomp out and smother the blaze. Avinash waves a gun barrel in the smoke as it twists, and that prevents anything from forming.

About a quarter of the men are under arrest for turning on their fellows. Three men have been shot, one of which is Colonel Holland. Holland is alive, at least for now, but loosing a lot of blood.

Anil and Mr. Stanway are beginning to give orders, and take stock of the situation.
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Old 12-07-2021, 05:52 PM   #859
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will rush over to Col Holland and attempt to give him first aid.
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Old 12-08-2021, 12:38 PM   #860
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter will rush over to Col Holland and attempt to give him first aid.

OCC: rolled an 11 vs skill 12, healed 4 points of damage ... which is not enough to go positive ... but it will stop the bleeding.

Peter tries to stop the bleeding, and is mostly successful. The man seems like he will live... as long as the wound doesn't get infected, reopen and start bleeding, and assuming the man gets plenty of rest, food, and water. He'll be out of action for a few weeks though. Colonel Holland mumbles something about a boy and a traitor.

Anil comes up to Peter, rather agitated: "He got away with the frog! We should track him down before he gets to far! The circle is useless without the talisman! Can your Dog track!?"
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