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Old 04-22-2024, 10:34 PM   #1831
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Can Peter understand the language and make out what the voices are saying?

He will encourage his new friends to take it easy and hold back while he investigates, just in case the newcomers react poorly.

He summons Goliath to his side as he moves toward the voices.

How long has it been since Peter expended his ER?
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Old 04-23-2024, 10:50 AM   #1832
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Can Peter understand the language and make out what the voices are saying?
Rolling versus hearing... wow Peter has high Per.

Peter can hear a word or two. Its in some very thick accent of english. He hears "beach" and "wood" and "persons".

He will encourage his new friends to take it easy and hold back while he investigates, just in case the newcomers react poorly.
Kiju: "This is a Jokuti*. But we are the leviathan. We should hide."
*literal meaning is "whalefall", but the context has something of a gold rush, or even a struggle over a carcass.

He summons Goliath to his side as he moves toward the voices.
He sees two men coming towards the beach. One is old, the other in the prime of his life. They wear loose fitting shirts, pants, and cloaks, hand-sewn (and hand woven), colored Green and Black, with a somewhat fancy hem of thicker thread. They don't match, but something about the cut and colors suggests the same person made all the clothes. They both have dark hair about five inches long and skin tanned from hours in the sun.

Older Man: "Ho! What brings ye nigh our shores!"
The accent is thick, and the vocabulary archaic... but Peter thinks he can make it out.

How long has it been since Peter expended his ER?
Five minutes, about.
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Old 04-23-2024, 09:51 PM   #1833
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Older Man: "Ho! What brings ye nigh our shores!"
The accent is thick, and the vocabulary archaic... but Peter thinks he can make it out.
"Hello there! I'm Peter, and this is Goliath."

Peter gives Goliath the speak-nice gesture and the great dog lets out a mid volume puff a bark, in a clearly non-aggressive way.

More to himself than to the newcomers, Peter says... "I can't believe I'm going to say this;
But he speaks up as he continues...

"I was caught in a storm and woke up on the beach here. And I'm not the only one. I saw a bunch of stuff washed up down the way and I think there are some people who might have gone inland from there."

"And I met some REALLY INTERESTING people. Have you guys ever met the Vutu? They are from someplace called the ethereal realm. They are super shy, but that's no surprise, if this place is as alien to them as they look to me, I bet they're terrified."

"What do you call this place?"
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Old 04-24-2024, 09:39 AM   #1834
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"This be Harcliff, near Minder in Cardiel. I be Asad, and this here be my son Hasan. Where hail ye from? From Earth? We not been seeing the others yet."

"I never yet be hearing of the Vutu. The Banestorm calls many worlds."

"Be any others with ye? These be our shores, it be proper of us to show a little hospitality."
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Old 04-24-2024, 09:53 AM   #1835
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"I'm pleased to meet you. I appreciate the hospitality. The Vutu I spoke of are nearby in hiding... I'd like to introduce you if you are the kind of folks who can welcome people who are very different from you."

"Banestorm? That fits."

Peter tries to get a feel for the men. If they seem friendly enough he will ask the men to stay here while he brings the Vutu out to make introductions. They are armed and he doesn't want to lead the men into trouble if the Vutu misunderstand their collective approach.

He will try and make the introductions. When energy allows, he will try and give Javuchi the local version of English.
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Old 04-24-2024, 10:46 AM   #1836
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
"I'm pleased to meet you. I appreciate the hospitality. The Vutu I spoke of are nearby in hiding... I'd like to introduce you if you are the kind of folks who can welcome people who are very different from you."

"Banestorm? That fits."
"If ye be from Earth, like I queried, Then we be far more accustomed to strange folk than ye. Have ye ever beheld a goblin?"

"This here be not the first time strange persons have washed in upon our shores. There be coming magistrates to see ye and settle ye upon new land, and teach ye to till the earth. But they be not arriving until evening, I reckon."

Peter tries to get a feel for the men. If they seem friendly enough he will ask the men to stay here while he brings the Vutu out to make introductions. They are armed and he doesn't want to lead the men into trouble if the Vutu misunderstand their collective approach.
They don't seem surprised that strange people washed up on their beach. They don't seem to be looking for people though: they seem far more interested in stuff. They're friendly enough though.

He will try and make the introductions. When energy allows, he will try and give Javuchi the local version of English.
That's either in an hour and a half or as soon as he can find something sweet-smelling to burn.
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Old 04-24-2024, 11:08 AM   #1837
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

"If ye be from Earth, like I queried, Then we be far more accustomed to strange folk than ye. Have ye ever beheld a goblin?"
Peter's eyes widen...
"Have I beheld a goblin? No, sir I have not! I am from indeed from Earth. So you know about Earth and other worlds! Good deal!"

"So do goblins and humans live together, or do they do their own thing?"

"This here be not the first time strange persons have washed in upon our shores. There be coming magistrates to see ye and settle ye upon new land, and teach ye to till the earth. But they be not arriving until evening, I reckon."
"I know a little something about farming, well gardening anyway.. but I'm more of a wanderer. I doubt I'll stay long enough to watch anything grow."
They don't seem surprised that strange people washed up on their beach. They don't seem to be looking for people though: they seem far more interested in stuff. They're friendly enough though.
"So this bane storm is a regular thing?"
That's either in an hour and a half or as soon as he can find something sweet-smelling to burn.
Peter will keep an eye out for possible "Spell Components"

"Wait here and I'll see if they will come meet you, then we can all go look for more survivors and the stuff that washed up on the beach"

Peter will go back to his fellow castaways and escort them back to make introductions.
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Old 04-25-2024, 11:14 AM   #1838
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter's eyes widen...
"Have I beheld a goblin? No, sir I have not! I am from indeed from Earth. So you know about Earth and other worlds! Good deal!"
"My ancestors hailed from Syria and England, many centuries ago, and castaways like yourself have kept the memory alive."

"So do goblins and humans live together, or do they do their own thing?"
"Little of each, I reckon. A few goblin lads find employment in our village, though they live a few miles from us. Some villages be housing both, some be housing only humans"

"I know a little something about farming, well gardening anyway.. but I'm more of a wanderer. I doubt I'll stay long enough to watch anything grow."
"Steel yourself lad, the banestorm be not gentle. Ye be staying here for life.*"

"So this bane storm is a regular thing?"
"No more than any storm: It comes and goes as it pleases. Of late it be haunting our coasts. In my father's day, he said I may be lucky to see it once for myself. I be seeing it four times this year alone. Perhaps it be but a single storm. but It be coming and going as it will."

Peter will keep an eye out for possible "Spell Components"


"Wait here and I'll see if they will come meet you, then we can all go look for more survivors and the stuff that washed up on the beach"

Peter will go back to his fellow castaways and escort them back to make introductions.
The two men come at least far enough to look over the beach for stuff while Peter tries to coax the Vutu out of hiding.

Javuchi : "Have they sworn an oath of peace to you? Trusting a lone boy is easy. Two grown men are more difficult to trust."

Kiju glances nervously at the dog.

*I'd do my best to psych you out about the quantum Sargasso... but you've read Teresa's story already.
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Old 04-25-2024, 01:46 PM   #1839
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

He will also ask the men if they know of any nearby plants with a cinnamon or other pungent smell.

The two men come at least far enough to look over the beach for stuff while Peter tries to coax the Vutu out of hiding.
Peter directs them to the stuff he found washed up before, and says he will try and bring the newcomers out to meet them if they will come.

Javuchi : "Have they sworn an oath of peace to you? Trusting a lone boy is easy. Two grown men are more difficult to trust."
Peter explains it's not theses guys first banestorm and he thinks they are trustworthy enough, and that if they seemed to be trouble they would have Peter and Goliath on their side.

Kiju glances nervously at the dog.
Peter get's Goliath to heel and do his cute routine... and tries to help them acclimate to each other.

*I'd do my best to psych you out about the quantum Sargasso... but you've read Teresa's story already.
Peter's overconfidence would likely protect him somewhat...

So he will try and unite the groups if they will have it. otherwise he will tell his new friends he will return and check on them, and send any of their kind he finds back their way while he searches for more pods and the conveyor.
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Old 04-26-2024, 10:54 AM   #1840
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
He will also ask the men if they know of any nearby plants with a cinnamon or other pungent smell.
Asad says "Ye may find Trelsom Hillhock to be of use. We passed by a stand of the herb perhaps three furlongs* back, over yon hill"

*I assume Peter doesn't know furlongs. If he asks about them, he'll be told 8 of them make a mile.

Peter directs them to the stuff he found washed up before, and says he will try and bring the newcomers out to meet them if they will come.
They start sorting through the wreckage.

Peter explains it's not theses guys first banestorm and he thinks they are trustworthy enough, and that if they seemed to be trouble they would have Peter and Goliath on their side.
Jachuvi: "You'll say close to us then?"
They require a bunch of urging, but eventually Kiju observes the men aren't in a hurry to leave, and they need to find the other pods.

Peter get's Goliath to heel and do his cute routine... and tries to help them acclimate to each other.
We'll see how that turns out over time--

The Vutu come out of hiding, and want Peter to go with them around the tide pools looking for other pods. They give Asad and Hasan a wide berth. Despite the fact that the Vutu are armed and armored and the humans seem to just have sticks.

Hasan waves at them and smiles broadly.

Peter's overconfidence would likely protect him somewhat...
True enough.

So he will try and unite the groups if they will have it. otherwise he will tell his new friends he will return and check on them, and send any of their kind he finds back their way while he searches for more pods and the conveyor.
We'll run this after the above is processed and reacted to.
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