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Old 06-30-2023, 09:58 AM   #1501
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter is a bit surprised not to be taken onto some kind of custody, either as a witness or to go along with an investigation... but maybe the investigators are going to reach out when the beat cops were done taking his statements but Peter voices his concerns that if they do not act fast then they may be to too late, as they may be working to cover up their transgressions.
Officer Powell: "We have other officers working on that."

He will accept the help of setting a place to stay and whatever resources are offered for meeting his (and Goliath's) needs. As they seem to be so free to assist him, he points out that he has no possessions other than the clothes on his back. Peter is insistent regarding his need for a place to stay that will allow him to keep Goliath with him, of course.
The woman ("Mrs. Pruitt") is able to get some clothing for him: a seemling used but clean "programable shirt and pants". They have some sort of color changing ability build into them, and are currently two shades of green. Mrs. Pruitt doesn't think he'll be able to stay in this "Can" long-term, but can put him up in this office for a few days (two nights, she thinks) while they find someplace for him in a "more residential habitat"... a different giant can.

It strikes him as odd that there is not an uproar when they don't find him in their systems, as he would expect they would have a pretty good idea of the census in a spinning can in space.
He did warn them... but they do seem to be taking it unusually in stride.

He is also noting the demeanor of the cops, and pays keen attention to people and the feel he gets for their emotional state, wondering if they are drugged or conditioned or what, and if it extends beyond these police. Did he notice any strange behavior with the mall workers?
rolled... a 9.

The police are bored. They're going through the motions. They don't think this investigation is going to turn anything up. They don't seem drugged, but maybe their burnt out? at least on this sort of stuff in some way?

The customers/general populace is generally excited, hurriedly going from one place to another. The workers manning the place seem to be mostly bored... nothing unusual.
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Old 06-30-2023, 01:24 PM   #1502
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Officer Powell: "We have other officers working on that."
Peter asks if there is a case number, if he can get the name of the officers working on the case, etc. Whatever he needs to continue the investigation.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The woman ("Mrs. Pruitt") is able to get some clothing for him: a seemling used but clean "programable shirt and pants". They have some sort of color changing ability build into them, and are currently two shades of green.
Peter puts his best foot forward and is very polite and does his best to charm Mrs. Pruitt.

When he gets around to examining the clothing options, he sees if it has some stored patterns and finds something he likes.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Mrs. Pruitt doesn't think he'll be able to stay in this "Can" long-term, but can put him up in this office for a few days (two nights, she thinks) while they find someplace for him in a "more residential habitat"... a different giant can.
Peter explains that he is here on a mission, so he wants to stay in this habitat. Is there a way he can do that? What if he found gainful employment?

If left to his own devices and able to roam freely, can I presume he has a mobile device of some kind and a way to exchange money, or is that something he'll need to figure out?
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Old 07-03-2023, 10:10 AM   #1503
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter asks if there is a case number, if he can get the name of the officers working on the case, etc. Whatever he needs to continue the investigation.
Only an identifier for the case: ROXTYNMI. The names of officer's working on it are concealed from the public... though you can ask for these two, of course.

Peter puts his best foot forward and is very polite and does his best to charm Mrs. Pruitt.
She's happy to have him, and reasonably impressed.

When he gets around to examining the clothing options, he sees if it has some stored patterns and finds something he likes.
It has a lot of defaults, and a way to get more... The styles seem to be simple patterns, but more complex ones or text designs are very much available.

Peter explains that he is here on a mission, so he wants to stay in this habitat. Is there a way he can do that? What if he found gainful employment?
Mrs. Pruitt: "What mission? A boy your age shouldn't be on any missions!"

Mrs. Pruitt: "If you really want to stay... If you can get a job that pays enough for you to live here in the two days before you go, you can stay."

If left to his own devices and able to roam freely, can I presume he has a mobile device of some kind and a way to exchange money, or is that something he'll need to figure out?
He's able to roam freely, and she gives him a "Cheap Phone" so "You can call me." Its capabilities seem to be well beyond phones back home
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Old 07-03-2023, 03:08 PM   #1504
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Only an identifier for the case: ROXTYNMI. The names of officer's working on it are concealed from the public... though you can ask for these two, of course.
Peter will attempt to reach out for updates and offer his assistance on the case, and try to get the officer who is assigned to identify themselves if he is able, and takes the information of the cops he's met so far.

He will ask about if he can work on the investigation officially, or if they can keep him here since he is a witness.

He'd love to go poke around himself or just ask questions, but he voices his concern that they will 'disappear' him if he goes in alone.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
She's happy to have him, and reasonably impressed.
While staying there, Peter will follow his nature and do his best to be helpful if opportunities present themselves.
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Mrs. Pruitt: "What mission? A boy your age shouldn't be on any missions!"
"The truth is, things are only how they should be when someone makes it that way.

When the universe puts you in a place where you can do something, or not, to help someone who is in trouble, you're the one who decides how things 'Should Be'. Making the right choice is the mission."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Mrs. Pruitt: "If you really want to stay... If you can get a job that pays enough for you to live here in the two days before you go, you can stay."
"That shouldn't be too hard... If I get a job in the mall over there, is that enough to support myself, or have the workers not had the revolution yet?"
Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He's able to roam freely, and she gives him a "Cheap Phone" so "You can call me." Its capabilities seem to be well beyond phones back home
When Peter is unable to further the investigation with the police, if they have not provided him with another option, he will go try and get himself employment.

Peter gets a notion to leverage his unique talents... He heads for the casinos and entertainment area. He finds out if they have magic or animal shows who perform for the patrons.

Doing some internet and word of mouth investigating, Peter will try and identify a good candidate to approach and confide in. Someone who was a big name formerly but who's act had gotten a bit old and lost their top spot would be ideal. Peter will use his empathy to stay clear of the worst elements and try to find a potential partner he can trust, who already knows the lay of the land.

The rough plan is to make a bet or deal that if Peter can show them something they can't distinguish from REAL MAGIC, they will make him their partner, and he will use his talents for their act, but they must respect his "magician's secrets" and help him pass off the performance as illusion or whatever.

If Peter finds a mark who agrees to his terms (A tall order... Serendipity perhaps?), he will demonstrate his amazing ability to manipulate smoke (he can use fire, but they can use a smoke machine for the act, to produce solid animals that obey his every whim, and demonstrate that he can see through their eyes before they burst into a puff of smoke and vanish.
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Old 07-05-2023, 10:11 AM   #1505
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter will attempt to reach out for updates and offer his assistance on the case, and try to get the officer who is assigned to identify themselves if he is able, and takes the information of the cops he's met so far.

He will ask about if he can work on the investigation officially, or if they can keep him here since he is a witness.
Officer Powell: "We've got your statement. Let us know when you change locations. Nothing has turned up yet. In fact, we've revealed inconsistencies between your story and the evidence. Would you like to revise your statement?"

He'd love to go poke around himself or just ask questions, but he voices his concern that they will 'disappear' him if he goes in alone.
Officer Powell: "That's trespassing, and if you get caught and reported to us, its a big deal. Especially as you've accused them of a crime, as it would also be harassment."

While staying there, Peter will follow his nature and do his best to be helpful if opportunities present themselves.
Of course.
"The truth is, things are only how they should be when someone makes it that way.

When the universe puts you in a place where you can do something, or not, to help someone who is in trouble, you're the one who decides how things 'Should Be'. Making the right choice is the mission."
"Well its my job to make sure teenage boys have a roof over their head and can prepare for their future properly. I'm the one telling you to stay home and be a boy. You can save the universe later. In fact, being a studious boy now will help you save more of the universe. What cause are you all worried about anyways?"

"That shouldn't be too hard... If I get a job in the mall over there, is that enough to support myself, or have the workers not had the revolution yet?"
Mrs. Pruitt: "Its enough, if you're willing to live in a tiny place. It would be your own place though."
When Peter is unable to further the investigation with the police, if they have not provided him with another option, he will go try and get himself employment.

Peter gets a notion to leverage his unique talents... He heads for the casinos and entertainment area. He finds out if they have magic or animal shows who perform for the patrons.

Doing some internet and word of mouth investigating, Peter will try and identify a good candidate to approach and confide in. Someone who was a big name formerly but who's act had gotten a bit old and lost their top spot would be ideal. Peter will use his empathy to stay clear of the worst elements and try to find a potential partner he can trust, who already knows the lay of the land.

The rough plan is to make a bet or deal that if Peter can show them something they can't distinguish from REAL MAGIC, they will make him their partner, and he will use his talents for their act, but they must respect his "magician's secrets" and help him pass off the performance as illusion or whatever.

If Peter finds a mark who agrees to his terms (A tall order... Serendipity perhaps?), he will demonstrate his amazing ability to manipulate smoke (he can use fire, but they can use a smoke machine for the act, to produce solid animals that obey his every whim, and demonstrate that he can see through their eyes before they burst into a puff of smoke and vanish.
Some quick research reveals that he's at least in the right city: most places don't have a number of magic shows, but it looks like a miniature Los Vegas is built on the end of the dinosaur habitat... so there are at least people to talk to.

He finds a guy, whose public name is "Risinki". The man has a flair for the dramatic, and dresses in a somewhat outrageous style. Peter makes it to the place where the man runs his show, but doesn't have the money to get in (he does have a bus card for this place though). The entrance is inside a Casino, and its automated.
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Old 07-06-2023, 05:45 AM   #1506
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will go in and talk to the investigator and if the discrepancy can't be explained, he will tell them the whole world hopping truth. Saving the girl is mor important.
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Old 07-06-2023, 08:14 AM   #1507
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter will go in and talk to the investigator and if the discrepancy can't be explained, he will tell them the whole world hopping truth. Saving the girl is more important.
Officer Powell: "We've talked to Nancy. She says the story about them pretending you are an auditor isn't true. What did they really tell you?"
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Old 07-06-2023, 05:17 PM   #1508
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Officer Powell: "We've talked to Nancy. She says the story about them pretending you are an auditor isn't true. What did they really tell you?"
"So they musta got to her... What did she say she told me?"

Peter considers the situation... These are powerful players, and this is not a new game for them.

Peter tells himself that he must learn to take smaller bites.

"What's the traffic like on and off this habitat? If the girl was here this morning, could she have been shipped out already, or would she definitely still be here? Can we check the street surveillance by that exit? What else can I do?"
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Old 07-07-2023, 09:32 AM   #1509
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

[QUOTE=the_matrix_walker;2494935]"So they musta got to her... What did she say she told me?"
"We will not be telling you details, that's confidential to the investigation. She says she politely sent you out of the building and even gave you free clothing because you were naked. They didn't press charges, which, considering how you are treating them, is quite generous."

"What's the traffic like on and off this habitat? If the girl was here this morning, could she have been shipped out already, or would she definitely still be here? Can we check the street surveillance by that exit? What else can I do?"
"Stop. You're obviously part of the group who thinks this can is the center of a human trafficking ring. They're not. We've checked them again and again, and what you're doing is harassment. Leave them alone and go home before we have to arrest you and charge you with something serious. You're young. Don't ruin your life."

Peter can look up the traffic on and off the station... its pretty frequent, but the loading of goods can take a while. She's probably still in her box.
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Old 07-07-2023, 10:13 AM   #1510
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"We will not be telling you details, that's confidential to the investigation. She says she politely sent you out of the building and even gave you free clothing because you were naked. They didn't press charges, which, considering how you are treating them, is quite generous."
"I see. So it's their word against mine. Gotcha."

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
"Stop. You're obviously part of the group who thinks this can is the center of a human trafficking ring. They're not. We've checked them again and again, and what you're doing is harassment. Leave them alone and go home before we have to arrest you and charge you with something serious. You're young. Don't ruin your life."
"I won't bother you again without hard evidence. I understand."

Peter thinks, 'If you want something done right...' and something occurs to him...

"Careful with all those assumptions! If I'm remembering the year right, I'm 308 years old, buddy."

And with that, Peter ends the call.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Peter can look up the traffic on and off the station... its pretty frequent, but the loading of goods can take a while. She's probably still in her box.
Peter will grab a source of generating smoke if he is able to do so quickly... with a quick search perhaps he can locate a toy smoke machine he can grab on the way or a simple book of matches or lighter and something to burn if not... an incense stick would likely be ideal.

He heads for what his investigation reveals to be the most likely cargo check point or other bottle neck where he might intercept the container.

Peter will position himself where he can somewhat stay out of sight and send small karana-bugs out as scouts to search for the girl's container.

If he is able to find her, he can create more substantial creations to reveal her location by causing a commotion that demands attention or simply opening her box if that's an option.
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