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Old 06-08-2023, 10:21 AM   #1471
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Will he go strait down the hall or zig zag through the facility?

Will he run or move in a way that doesn't attract attention?

Will he grab anything beyond clothing before going? (he's offered a 'temp customer phone', and could easily ask for something else as well)
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Old 06-08-2023, 11:05 AM   #1472
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will accept the phone.

"...and I would not say no to a sandwich."

If left unattended, he does not wait for her return and heads with purpose down the hall towards his best guess to the "street exit". He acts as if he belongs where he is, unless it seems easy to slip by someone undetected while remaining to appear somewhat casual to any security cameras that may be around.

He checks the phone to see if there is a maps app or something to help him get his bearings. If he can't find anything else useful he will see if there is a browser and search for news.
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Old 06-09-2023, 09:47 AM   #1473
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

His ploy works: she goes to grab him some food and he takes off down the hall with purpose.

Peter is not good with computers*, but this seems to be information the phone wants to volunteer. The facility itself is a public passage through a giant block of "Maintenance Facilities and Labs". Outside of that area will be a shopping area that seems to specialize in food, clothes, and sporting gear where he can get public transportation, and several areas are marked, including space-docs, hotels, golf courses, marathon tracks, A cassino, shooting ranges, restaurants, vehicle rental, and a hospital.

As he reaches the door at the end of the hall, he thinks he notices someone halfway down the hall moving towards him with the same determined walk.

*He rolled well off of his computer operation default
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Old 06-09-2023, 10:15 AM   #1474
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

If there is a way to duck out of sight and remain unnoticed long enough for this person to pass, Peter will quickly secret himself until he is clear and head out toward the shopping and public transportation areas.

If there is no getting out of sight or finding another path out, Peter will walk confidently by while flashing his disarming smile.

(Oh how I love that perk!)

Once amongst the public, Peter will stash the phone somewhere he can retrieve it, so that if no one disturbs it he can get it later, but they won't find him if they come looking now. Then he heads to the shops to people-watch and get an idea how they function here.
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Old 06-12-2023, 10:25 AM   #1475
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter can get immediately clear: he notices the person when he is by the exit.

Peter makes it out into the shopping center. Its crowded enough, with people walking around on foot, and a small tram helping people move around. The ceiling is over 100 feet up. The place has something of a "Masculine" flavor, selling rugged clothing, guns, tents, and giant slabs of meat. It also feels like its designed to soak up as much money as possible. People are going into various shops... strangely, the entrance he is using is somewhat concealed, and people aren't constantly looking at it.

The "money" used can either be a phone, or it can be in device on the wrist, sort of like a watch. The shoppers move around in groups of two to four, and are mostly adult males.

Peter stashes his phone under a trash can.
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Old 06-12-2023, 07:11 PM   #1476
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

He will look for a computer or device in a store that is on the floor as a demo, that he might be able to use to browse the web and find out more about this place. He searches for news and current events, as well as looking for maps of the area... or schematics. He will look up information on the habitats. Maybe he can come up with a better cover story for this world.

Ideally he finds a way to do this research in view of where he stashed the phone, but if not he will return later and see if the hiding spot has been disturbed.
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Old 06-13-2023, 10:30 AM   #1477
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

He's able to find a demo device... a phone.

The headlines:

  • A space junk collision killed 13 people on Elysium-12
  • Contaminants in canned foods from Grand Zenith have caused illness and a massive recall is underway
  • Ethan Drake and Ava Lawson have filed for divorce
  • 46 people dead in ongoing violence in High Springville
  • Large Protests over Prolonged Movement Restrictions to restrict epidemics across the solar system.
Looking for information on Habitats, he finds most of them are around five miles in diameter and between that long and 10 miles long. Most of them have multiple layers. This one is called "Creatceous-7", and its dedicated to tourism: most of the habitat is set aside for dinosaurs.

He's keeping an eye on his phone, and has done very little research before the man who was coming towards him down the hall stops at the can, and searches for a few seconds before pulling up the trash can and picking up the phone.
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Old 06-13-2023, 01:00 PM   #1478
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Peter will be watchful for any other searches and the demeanor of the man picking up the phone... is he continuing to look around, or just leaving once the phone is retrieved?

Do they seem to have prepaid credit cards or any other form of currency transfer that does not include identification of the shopper?

On the demo device, Peter will do some searches for the layout of this station and sees if he can determine where he met the cat girl and where she was decanted. (I know, probably about 100 yards form the place I just left.)

He wishes to help her, but he thinks 'She did seem happy about getting boxed up and shipped out... maybe she doesn't need help, but if that's the case, why am I dreaming about her and coming back here?'

He will also do some research about the rights of these bioengineered people and creatures. Can they ask for freedom? Does it happen? Are there activists?

Do they seem to have prepaid credit cards or any other form of currency transfer that does not include identification of the shopper? Is there a charge for the public transport?
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Old 06-14-2023, 10:22 AM   #1479
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Peter will be watchful for any other searches and the demeanor of the man picking up the phone... is he continuing to look around, or just leaving once the phone is retrieved?
He's continuing to look around, but is much less assured now. He seems a little angry and disappointed.

Do they seem to have prepaid credit cards or any other form of currency transfer that does not include identification of the shopper?
Not that he can tell from merely people watching... do you have a scheme to find this out?

On the demo device, Peter will do some searches for the layout of this station and sees if he can determine where he met the cat girl and where she was decanted. (I know, probably about 100 yards form the place I just left.)
He rolled a 6... nice. He still doesn't have any relevant skills beyond defaults... but that's enough.

Peter finds a diagram where different sections of the staff area are labeled... including three "Quick Grow" sections. They are about a half mile wide each. One of them is open to the public. another is half a mile down from you, and the last is 4 miles to the east (apparently spin direction gives habitats an "east")

He will also do some research about the rights of these bioengineered people and creatures. Can they ask for freedom? Does it happen? Are there activists?
Bioengineered people are very illegal and will result in jail time and a fine that looks enormous. 6 million of whatever that bill they use to buy a restaurant meal with.

Is there a charge for the public transport?
It doesn't seem so.
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Old 06-14-2023, 11:11 PM   #1480
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Default Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
He's continuing to look around, but is much less assured now. He seems a little angry and disappointed.
Does he get a good look at the guy at any point? (Just making sure if this is Slick or someone he's met before or not.)

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Not that he can tell from merely people watching... do you have a scheme to find this out?
Most stores these days have displays for such things near the registers, so he looks there and he will do a search for "gift cards" on the web.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post

Peter finds a diagram where different sections of the staff area are labeled... including three "Quick Grow" sections. They are about a half mile wide each. One of them is open to the public. another is half a mile down from you, and the last is 4 miles to the east (apparently spin direction gives habitats an "east")
Peter considers the facility he was in, thinks of how it was positioned to the gate he opened and abandoned and the presence of the garage, and sees if he can identify which quick grow facility he was in.

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post

Bioengineered people are very illegal and will result in jail time and a fine that looks enormous. 6 million of whatever that bill they use to buy a restaurant meal with.
Does Peter learn this before the man comes looking for him and the loaner phone he had stashed?
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